Half built greenhouse 2.0, the season must grow on by @azseaindooin420

I’ll have to look. I give allot away.

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Save a bud for when I visit, please! :pray:

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Ya and this was about 2 years ago, guess just hoping u still got some on hand u can check out if u like what u see with what’s in my garden, def purple leaf stems even as a teen!

Oh absolutely will share when u come visit
Def planning on making sure @Rhai88 and @DefNSmokn get some sample buds off their projects I’m growing out too since they are local to me

We’re all connesoirs around here and what better way to be a tester that I can let someone hold smell and smoke their work, as long as I ain’t gotta mail it then im all for it!



Looks like my biggest threat the next 5 days, how do u protect ur plants from hurricane weather?

Gonna be hovering out there watching to protect branches from breakin


You could tie rope/cord around each one of them to keep the branches from swaying around too much, but make sure to stake them also as that will create more surface area trying to push the plant over.
Down here most shut down during this season for this reason, and heat.
Edit. But it’s 100 all year so mostly for hurricanes.

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It is a nice green house.

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Garden is trashed, storm is destroying it all

Oh no…that’s horrible man…

Damn that’s not the news we wanted to get. Sorry for you losses.

Oh shit. That’s horrible news bud.
I hope you can save them!

Support beams fell down and took out several branches each of peach trees, faygo cola and grape Skittles, abc completely bent over from wind and water weight and the tall sativa bent over hanging on a wall, went out with some wire, wooden stakes and even just ripped off a completely done branch of peach trees and tried to mend what I could on the damaged plants, 5 days of this shit with sunday being the most violent and I’m not having very high hopes with this one, really hoping it doesn’t end up a total loss

At least I got some good “before” pics today


Well, you better get off here and get back out there and get to work homie. I can just see you frantically trying to tie shit up/together amidst hurricane force winds. Wish I could help ya bro!


Storm has died down for the night and was able to patch what I could but this is only the beginning and only 4 plants with true irreversible damage


Oh DAAAAMN! So sorry to hear.
That sucks.
Couldn’t put a like on any of that.
Mother Nature can be a real Bitch…

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Well that’s damn terrible to hear. Perhaps in daylight it won’t be as bad as it appears. Fingers crossed.

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Hoping for a sunny morning things can dry off for a bit and I can take a better stab and repairing what I can when I can see, the one side of the greenhouse seems undamaged thanks to the direction of the storm but other side I got some work to do in the morning to salvage what I can, hopefully I can get things to pull through


I am so sorry to hear that :cry:

Hopefully the winds stay down.

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Damn dude sucks! I’m sitting here sweating my ass off in the dark. Winds just burst through here with crazy lighting of course very little rain. Power has been down about a hour just before my lights come on damn it.lol. Sorry about your plants man hopefully stays somewhat calm until am then you can start doing patchwork and support reinforcement. Did the wind cause an issue because of the walls only being 6’ so wind got in and hit top? Is that a 2’ about gap from ground to bottom of wall? I was just showing girl your garden then read a few posts down oh shit! R.I.P. fallen plants.


Wind was completely thrashing it all, wind threw the door open and was creating a wind tunnel for the ones at the entrance and the gusts from higher up were slamming around the taller plants then having some unscrewed in cross braces fell down on several plants, nothing is completely destroyed yet but have about 4 plants with severe damage ill be trying to mend and save through the weekend and high risk of more broken branches and severe thrashing before this 5 days of this weather is up. I locked the deadbolt on the door to keep it closed but gonna be a full effort weekend of shit storm to get things to make it through the season, just when I thought things were smooth sailing another challenge presents itself, luckily I harvested my 9 autos cuz those were under the braces and would have been first to be destroyed, squeezed out a qp or better at least on that stuff

It’s 2 feet of radiant barrier osb and 4 feet of clear panels to make a total of 6 ft


What sux and is an option if things get worse is tearing down half the plants taking the lower parts of the plants off to reduce the overall weight so they can handle the sway in the extreme winds, hope it doesnt come to that but half harvest is better than none

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