Half built greenhouse 2.0, the season must grow on by @azseaindooin420

Grape zkittlez damage, was able to mend and save the branches

Abc a bunch of flopped tops but nothing dead

Peach tree has the most damage, 1 branch completely ripped off another one that isn’t taking the mend and likely done too and two others it looks like I was able to save

Faygo cola got it good on the backside with 3 fat branches, was able to tuck em up supported by other branches/buds and they are taking the mend not dying off

Unknown sativa got a nice bend job but nothing broke

Overall I’m impressed with how resilient my plants were through this, I’d say the damage really is minimal considering the violence of that storm and how bad I watched em get thrashed around, If only losing 2 branches I couldn’t save off peach trees is the worst of it then I’ll gladly take it

Season rolls on and crossing fingers they keep withstanding the abuse through the weekend of

Due to the excessive rain and likely my soil is getting flushed all weekend I’ll be making a flower tea asap as soon as I’m in the clear to do so to get some microbes and food back in there


Oh, that don’t look so bad bro! You’ll still have a great harvest(s). Glad you’ve survived this wave. Hopefully it fizzles out. At least you can be more prepared this time.

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Ya day 1 damage is minimal, still got few more days of it so crossing fingers they can hang in there through it. Really glad I got some aloe in my last veg tea, that silica is what has to be giving them the strength and keeping em strong to handle winds like that, I’ve had grows indoor to flower outdoor that I put em outside and a 10mph wind splits it in half, these things easily put up with at least 80+ mph last night, good strong plants def paying off

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The aloe is what you use for your Si? Glad damage is minimal and dead bolting the doors seems like a good way to stop the wind tunnel effect. It’s starting to build up around me again. Dark skies winds kicking and scattered showers throughout the valley. Power was only out about 2 hrs website said only 22 customers lost power.lol

Ya buddy, along with all the other nutritional benefits of it. Threw fresh aloe leaves blended into a slurry and dumped into veg tea, been a great trick I’ve used for years for stronger plants and more heat resistance. We had power flicker a few times but nothing that stayed off. Weather report shows calm today but tomorrow suppose to be the wild one

:crossed_fingers:no more damage lol. With aloe in your tea do you add the aloe slurry before letting tea brew or do you add it after? Tired of these salt based nutes so slowly studying and seeing how to do this and understand what it’s doing. Guess I need to understand plant needs a little better.

I use it as the base of the tea from beginning of brew only in my veg teas, flower teas pick up the vitamins and minerals aloe would provide with bee pollen.

Gotcha :+1: outta likes already.

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Here’s the tea recipes I use @420noob, if u wanna go organic that’s the amendments u need, a big tote or water drum and an air pump with air stones on the end and a tealabs teabag. Brew ur tea, dilute 1:1 and root drench every two weeks for twice a month feedings. Doesn’t get any easier. Works great with most soils too

The humes mentioned in the recipe is 3 ingredients, humic acid(humate) soluble kelp and yucca. U can get em cheaper on redbudsoilcompany buying the 3 ingredients and mixing urself using 1lb of each. But that part of the recipe is actually to help break down ur peat moss in the soil and make it less hydrophobic

Molasses feeds the microbes

Alfalfa is high in nitrogen and growth hormones

Insect frass contains chiton which makes the plant think it’s under attack by bugs and triggers immune response so it keeps it plants defenses up adding it

Kelp helps heat resistance as well as growth hormones

Bat guano is great nutrition with excellent microbes to add to soil

Feather meal is for nitrogen

Blood meal adds iron and a few other trace elements

Azomite is trace minerals

Oyster shell is for calcium

Worm castings for microbes and soluble un burnable nutrition

That covers veg, flower tea differences

Fox farm big bloom (worm castings and bat guano) helps add more microbes and soluble nutrition
Bee pollen adds vitamins, aminos and minerals
Fish meal adds aquatic microbes and a balanced npk
Bone meal for phosphorus

Then the finishing tea just pulls back on most everything especially anything with nitrogen values, just trace elements, vitamins, and aminos and a nice boost of microbes

Hopefully that breaks down not just the recipe but the benefits of each amendment to make a balanced meal for the plants


Bookmarked and thanks. I have been checking out pump and air stones already haven’t pulled the trigger yet. I was gonna start simple with vermipost but that’s a pretty easy recipe. I have most of the ingredients already.lol. Amazing what you can do when you know the proper way to blend nutes. This way I shouldn’t be able to burn or lockout plants. I know the teas can if not diluted but not having to worry about salt build up is huge. Especially since water has so much tds in already, only use for outside plants. THANKS

Just broke down the ingredients in each tea to give ya an idea of why each is added @420noob

The pump I use is the vivosun 1750gph 102w unit with the 12 ports split at the end for a total of 24 air stones, and a 55 gallon drum, brew about 25 gallons a brew
Pump was about 100, airstone for 48 of em I think was 30 and bought a spool of tubing for 30ish I think

I haven’t had to ph in years, haven’t had deficiency issues and haven’t burned plants unless I fucked up the recipe like once accidently doubling the bat guano not paying attention. Plants were only mad for 4-5 days about it but went back on track and left em the 14 days before next feed on that one instead of the 10 days to keep things pushing strong

Cool man thanks. I definitely don’t need a 55 gal drum of tea :rofl: but for a 5 gal bucket for 3 gal worth of ingredients how many air stones would you think I’d need.

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I started brewing 5-10 gallons at a time when I first got my setup. A small pump is already at least 50-70 bucks for it so I went with largest for 92 on eBay, rather have to much air than not enough and now im brewing huge batches it was worth it cuz i didnt have to upgrade and buy anything. The small pumps are a 6 port I believe which would prob be fine especially if u chose to splitter it to give u 12 stones but if u think down the road ur demands are gonna get bigger then just suck it up and go straight for the big pump that u shouldn’t have to replace for years, on my 3rd year with mine @420noob

The 55 gallon drum has made my life brewing easier, marked on the side every 5 gallon mark and now I just fill it to the 25 gallon mark, let it brew then the next day just fill the drum the rest of the way up to 50 gallon, leave to bubble for a couple more hours to oxygenate the new water and then fill up buckets and feed, 15 gallons feeds 8 plants at a time giving em a lil under 2 gallons of tea each

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That makes total sense. I have more than enough other hungry plants all over so even if I make 10 gal tea then 10gal water should be more than enough. When you feed with this do you wet your soil then add or just put 2 gal of 1:1 tea and call it a watering?

Any leftover just ends up in my soil catch crate so I’m never worried about brewing excess, even if it’s to throw it at trees in my yard, everything is gonna love the balanced nutrition and microbes. The spent tea bag I just dump into my soil catch crate and rinse, clean and drain everything leftover into it which will eventually be used on a future grow, got about 90 gallons of soil chillin currently catching it all

I just dump it as I’m doing a normal watering, no wetting prior, if ur using the “humes” part of the recipe mixing from the 3 ingredients it will help it soak in much easier, but ya dilute 1:1 and root drench. When in Veg u can also use it as a foliar

Another note to mention is ur feeding should be 5-10% of soil capacity. I’m running 20,25, and 30 so 2 gallon is safe, ur also not feeding the plant persay but moreso treating the soil with microbes to feed on ur soil and create a byproduct to feed ur plants. So if ur using 10 gallons of grow medium 1 gallon of diluted tea is an excellent amount to throw at it and pretty much the max id suggest

At least hilary is missing you


Just barely @CocoaCoir we got pounded pretty hard last night in az

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Ya outside of Vegas got it pretty good yesterday tomorrow will be the true test. It just been light rain and crazy wind gusts so far today.


Did the plants make it through another night?

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So far so good, had a night of steady rain but no crazy winds or storm, today is overcast and pretty calm, might be passed the worst of it afterall