Help with tolerance

I was going to be a full-time therapist… but hated the psychology and BS that goes with dealing with regs, diagnosis standards, and licensing…I do not agree with the whole ‘therapy and pills’ approach to everything…


Exactly! You found an approach to your Bodies needs for healing, and are addressing them!
Glad to hear that! A lot of folks give-up when the pills the doctors throw at them don’t help!
Deep water training is great!
I was just in it for 4 months-unfortunately, due to the structural issues in my hip- it made it worse… now I’m doing mild stretching, and caring for my back, since much is from my break at L3-4-5 and nerve damage.

A lot of folks- especially doctors- do not get that very person is different, and it can be a real bitch and take years to find what actually works for each person…
Hang in there!!!


Ditto- treat our bodies like we dial in our plants :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:


That’s EXACTLY right!
Great analogy- especially for on here!!


I totally agree with everything you said, I am finding a low carb diet free from from sugar and refined carbs, especially wheat and corn flour, with intermittent and long fasts help a lot with the pain and regeneration of my disc’s in my neck and lower back. It seems that there is a link between autoimmune problems, wheat flour and sugar from a lot of the studies I am seeing.

Currently after a slip and fall 6 weeks ago, I have had excruciating sciatica pain, I started increasing my weed vaping, and then added 2 regular asprin 3 times a day, which took the edge off it enough to start stretching my legs and hips.

It took 3 weeks of that to get back to being able to stand for 10 to 15 minute’s, walking is the best exercise for sciatica, so am doing that as much as I can and resting and stretching in-between. Yesterday I managed 2 x 2 hour stints cleaning up my workshop and going for a walk in the woods which is good as the terrain offers different movements to flat solid ground.

I think dopamine production is something that we all over stimulate in this day and age and we lose its beneficial affects when the body gets high levels of stimulation constantly.

Great video , it makes complete sence for me.

Yes I dissociate from it as much as possible lol.

I meditated on my pain and why I was experiencing it at this moment in time, when I needed to be moving house and helping my wife pack up everything.

What I got was I need to be more flexible in my mind and physical body. I do approach life head on, doing it my way, as perfect as possible, or not at all. So as I lay on my bed with the move date approaching fast, I decided to stop worrying about it and let go, I moved into that quiete, peaceful place of what I call the ecstasy zone.

I actually felt happy even at the same time as being in extreme pain which was very interesting. I hate asking for help from anyone, I will struggle and struggle and find a way to do it on my own, it’s a challenge I enjoy. This situation forced me to ask for help, my wife had to look after me for 3 weeks, I had to ask her to help me with everything I needed lol.

As I said above, I am improving but have now reached a plateau of improvement because I am at a point where I am no longer wanting help again, and I am pushing myself to much lol.

I developed more compassion for those in my situation or worse, understanding a little more of what someone who has severe restrictions in life can experience.


Hope I didn’t overlook someone already mentioning, but have you researched Agmatine Sulfate?

There’s a whole stoner culture that claims it helps offset tolerance issues. The natural medicine people say it helps with neuropathy and nerve pain. Probably bro science on both, but the internet chatter lines up with the issues you are dealing with. Seems it’s worth 12 bucks on Amazon to give it a try for a month maybe? Good luck


I will check that out thanks.

Difficiency in B vitamins can also mimick symptoms that are exactly like nerve pain and auto immune problems. The liver uses a lot of B vitamins to digest different food types, if you eat carbs and drink alcohol you will likely be deficient in B1, which regulates the nervous system, certain parts of B1 will also repair nerve damage.


Oddly, alcohol can be an excellent source of B vitamins if you drink the yeast. Alcohol = bad but B vitamins = good is an interesting head scratcher.

There’s an old wives tale that home brew is less likely to induce hangovers because it’s got more yeast in it. Who knows if it’s true :thinking:


Especially a mans mind :rofl: :rofl:


I should be more diligent about both of these things :joy:


The ratios… I agree… it seems like the commercial industry attempts to separate cbd from thc… and it seems to have a very detrimental effect on marijuana and its ability to do what we all remember it doing early on years and years ago… I’d think increasing the cbd … to at least a 1 to 1 ratio will allow the “pathway” to the have its full effect … affecting us more like we expect… instead we seem (at the commercial level) to have marijuana that is quick acting quick fading weaker… less comforting type feel to it… what do you guys think? @Lady.Zandra63 @Longtooth @Pawsfodocaws @arb @zephyr @Blu-Tri @Rogue … sorry I know I missed some…


Ultimately, at a fundamental level, I think it’s all about the individual’s own natural cannabinoid system. Some folks just aren’t built like everyone else.

When the receptors are overwhelmed, maybe the system stops behaving properly? Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome perhaps illustrates this phenomenon. (?)

And along with that, I think I agree that edibles and high THC concentrates/distillates are the bane of low-tolerance as they easily overwhelm that system.

I’m a believer in the “entourage-effect” and suspect tolerance can also be related to an absence or unsuitable quantity or variance of companion cannabinoids.

With concentrates, distillates and edibles, terps and other cannabinoids can be altered or lost. I believe in most cases, since they are often lost in processing, terps are re-added to commercial products after the fact.

I’m not sure this has an impact on tolerance and how quickly it is built, but it wouldn’t surprise me.

If one is hitting a 98% THC vape pen all day, or consuming 1000-mg of edibles, it doesn’t seem far fetched that the body’s natural receptors just won’t recover from that overload at a rate that allows a proper tolerance reset for the everyday consumer.

If your receptors are easily overwhelmed, or they are already overloaded, you just won’t get that toasty feeling nearly as well.

I do believe it’s ultimately about the individual more than anything.


Eat lots of Mango and/or stop edibles and concentrates for a while. Not what anyone wants to hear but that’s the truth.


I have found mixing cbd gummies with smoking and dabbing gives me a different effect, like a entourage effect. More calming and relaxed. The stuff they sell at the expensaries is just wack. I hate it all. Only go there when desperate. Also when there is sales on concentrates. I bought 20 gs of wax yesterday for like 90 bucks :rofl: never will see that deal again… but darn is it some dank stuff!. :thinking: my wife is getting better with her tolerance she ended a t break she went on for a month yesterday. One pinner and about five cbd gummies, and she finally got some hunger for the first time in 3 days. Same goes for me. I literally have no hunger unless pie eyed. :upside_down_face: I consider it kind of like fasting…eat every three or four days. Usually chicken. (Don’t go look what I have in the food thread :rofl: )
Anyways mixing cbd and thc might be the answer as of last night. Her eyes looked like she got bleach in them after smoking a joint of apple fritter. Not to mention this shits the dank!


We have been very absent from edibles for a while.

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Some times I believe they don’t inhale like they should.


Hold it in till you go blue right?? :laughing:


The doctor who coined the term Fibromyalgia said later in his career he wished he never did so.
He said its a mental thing that people manifest as physical and so having a diagnosis of fibromyalgia allows them to address it as only a physical issue instead of addressing the root cause - the mind.

Ive fractured C2,3,4,7, T1,4,5,7,8,12, L1,4,5,6,S1. And herniated a bunch.
I also have Lyme disease, which brings a lot of pain.
I’ve met with all sorts of doc, specialists, et al.
And funny enough, when Im high on LSD and feeling like I’m on top of the world - I dont have any real pain (unless I ate like shit the few days before the trip).

If anyone needs to reset their cannabis tolerance, check out Mirtazapine.
Its a bipolar med that is a great lil recreational drug.
Only risk of serotonin syndrome is with muscle relaxers. So you can safely do molly, Lucy, ketamine, etc.
And when you want to trip to end so you can sleep, pop a Mirt.

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I agree… when being used as medicine, the whole range of Cannabinoids is needed, and the THC is less important (IMO)
There are over 400 chemical compounds in Cannabis that humans respond to… and it is the variations in the % of each that makes each plant unique-and the response to it differ from person to person. That is why the big pharma versions don’t work…they are missing too many micro-elements found in the plants that interact with the THC and CBD to make it effective.


I have 3 different strains loaded in 3 vap batteries.
3- CBD strains made into gummies
12- THC strains made into gummies
Dabs up the ass
1 big bong hit rips my skull

Key is strain rotation :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :peace_symbol:

I keep my tolerance in check by alternating strains.

Don’t use the same strain of gummies 2 days in a row. I use another strain. I can go more than a week between strains, close to two weeks.

My tolerance is very low when I use each strain for the fact that I keep jumping strains.