How are you bringing in the NEW Year 2022?


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I’m rebuilding (caveman style) my whole area. My Final Rebuild, till I’m composted.
4 new LED’s 750 wide boards from growlightaustralia, 3 new Aqua trays and 20 g reservoirs, a roll or 2 of Panda.
BUT no more tents, I’m SICK of zipping up and down, and crawling into them, every time, I do, I feel like Pet Detective, crawling into the ass of a rhinoceros.
I do have one tent that will be a dedicated veg area, and more than likely I’ll cut the door off, or glue some magnets to it, I’ve come to hate zippers. Almost 15 years of tents, I’m over them.
I’m spreading out, and using all my space. Will have some dedicated vegetable items going on also.
I’m running Capulator genetics, got a Bill Chilz in flower, and Granny Mac, MacV2, Mac Stomper. Got a gripe of Santeros work, ready to bust.
And a new breeder for me, I found, and their SAWA IBL, and SAWA Natty and I will have more of their collection as they have some amazing items over there.
All you good folks have the best New Year possible. And grow them out hard everyone!!


Was about to do the same thing get rid of my tent and just use the open space but low and behold for Christmas my wife went and bought me a brand new 4 x 4 that’s 80 inches high gotta use it

My old tent made me feel exactly like you said [quote=“webeblzr, post:43, topic:71175”]
I feel like Pet Detective, crawling into the ass of a rhinoceros

Damn funny I am going to steal that comment from you



Start tge new yr off with a bang


Well, the GF bought some vodka mixers, should be interesting since she doesn’t drink. I plan to make some of my favorite martinis. Espresso martini should keep me awake, then toasted coconut martinis (several) will go down like candy. Oh, and there’s lots of tasty choices here to smoke, so I can’t limit it to just one.


I’ll be enjoying a live stream of my boys, Phish, coming from the 9th Cube, in lieu of them cancelling the MSG NYE run. Having seen a few MSG NYE shows, there’s no place I’d rather be, but if its not happening there, my surround sound will be cranked to 11 (cause thats how I roll), and Phish will be in MY living room instead and I won’t even have to drive home… HELLZ yeah!! ALL THREE SETS streamed FOR FREE… How’s that for treating your fans right?

No security guards gonna be slapping down my joints tonight baby!


Shooting at the moon to scare off the evil spirits, that’s what we did in Scotland at midnight new years eve.


I’m going to have to ask my mom that 1 becouse we are Scottish


No kids for me tonight, they are at moms house. My lady and some friends and I will enjoy a few rounds of ganja land and some tunes. Smoking on the monster gorilla and shark cake I ordered.


I dropped 5 Bohdi Healing Hashplant seeds into water this morning. So tomorrow I get to start germinating those for the new year


If your Scottish you should know this Scottish New years eve saying.

Lang May Your Lum Reek :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Here’s a clue if you don’t.

Have you got a tall dark haired man to bring some coal into your house at midnight.

A Happy And Prosperous New Year to everyone on OG.


I’ll be celebrating the New Year by already being asleep at midnight, just like I celebrated almost every night this year… I might go crazy and keep celebrating every night next year too, who knows?

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I was born in England but moved to Calif at 4 so my moms would know better

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You don’t deserve that!!!

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Ah OK, we’ll it means, long may your chimney smoke. As back in the day, heat and food was the basics of life, and you would cook over your fire.

It’s a tradition to have the first person to step over the threshold at 12 midnight, to be a tall dark man bringing coal into your house to keep you warm and enable you to cook your food.


If the first person to step over the threshold doesn’t make it until January 3rd, does it still count as long as he’s tall and dark? 6’8" without counting the hair… if so, I’m also celebrating a traditional Scottish New Year, apparently! Can I still do that without drinking? :wink:


That’s cool my dad would be the tall man lol
I was young but I do remember cobble stone road and living in a rock stone type home lol
My dad raced Road race bikes so the living room was bike parts everywhere an a basnette
Don’t rember food lol

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Moms was saying coal an Parraffin oil was the heat in our home


I tell myself that all the time :rofl:


I remember as a child in Boston, 1960’s, I used to take my brother and 2 buckets each, and go to a place near our house to buy coal to burn for heat in the winter.