Hunting Lucky Dog, Top Dawg, Prolific Coast Seeds, Freeborn Selections, CSI

So i pollinated my females, next day almost 0 hair were receded or brown, i knew i stored this pollen wrong, better “luck” next time, or better effort, i still have the clones i’m not doomed, here they are, all from the last pheno hunt except the old soul (check out my inserts on the left, ballin)

Fumé 2 3 4 and 5, lime 1 jaro, forbidden fruit, cold cookies, old soul,

and in a 3gal getting watered every 48 hours, the absolutely insane smelling lime 1 jaro, evergreen/perfume and lots of dog shit, i’m stoked on this one

i have thrips in one pot where my predators refuse to go live in, i’m spraying dr. zymes on the whole plant, pretty damn annoying


I wouldn’t count out your pollination trial yet
Sometimes it can take a couple//few days for pistills to recede and for the calyx to start showing signs of swelling with a seed inside.


Finish off the thrips in veg when your plants are the smallest. I never try and deal with those fuckers in bloom.


Looking great man! Unfortunately, my guerilla fume f2 got ripped by some prick. I was fortunate cause they didn’t find the smaller guerilla fume f2 and 707 sfv og f2 100 feet from it. They plucked the plant by the stalk and ran for it, crime of opportunity. I was able to trace the trail of perlite they left out to where they entered at the road. Harvested those and in the process of drying atm. I’ll share when they’re finished.


noooo!!! that’s why they say you plant 3 patches so there’s hopefully one left at the end of the season, they only took one plant? it’s probably 14 year olds, i’ve done it too, they’ll get some good weed that’ll change their lives for the better lol


Sorry to hear that! I’m happy they didn’t get them all!

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Haha very true, those will be some happy kids for sure. And yeah I still have some smoke so all isn’t lost. Part of the game, you learn, laugh and move on. I also took clones of that plant so I still have it.


old soul dusted by guerilla fumé

forbidden fruit same

guerilla fumé #4 took the most pollen, i love this one and i’m stoked!


Dibs!! Oh wait wrong thread lol…
Looks out-fucking-standing in there @supershitfuck, I’d be stoked too!!!
Well done :+1:


Those crosses are going to be some heat old soul x g fume oh man :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


Great job! The other addiction will now begin :joy:


I agree with this statement!!


See, here you were thinking you had non viable pollen :slight_smile:

Sure its going to be a bitch grinding them down, making sure each seed is put into the correctly labeled container, but imagine doing this with multiple crosses in the same grow space…it gets ‘fun’. I have jars just full of unknown crosses at this point do to my own hubris, not even counting the seeds that fall on the floor while drying, like I said ‘fun’!

Really though makes me happy to see someone continuing this strange legacy of underground breeding, godspeed supershitfuck.


i did haha, all the pollen i had in foil didn’t work, but i had some in a mylar that did work, good thing one day i was like “maybe i’ll collect in a mylar today”

it doesn’t look like i’m going to have that many seeds at all, and yeah it’s gonna be fun for sure! already is, what does godspeed mean?


haha, i’m probably going to way more inclined to share cuts than the few seeds i end up with, but like… i have bugs and problems in here, it’s a dirty dirty grow!


Haha, it means, like,”Good luck on your journey,” basically. “Fare thee well.”


Sharing cuts you have problems :joy:

if i don’t understand godspeed i definitely have no idea wtf that is haha but yeah i get it, good luck, thanks!!


Technically, “Godspeed” is shorthand for,”May God speed you on your journey.” It’s something people would say in, like, the 15th and 16th etc centuries, when people were using like wind-powered boats and horses and shit to get around haha. You’d say it mostly to people who were going on long-ass journeys and like half the crew on their boat would die from scurvy and yellow fever and shit like that haha every time they went out exploring and stuff. Or if you knew whatever it was they were going to do was basically doomed to failure haha.


I always think of the band Godspeed You! Black Emperor when I hear/use that term