Hunting Lucky Dog, Top Dawg, Prolific Coast Seeds, Freeborn Selections, CSI

A couple of my G F males are getting close to dumping soon I think.


Dude… are you in USA?

I happen to have two Chem 91 skva cuts i’m planning to S1 very soon here. If i were to have some GF pollen i could hit a branch or two and make some reg’s using the verified cut. And i know how to return a favor…

That interest ya? Can you get pollen to me as soon as you could collect some?!


Yes, no problem. And you don’t have to give me anything fellow grower. :wink: :+1:
I’m in California


You know what, I changed my mind and will accept any seeds etc from this pairing. Thank you brother. You want cuttings? I’ve got about 7 males and 6 females I believe. Been growing them out slowly and putting them out to flower little by little so I don’t lose control lol.


DM’d you brother… MUCH appreciated!

I miss the Fume…

LOL… i thought you just might change your mind eventually! :slight_smile:


thats dope!! so have you smoked em yet? id love to hear the comparison to the fume

sick dude this is going onto a verified 91 thats awesome good shit you guys!!


No bud. I have not sampled this plant yet… except from Skunk’s growroom. Iv had her for a few months now and I stressed her… she can be finicky.

Iv been failing on cloning her, only had a few nice healthy plants at rooting. The plant got “woody” stems which im just getting over on new growth. One is pictured above and the second is safely out of my hands so I can’t fuck it up.

The original is in better shape now and I just filled the cloner, hoping for better luck. But I figured before/if I lose her I’ll seed her.


I’m in like jail for now but this has me excited! Sending nothing but great vibes my man on your cloning endeavors


Say Wut… like jail as in like jail man… or like jail as in like jail man?

I wrote it out just as I thought it… lol

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I don’t know why I didn’t notice your avatar @GCBudz That’s one of my all time favorite bands. My dad was playing a gig sometime in the late 80’s somewhere up north near New York and Van Halen with their entire road crew came in to unwind. Eddie, Alex and Michael. David Lee Roth didn’t hang out with the band unfortunately. My dad said they only let them play about 3 songs at a time then made them come drink with them at their table. My old man said they played “Jump” for them and they made them play it twice. He said they were in town playing a concert for two days and came to hang out both days after their show.


Lol, nah not real jail. I’m here in my office editing a reality show for Discovery called, “Battle Bots”. I’m a video editor


Think I’d rather be in like jail… :wink:

I’m a long time fan… seen a dozen or more shows. Some tours twice. Trying like hell to score Sammy’s Birthday Bash at his place in Cabo before the ride is over. Never met any of them…

That’s a great story Dad has!

My son was 8 at his first Van Halen concert, the Balance tour. He’s 35 now… some great memory’s with my boy and VH!


guerilla fumé #4 harvest day 67, weird leafy little plant but the smoke is the best


Fantastic looking bro! Damn, can’t WAIT until mine are done. Still got about another 9 weeks or so of flowering to go. So you don’t go by the color of amber trichomes if I remember correctly. You staggered your harvest to find the perfect window?


i harvested early i usually go 70 days, but my other plants were all finished as fuck, so i just chopped everything and we’ll see! she smells good!


i only did that with the lime 1 jaro because you really gotta capture the magic when it’s there, between day 52 and 62 it seems, the fume is magic around day 70 but havn’t tinkered with it much, i tried harvesting branches earlier than that and it wasn’t better


Damn dude you can really see the Chem in that one!


Here’s a quote from meangene regarding the Lime 1 x Jaro that supports your observation haha: “They’re best around 8 weeks, flower them too long and they won’t smoke as tasty which–in my experience–is the case with most Lime crosses and afghan plants in general.”


yeeepp!! i have 50 more of those seeds too, i know i can get a way different one in there this one i have is a jaro type i think, i had limey ones that just had that hint of lemon pie but i took 'em to day 70, next hunt i’m taking branches starting day 50, i really feel like i missed some amazing plants, plus they grow and root so damn easy

i know… i love the old school look but the coolest thing is the dry buds sometimes have a yellow neon tinge to 'em, inside the nugs


@GCBudz @supershitfuck I started collecting pollen last night from the 1st one that are starting to open. Slow to start but I know the crap load of flowers still left on the males are gonna be producing much more in a week or so.