In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

Good thought. Yeah, they bunched up pretty well, but all the indicas are throwing buds. We are still adjusting the time down. A little inducing probably wouldn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

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What kind of smells are you getting from the Durban and Kullu Durban?

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I’ll have to check. My sniffer has been messed up for months though.

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Oh yeah. From Covid? Thats rough. Unless you fart alot lol.


:joy: I do! :dash::dash::dash::dash::dash:

Imagine a fogged out badger’s den! :joy:

Not that I know of, unless I was the only one, and I didn’t pass it. It started when I had terrible allergies, and my smell was completely gone a couple days. It just came back a little, but not much sense. It’s just fairly weak compared to how it used to be. I get the general smell, but miss some of the lighter notes.


Lmfao! Good one!
In all seriousness I hope you recover your smell 100% soon. Must be annoying at the least.


Saved me from needing to type that!


Anytime for you bro!

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I grabbed a few quick update pics last night.
The triple durbans definitely seem like they will be quicker than the Durban x kullu. One Durban kullu seem ahead of the others. I assume that will be the Durban leaner? Upstate will probably have a better idea.

Also, one of the Durban x kullu looks pretty bad. Apparently the heater was placed a bit too close to the vent.

Triple Durbans

Durban x kullu


The one Kullu Durban thats faster appears to have more Durban influence. Wide leaves, Chunky nugs forming on that one. Looks Afghani. The slowest looks to lean toward the Kullu side…but I’m no expert on hybridization. You are teaching me as much as you are learning😁. What kind of smells are you getting? Durban was kind of Turpentine…a chemical smell, but great flavor…kullu was fuel/ petrol and skunklike
The Triple Durban are all looking great! Hard to pick a favorite with those. Any licorice smell on them? They look pretty uniform to me.
How long has everything been in flower now? Looks like you’ll have a good harvest of uppity smoke!
Too bad about the heater, but shit happens. At least it was only one of them.


It is day 41 since the accidental start of flowering, but remember, they started with 14/10, so I’m sure the sativa learners are behind the others as well.

I’m completely honored to be learning and teaching. It’s a great experience.

I’m not really smelling anything, but my smell has been whack for several months. I never had a positive covid case and don’t know why. It’s just not sensitive at all. I can smell, just little. I did rub a couple Buda and check last night, but I got nothing. I’m really looking forward to some smells.


It appears your smell is like my memory…gone lol. I forgot…again…about your sniffer. An electrician I work with got covid and lost his smell too. He did get it back 100%. Your condition is sure taking its time to resolve itself. Must have been a bad covid test. Have you been checked for antibodies? Is there someone you trust that can smell it? I have my wife smell my pot, to her dismay, all the time. It always smells like “Grapefruit”. I swear she says that so I’ll quit asking her, but it wont work😉. 2 weeks from now I’ll be asking you what it smells like LOL


There is one Triple Durban with darker sawtooth leaves…really pretty. 2nd Durban photo, bottom right.

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My wife says the same stuff! Apparently all flowers smell like pomegranate or grapefruits :joy: I don’t get either of those smells at all :rofl:

It has taken me quite some time tho to be able to discern the different scents in there though. So ya maybe if we keep making em smell it for us, they’ll be able to get there real fast :rofl::joy::rofl:

Everything’s looking great in there @Badger! Even the overheated one doesn’t look too bad, you’re gonna crush this for sure :muscle::fire::heart_eyes:


I’d like to think if I keep at it her sense of smell will evolve. Its been 15 years, lol. I dont smell the citrus either. I wish there were classes on the different smells. I smell so many things, but can’t describe with accuracy what I’m smelling. Perhaps with Legalization there will be terpene workshops.


I didn’t go get tested, but nobody I’ve been in contact with had it. I thought about going and giving blood. It’s a good thing to do anyhow.

I’ve been asking everyone for second opinions on smells, just not on these yet.

Thanks for all the kind words. Yall are awesome.


You can tell how close ya are with that durb If it smells like black licorice or anise.
It’s the best representation of this strain.


I keep thinking I’m going to have to find anise, so I’ll know what it smells like. I’m clueless on that.

I remember the first time my son tried black licorice. It was the holidays and all he heard was licorice. The look on his face was priceless. :rofl:


Wanted to give a quick update. Between work and a serious arm / shoulder injury I had 3 weeks ago, not easy to do the things I need to.

The Triple Durban (TD) and The Kullu x Durban are all growing well and healthy, just some more then others. I did strip most of the branches and cut off a lot of the lower branches. A couple have been topped.

Do to space constraints, a couple of the plants are with a friend in flower. Pictures of them later.

I will try to give size and other updates later, when I have better use of my right arm.

All the plants pictured just started flower on Sunday

TD #1

TD #2

TD #3

TD #5

K x D #2

K x D #3 still has not shown sex.

K x D #4

K x D #5

K x D #6


Night and day with my premature, tiny plants.

We should end up with at least a great smoke and yield comparison, relatively.

You are brave bro, some of those girls may go wild in flower.

I hope you heal up quickly my friend.