In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

Say goodbye to td 1. He will be added to my knf juice and compost bin.


Wanted to give a quick update while I can. All 5 Triple Durban (TD) are female. 4 of the 6 Kullu x Durban (K x D) are female with numbers 2 and 3 still not showing.

TD #1

TD #2

TD #3

TD #4

TD #5

K x D #1

K x D #2 Sex unknown

K x D #3 Sex unknown (Thinking male on this one)

K x D #4

K x D #5

K x D #6 Topped a couple week ago. Moved into a 2 gallon pot for now, may do a 5 gallon with this one.


nice looking plants, good pics, I think it was your label gun that convinced me i need one lol


That’s quite the harem you have there :+1:



Crazy how fat some of the Kullu Durban leaves are. Like an Indica. Must be a Durban leaning pheno, I would think. The #6 is a beauty. I hope you like it because its about to take over your space lol!( seriously, though. It might.) Its going to be wide like Kullu. Octopus arms.

kullu. Reminds me of the one on the left


I’m glad I am training them some.

I need to get them in flower soon. I’ve been busting my butt to help a buddy, and it is overwhelming to say the least. Had a short 13 hour day yesterday though, it was nice. :wink:


Nice work @Upstate, how many weeks are you in with these?


I’m just a seed provider for this one. @Badger and @Old-Ron are doing all the work. Those are some pictures of a couple of the plants the seeds came off of. I grew them last summer and they flowered between 15 and 16 weeks. The Durban pollen donors flowered about 8 or nine weeks. I’m thinking the Kulu Durban should go somewhere in between the two


They do seem a bit more compact. It’s tough when you’re so busy. Those are some long days. Hopefully you can start them flowering soon


That’s not too bad, I just finished a auto that went 12 weeks, so another 4 would be no biggy! :joy:


I wanted to give a quick update while I am traveling.

The Triple Durban (TD) are growing well. All 5 are confirmed females. TD #3 was moved into a 3 gallon fabric pot. All others are in one gallon plastic pots. They should be moved in a few weeks.

TD #1 is 16.5 inches

TD #2 is 15.5 inches.

TD #3 is the largest of my grow at 22 inches. She is in a 3 gallon fabric pot.

TD #4 is 15.5 inches. Unfortunately I do not have a picture at this time.

TD #5 is the smallest of the grow at 13 inches.

The Kullu x Durban (K x D) has 4 confirmed females. One male, K x D #1, now departed. One, K x D #3, unknown. K x D #2 has been placed in a 3 gallon plastic pot. All these are close in size.

K x D #2 is 18 inches.

K x D #3 is 16.5 inches.

K x D #4 is the smallest at 13 inches.

K x D #5 is 15.5 inches.

K x D #6 had been topped and moved into a 2 gallon plastic pot. It will be getting moved to a 5 gallon fabric pot.


@Old-Ron the Durban’s are looking great!


agree with Tejas

outa likes again


Man, I like the look of all the kd, but #3 kd, which i would bet by the sagging appearance is a male that knows he is doomed. (When i had a big patch, all but 4 males sagged. I literally separated out all the sagging plants and was only wrong 1 % of the time. Pretty accurate.) Kd#2 looks like a Durban pheno.
Liking all the Durban. That short bushy pheno(#5) in particular is nice. Hoping its the speedy type. Great job!


I’ve been working my tail off, but yesterday morning I woke up with a body ache. Nowadays, that buys you a couple days off! :joy:

I went over and tried my hand at cloning, again. This time my water is ph’d perfectly. My buddy was kind enough to buy me a ph meter, and a good one. No, I’ll be watching ph

I know there are several on here that like to see naturally grown structure. I screwed that up for those people. I wanted to instead, not have to worry about height. Then we got them in the new tent, with the new light, on a 14/10 schedule, and they started flowering before we could veg them a bit more. At least we will have a comparison on quality, and hopefully clones for a back up. The Durbans have not been easy for me to get to take. I hope the ph is the difference.
Triple Durban 3

Triple Durban 4

Triple Durban 5

Durban x Kullu 3

Durban x Kullu 4

Durban x Kullu 7


Keep that probe wet with the storage solution. Remember, if it dries it dies. :+1::seedling:


I need to get some. I’ve been keeping it wet thus far. Thanks buddy.


Looking good. Nothing wrong with some trimming to keep things in control. Did everything start to flower with a 14/10 light cycle?

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They did, just more slowly than the indicas.

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Im very surprised. Thats good news for outdoors. August 12th here in NY we have 14 hours daylight. If these flower in 12 weeks, I would only have to force flowering for 30 days before (August 12) Letting them go naturally . I wonder if they would start flowering At 14 and a half or 15 hours…??hmmmm.