In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

I’ve got Classics, Snows and ill probably grab AK’s also


That is interesting for sure. I love those tidbits.


Classic gear you might have one more chance if any one knows Texas Kid. I think there’s a couple Texas kids running under that name.
But back at the sunken ship he showed and he had everything at his disposal.
Maybe ig?


Any updates? Some of the plants must be looking really good by now…

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I took these over a week ago. I must have gotten distracted in the middle, because I didn’t get them all. The fan leaves need pulled. It’s hard when I’m not there much.

Edit: My den is cleaner than that tent :joy:


Here is K x D #5.

Here is K x D #6. Other stuff from this grow is in a nother tent for me. They are sleeping…lol


OK, final update here, until the smoke report. When we moved the ppp and blue kush out of the tent, the sativas got blasted with light, for some reason. They never fully recovered, so they warrant another run, without a messed up light cycle, to see what they could really do.

Triple durban 3 had the strongest, most pungent muskyiness, leaning towards licorice, with a little more sweetness than the other triples.

Triple Durban 4 had a more musky smell than anything.

The triple durban 5 had a stronger, more pungent musky smell.

The Durban x kullu didn’t smell too different actually. Number 3 had some pungent musky smell with a sharp earthiness.

The Durban x kullu 5 had a sharp earthiness, dirt smell, with a fresh herby background (I can’t place exactly) , with a musky finish. It seems to have the most complex smells of the bunch.

Durban x Kullu 7 has a similar pungent musky smell, with a little of the spice that I can’t place. This is the one that has appeared to look more like the Durbans all along.


Looks good brother. I am still a few weeks out with mine. Looking forward to see how they smoke for you.


So much sativa… eeek!


@Badger… sorry to hear about the light leak. That’s a pisser. Hopefully everything still smokes well for you. Looks like they were getting close. Lots of sativas kind of stand still before they finish ripening. They can look the same for a couple weeks.
@Old-Ron looks like some nice frosting on those buds. They look to be very potent. How many weeks total flowering will you have in the end? Assuming another two or three weeks flowering?


@Badger… are you the one smelling the plants? Is your smell coming back?

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Today is number 56. They will go 10 to 11 depending on when I take them @Upstate. My plan is week 10. Moved them to 11/13 cycle last week.

They seem to be filling out. They others look different in the other tent.

KxD #6. Had to make a ring out of zip ties to keep it somewhat contained.

K x D #5. This has the least amount of density of all them


They got blasted with the grow light apparently. It wasn’t my idea, or my process, just my frustration.

They are pretty close, I think it will work out fine. A couple of the Durbans are actually passes where I would like them.

I was the one smelling the plants. My smell seems decent to good. I’ve never been super sensitive I don’t think.


@Badger and @Old-Ron. How is the bud density?


I would love to take another look and tell you, but I am exiled for the time being bro. :unamused:

Honesty isn’t always smiled upon, and I’m too direct for some people.


For most of mine they are good. Not great, but good. Number 5 is fluffier then the rest. Do not expect a lot out of it. 6 is better.

The ones in the other tent seem to be denser. Feed has been the same. Only difference is the light. It is a lower wattage in there.


That’s strange isn’t it? Same light bulb? Same temperature?

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The ones pictured are under an hlg650r. Everything else is growing well in there.

The others are under 460 watt Meiju.

Everything else is pretty compatible.


Here are some from the other tent. Lights are on now.

K x D

K x D #2.

TD #1.

TD #2.

TD #5. It was topped a while ago. For what I experienced this grow. The Triple Durban does not seem to respond well to being topped.


I can lots more potential in those genetics than what came through in my grow. A small mistake can make a large difference.

Good job buddy.