In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

I appreciate it. Just wish I had been home more often to stay on top of things.

The real test is in the smoke.

I look forward to seeing how your next one turns out.


I hope something is good and strong for you two.
Iā€™m shocked at the fast flowering times. I had no idea it could go like that in an F1 hybrid. Will the Triple Durban finish as fast? 10 weeks or so?
@Old-Ron. Iā€™m using a 430 watt right now. Pretty close on size to your small light. What distance from the plants tops do you have the light and how far above the tops could I go? I donā€™t remember the area the light effectively covers well. I could stand to raise mine if I can do so and still have good growth.


Mine are running around 12 inches for most in flower. There are few shorter ones that are further away, and are a few that are closer. I do not have much room left in the one tent. Ones that are really tall I put closer to the walls of the tent to keep them out of the lights. I think you could go 18" in flower and be fine.

When they were in veg I ran it between 18 and 22" above, until they got too big, then about 12 to 14 inches.


They are all going in to their final darkness tonight. 36 hours of darkness, then cutting them down. Today is day 63.


All cut down? How does it smell drying?
@Badger I think I can safely ask you that question now that the old sniffer is working againā€¦


Yes, they are all cut down.

I am not allowed at the flowering area for now. There was a bit of a disagreement, so Iā€™m letting that blow over.

Iā€™m sure curious myself buddy. We are on drying day 9 right now.


Should be about ready for the cure then. Sweet! I hope youā€™re allowed to smoke it lolā€¦


Are those last two photos The Triple D or the KD?
They look like great yielders.

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I remember that too. I guess you donā€™t want to end up with clone of a clone of a clone?


Yeah, me too. Itā€™s so juvenile man, Iā€™m about ready to throw in the towel.

Since then Iā€™ve read itā€™s not a big deal. The going theory is that most of the degradation that was seen, was likely viral. If you donā€™t disinfect your tools with bleach, you can pass it to your plants, from a cut taken in. This is what many think was termed as genetic drift.

If you are growing outside, itā€™s nice to have that taproot off the seedling to give your plant more stability. Thatā€™s about the list of advantages Iā€™ve learned.


Not telling you what to do bud, but I would tell whoever it is to go take a hike and your done. Donā€™t let a little flower get you all twisted. Your good at what you do. I bet they would eventually regret not having you and will prolly ask for you backā€¦


The problem is that itā€™s family, and we were talking about family issues. Iā€™m not letting it get me twisted, the issue is that I donā€™t really have a flowering area where Iā€™m at.

And I completely agree with you. Iā€™m just trying really hard to be the bigger, better person right now. Because in the end, what society lacks often times, are real men. Men that can agree to disagree and walk away, Duke it out, or whatever, then let it go. I have a new way of trying to be the change I would like to see.

In the end, Im just glad I didnā€™t sock him in the jaw after some of what he said. I can only control my actions, nobody elseā€™s.


I understand. He who angers you controls you. Yeah gotta watch that family shitā€¦ you definitely donā€™t want to burn bridges with your familyā€¦ Good of you to hold off. I think your getting easy. Lol.


Anger controled me for the last 37 years, the very last 3 have been a battle. You know who will win, its already written bro. :wink:


So apparently everything had been cool for some time now. I just didnā€™t know. Apparently heā€™s one of those, real men donā€™t talk about their feelings kinda guys.

Iā€™ll talk about my feelings, that pisses me off! Ha!



Time to clear the veg tent!!


First load is gone!

My wife may get her nightstand back tomorrow! :joy:


Thatā€™s cool as long as you donā€™t hang your emotions on your shirt sleeveā€¦ when I get pissed I jam out to Marlon Manson


They are both the K x D. They are drying now. Will definently update the final yield in the end.

Will be taking a sample from the TD and the K x D soon.


I never got round to sensi version. I used to gorilla grow on a push bike lol. Which is very much hard work with 50litre bag of soil on handlebars.
For this reason I used to use Dutch passions feminised version probably from same stock I would say but as a guess probably originally from Mel frank.
Grew it a few times as itā€™s very reliable for the uk season. And I will say one thing for Dutch passion they were always spot on with flowering times. Unlike other Dutch seed companyā€™s they were ready end of September.
Our climate can be a bitch and when you grow something for around six months you donā€™t want to get halfway through October and find itā€™s not going to Finnish properly.
I couldnā€™t defoliate my grow spaces entirely for security reasons, so I could not guard against botryatis fully.
Most seasons ended up typically annaseed like description. But my first grow was my first time ever completing a grow in 2005. I had previously been gifted a plant from sensi in 1999 -2000 from a friend I had just sold 9 ounces of Columbian brick weed too. He got one of the packages that was still good, I gave another package away to a friend as it had mould. Water had seeped in Iā€™m guessing it was dropped in sea on importation. There was also some super seedy weed there all had been lifted from a warehouse it was stored in by Iā€™m guessing a disgruntled accomplice. I never finished that first plant I was gifted that I ran under an old street lamp I recycled from the building site I was working on as I got a chance to go and work in Holland in 2000. I started again in 2005 after too much exposure to soap bar hash.
That run was different from the rest, I made my own soil and my plants went out staggered and ranged from 5-6 foot to 1.2 metres.
And was the catalyst for me, donā€™t know why it was so tropical tasting as Iā€™ve grown it many time after but to about 2 metres. Iā€™m guessing a mix of the soil and that it never matured same like lamb rather than mutton? Or maybe seeds were mixed up ? Which I donā€™t think as itā€™s a very uniform grow to my eyes same plant