In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

I also have friends in South Africa who say there is nothing special in the Durban there anymore. So I guess it depends which plants were were selected and isolated years ago and a little cross polinisation from other strains introduced? The Malawi is said to have declined a little too, but it seems not to come in cobs for curing anymore but in sacks. I smoke too much weed and maybe I’m mistaken and maybe friends will share some light? @Sunvalley


@Funkjunky… looking back all of us have our Strange Beginnings with growing. I started with a couple small fluorescent bulbs in a closet, and didn’t know I had to cut the light cycle back. I had my friend babysit the plants while I was on vacation in Florida and he smoked all the leaves while I was gone LOL. Durban Poison originally was a hybrid, and had that extra potency and Magic hybrids are known for. Nearly 50 years later, the remnants of Durban Poison are now old IBLs and have lost some of that magic, but are now probably better for breeding because of that.
In the 1940s gold miners from Malawi headed down to South Africa for work and I believe that there was some exchange of genetics. Increased potency of both areas would have been the result, and that potency slowly Fades with time.


That first grow I smoked the leaves the one pre 2000. Used to have a t-shirt early 90’s with Durban poison on it think around 91 as I tried some Durban back then I’d say grown from Dutch seed was very nice and the guy I procured it from recommended it as better than the northern lights he had that had been well grown too. It had of coarse been recommended because of the uplifting sativa buzz, at this time we were getting skunk of another source too. Was a wake up call as the hashish was degrading at that time. Black hashish that had been arriving in diesel drums and the emergence of soap bar.
I was actually getting very good import weed at the time from out of the area. But it was sourced by my South American friends and had trouble selling to the white people as there was a cartel ting going on in the area I lived. The soap bar and diesel was dominated by old style white criminals who had put the money they had earned through robbing securicor vans to reinvest and as many were exiled in Spain Morocco was a paddle boat away.
The soap was routinely mixed with henna, but if you introduced better quality maroccan you would be set upon and word would be spread you had the bunk. I tried bringing some mirror bar on the local scene for people to conspire I was selling henna when there products were highly contaminated. There was a little manali about imported by some of the usual suspects in snooker cue cases. This was of good quality as it had not passed through the normal ex armed robbery crews. There was some descent marocan in Shepherd’s Bush too came in different blocks and was maybe the early harvest? As if 5.0 on your case you would stash it in your mouth where in went very green with some brown. The hashish my mother used to sell was of better quality than anything seen past 1990 when it was in the hands of commercial imports.


Redbeard was very common from a different source. The Columbian block weed was the closest quality that could touch the block weed of redbeard. Which was probably from South Africa.

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Once an electrician from Peckham decided to stop smoking and gifted me his stash. First time I had Caribbean uncrushed absolutely out of this world. Probably about 94-95


I plan to bring some testers home later today. I’m ready to try some out for sure.


Curious how it is without a cure. Both Durban and Kullu were waaaay better after 3 months cure. Of course most was smoked by then. Also curious taste wise. Durban dominated the flowering time in this cross… Hopefully dominates the taste, too, but with the added potency of Kullu.


That’s what I’m thinking right now too. The dks all smelled of hay still, so I decided to give them some more time. They’ve only been jarred 5 days. We will see next time I check them.

I did test the triple durban 5 today, which had a pretty decent smell to it. It’s hard to describe, it’s not really what I was expecting. It’s kinda musky and woody. It almost reminds me of an old goneshi incense smell, that I can’t remember the name of.

I rolled a joint and shared it with a friend. We smoked the whole thing, waiting for it to kick in (it was pretty smooth) . After we finished it, the first thing I felt was some energy. Then we both realized we were baked. Nice creeper effect, I enjoyed it. It was a somewhat clear headed high. Hard to say, cuz I was still kinda high from earlier.

I noticed on the way home, the lights seemed a little more intense or something. They really stuck out to me. When I was almost home I felt a tingly rush of energy. A bit after I got home, hunger did hit. I found thag odd, but then again, I’ve been smoking other stuff today also.

After eating I’ve been working on my sip project, and just came to sit down and write this. I feel like going and doing something else still. Nice energetic high. I like it.


Triple durban 4 did not take as long to kick in. I would say this is closer to the racy side. The energy waves came much quicker and more intensely. I feel like my heart rate has gone up.

Interesting for sure. Could be the most sativa stuff I’ve smoked in a long time, but I’m still exploring this. I was mostly a brickweed smoker for many years.

Edit : I’m talking pretty quickly also. :grinning:


It is still going strong as well. This is a nice day smoke for sure.


Feeling some burnout now. I don’t like this part. Lol


did you get the real munchies? headache? paranoia?


I’m not sure if it was real munchies or just past dinner time. I don’t feel any above normal paranoia, and I did not get a headache.

Right after feeling this last round of burnout, I had to go set up my sips, so I left the burnout passed, but now is back after completing setup.

I can believe I’m still buzzing. I don’t even feel like I need to smoke more yet, and it’s been 6 hours. Crazy.


sounds awesome!

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I didn’t smoke again until the evening. I was shocked!


Sounds like some primo smoke!


Yeah, if you can wait out the 12 weeks. It was definitely enjoyable.


You mentioned not feeling like smoking for 6 hours. I believe you. I had smoke like that before but by no means often. Takes some mad skills and genetics to grow bomb weed like that


Thanks bro. We have lefthand to thank for the genetic combo for sure

I think with a proper, unseeded run, it could really be stellar.


No prob bud. You are right. We do have some incredible breeders here!