In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

Tried td 3 this morning. It gave me energy, but in a lackluster way. It also has some burnout off and on. I’m fixing to smoke some more, so the buzz doesn’t last like the others either. Nice stuff, but it looks like I’m gonna have to smoke the other two some more and see which one I like the best.

I’ll probably grab some of the durban x kullu here in a bit, so I can test it out.


Triple Durban sounds like a keeper! I love that energetic pot! I find the same thing with landraces. The high lasts a lot longer. Like you’re wearing a cannabis patch LOL. You don’t need that next fix.
Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about the Kulu Durban. I would say you’re going to have to wait for a cure before it’s any good, but I’m curious to see if it has the Durban taste.


I just hit the dxk 7 about 10 minutes ago. I tasted licorice in it!!! I got energy pretty quick, energy tingles in my arms after about 5 that are still here. I can feel it ramping up nicely. I’m gonna report back later.

The buds were ripe for pollination when the herm hit them. I haven’t seen this many seeds since some of the finest brick weed I got back in the day. I can tell there is survivor in this line. There was still a decent amount of bud left.


This is what I need to avoid. I have gotten @JustSumTomatoes Orange Grove F3 Reg will they do this?


The munchies maybe, but never got headaches or paranoia with it.


Headaches and paranoia come with a Sativa for some. That orange grove is full indica I believe. I have 11 of those I need to up pot today, speaking of.

I’m still riding a nice, clear-headed buzz. It seems about the same as the triple Durban buzz to me. I haven’t had any burnout yet, and no real reason to smoke more. It’s good stuff.


About two hours ago, I got the burnout tired thing going on. I had 4 more puffs, and I was off again.

Is this just common with the sativas when the buzz runs out?


Sounds like the Kullu Durban is pretty good. It should get much better after a cure. I got zero burn out from the Kullu, but I do get burn out from the Durban, which I attributed to a late pick. Perhaps that’s not the case with that Durban. Maybe it’s just been too heavily selected towards the Afghan side. The licorice smell/taste might be coming from Kullu or Durban, they are both known to have it. Interesting that it popped out in the hybrid, but I tasted it in neither of them when they were pure.
It’s unfortunate there are so many seeds you have to pick out of the bud. At least it’s smokable


I live off these sativas when I can find them. I don’t know if the burnout is common for me, since I just get that daily from my ADHD but others who have shared my stash have frequently tapped out a couple hours later. They’d rather have a nap than another hit though.

Licorice is what I smell for, I find it best is Durban Poison, but that’s what alleviates my anxiety the most. Helps me focus, helps me get through whatever I need to. Fucking amazing to exercise on, it’s like sex. Sex, well, that’s better too.


I just close my eyes and pretend it’s brick weed :wink:

It smokes way better than that though.

Yesterday I tried the dxk 5, and burnout kicked in after 5.5 hours. Besides that it was not as clear headed as the other I’ve tried. My head did clear up after a couple hours. I’ll keep on testing, I have one more.


I agree man, work is great on the stuff. I think my wife likes it because of all the projects I’ve been getting knocked out.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I tried the dxk 3 this morning, and I got burnout about 3 hours in. I was hopeful, as this seemed a bit more stoney than the others, but I should have known.

At least I brought more with me today. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It sounds as if the Kullu Durban hybrid does hold some promise. I will be making it again but with a longer flowering Durban this time. There will be zero burnout. Perhaps a larger pheno hunt with these seeds will produce plants without the burn out. I know it’s from that cannabiogen Durban. Sometimes I wonder if I even bought Durban. I talked with snow High about it and he says he knows for a fact that the Durban they use has a great pedigree. One look at what left hand seeds found proves it. Snowhigh was telling me how important it is to pick the right plants for breeding each generation. He seemed to think that there was a poor selection for this generation , and that with some work it could be brought back to the Speedy side.


Back cross it to his Devils tit


@OleReynard …Ooooh…good idea. He told me I should try that one. He said it was " roller coaster herbs". Right up my alley.


I can help you out with that


I totally agree. The #7 was awesome for a long time. The other 2 were good while it lasted.

It wasn’t really strong, but it was there.

There definitely must be some magic for you in those terps then.

I find that better on most strains. :wink:

I would take this guy up on that.:smile:


Found a picture of my garden plant from 2 years ago. The best work weed I ever had. Came up on its own, began flowering in mid-july, and finished in mid-october. The genetics were a hybrid of my two old heirlooms( Coyote Candy) crossed with what I believe is super sativa Seed Company Durban.


Those look really nice man. I still need to find some. The more of the durbans that I smoke, the quicker the burnout comes. I was starting to think it was just me. My mom came this weekend, and the second day my mom called it a downer, so at least I know it isnt me. Its crazy though, Im gonna try some of the last durban tomorrow, then go back through the durban x kullu. If I can find something, Ill just have to let it all cure longer and see what happens, but can a cure take burnout weed and take the burnout away?


Unfortunately I don’t think a cure can take away the burnout… but smoking more of that might. The strongest Malawi plant I have at first knocked me out after about 20 minutes. Now it’s an enjoyable buzz for a couple hours, no burnout. (Hmmm… maybe that was The Cure?) Seems unlikely… there was just something in it I had to get used to…
The picture above was just one plant. I snapped a massive branch that would have made it about 1/3 bigger. Super wide plant with no topping