In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

Ill try smoking more I guess. It was awesome for many hours at first, maybe if I could go back to not being used to it? :grin:


What week was it picked at? What did the resin glands look like?


I believe they were all week 12. Some of the durbans had a good bit of amber, and I believe the dxk was more clear/ cloudy and could have gone a bit longer.


Might want to pick a little bit earlier for that Speedy Buzz. Amber resin makes you sleepy


It shouldnā€™t be an issue for the dxk.

Yeah, the pitfall of not being able to be at your flower tent every day.

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Iā€™m really sensitive too. Lots of weed many people can smoke and hang out with their friends no problem and Iā€™ll be curled up on the couch somewhere taking a nap lol. I like weed like that, but not when Iā€™m trying to socialize. I actually canā€™t even smoke other peopleā€™s weed at a party or anything. I have to sample it first to make sure it doesnā€™t put me to sleep. Even speedy pot I have to pick before the resin glands turn amber. I like them right when they turn cloudy. I bet itā€™s a lot more perky picked at week 10.

Yup. Nice you had the help though


The weird part is that I donā€™t really find myself that way. I can fight through burnout, I just prefer not to.

Iā€™m extremely blessed to have a grow partner for sure. Heā€™s an environmental control guru.


I picked my KxD at 68 days. It does the same for me. Starts nice, but you come down hard. I smoke my Jack for the "every day get shit done buzz, and the Hawaiian Haze for my mind moving, body relaxing buzz.

The KxD did yield me over a pound for all the plants. Nice smoke, just not the sativa high I like.


@Old-Ron. Sorry to hear that itā€™s not that uppity Buzz. I guess it took after the Durban. I smoked some of that last night and itā€™s very very powerful, but it knocked me out. Iā€™m surprised it was that dominant in the hybrid. Must be an old Inbred line. Maybe I didnā€™t even buy Durban? I really thought Iā€™d just picked it too late. All the plants have the same effect? What a bummer. A nice yield isnā€™t much consolation if the smoke is not your cup of tea . I was thinking it would be a speed machine. Does it have a good taste ? If it did, that came from the Durban as well. Sorry I missed your post 2 weeks agoā€¦
@Badgerā€¦ how about with you? Still getting burn out off of some of the plants?
I think itā€™s safe to say that hybrid can be scrapped in its current form.


Yeah, Iā€™ve pretty much given up smoking either, and gone back to my sour d.

It sucks, but I would have to agree at this point. Iā€™m still on the hunt though.


The search continues for me as well. Thanks to both of you for giving Kullu Durban a shot. I think its safe to say that either I didnt buy Cannabiogen Durban ( ripped off) or they have recently ruined their Durban. What a bummer. Iā€™ll be getting in touch with them about this.
Consider giving Khalifa Genetics work a shot. His Kullu is very good daytime smoke. Zero burnout.


Youā€™re very welcome my friend. Thanks for being so OG and sharing your creations. Iā€™m looking forward to the next ones that are going, and seeing how they do outdoors.


i have some of your durben x kullu seeds, i will be growing a few of each out this year outdoors in the uk, may try some light dep through the summer to get that resin and terps up. il be cloning them all and picking the trippy energetic female to dust a little male juice onto a few buds. i will of course send you a few seeds over the pond to share the love, once there in the fridge.
i need me some energetic weed, sick of indica dom at the moment,lol
peace, s1

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@smokie1 ā€¦Unfortunately the Kullu/Durban has burnout after a long high. Iā€™ve had weed like this. Once you smoke it, you have to keep smoking it every few hours to avoid the burnout. And if you smoke a lot, burnout is unavoidable no matter what you do.
The Durban I used is very dominant in this hybrid, and it is not uppity. Its more Stoney. If I sent you Purple Malawi, try that one instead. Very uppity. Or maybe plan on an early pick with Kullu/Durban. 8-9 weeks. ( were they ā€œdoneā€ enough at week 8 @Badger, @Old-Ron? Or is this bad advice?)Iā€™m just blown away by how fast these bud. I was thinking 12-13 weeks. Not even close.


I used to find you had to cure sativa Dom here and I indica Dom was sometimes better after a thorough dry.
My friend agreed with me with the outdoor thing here. You think itā€™s ok but no market for it. After 2-4 months cure it comes in as a niche product that has many good effects but somewhat harsh in taste, itā€™s effects are more therapeutic and broader hitting. But still no commercial opportunities as taste is compromised by cold weather and is more loose bud. Early darkening solves this or larger autos timed for mid august harvest where you will find people will mistake it for indoors.

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Like I said Durban from Durban isnā€™t outstanding anymore from what Iā€™m told from friends who can just go to Durban and get first hand

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@smokie1 Good to see you around again. Did the sun finally come out in the UK?


Durbans a port, anything that went thru there was called Durban.
So there really isnā€™t a durban strain just a namesake.
However the best so called Durbans are not of any indica but sativa rocket fuel and tastes of black licorice or also a slight grapiesh taste, which is a terp of the black licorice.


Yup. You nailed it. Durban seems to be a conglomerate of more than several varieties. The ā€œDurban Poisonā€ that was made in San Francisco in the 70s was a mix of the two best plants out of nearly 20 the guy grew. I believe these two plants were probably hybrids of local sativas and an unknown indica.
ā€œPoisonā€ is what the colonialists called all weed as a derogatory term to discourage useā€¦ Durban Poison was a name used for marketing by the " inventor" of the strain everyone came to love. The true makers of strains from near Durban were local South African Tribals. All the guy from San Francisco did was pick the best two out of 20 or 17ā€¦ whatever it was.


@Upstate mine I cut at 66 days. They were done. Not sure it would have helped to cut it under 60 days. They just didnā€™t look ready.

I have a couple clones I took of it I am growing out. I had a couple friends who enjoyed it, and the meds helped them. I will see how goes this time

The 2 clones are on the left side. They went into flower 3 weeks ago.