In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

you can get one on eBay for around $40 to $50, just look for a Brother QL-550 thermal printer and then you can buy cheap compatible continuous length film labels on Amazon.


Everyone got up potted last night. The root system on the Triple Durban (TD)) are much larger on the Kullu x Durban (K x D). The above soil growth there is not a lot of difference in height or canopy. They were moved from the seedling shelf under the 600 watt blurple to the 2 x 4 tent under a Mars TS1000 at 100%. Temperature is 73 degrees, RH is 32%

Roots TD #1. This one when planted in the solo cup I buried about an inch of the stem in the soil.

Roots TD #4. This one I planted the stem a half inch in the soil

Roots KD #2. This one had a half inch of the stem planted in the soil

Roots KD #6 This also had a half inch of stem below the soil. It now has one of the largest canopies despite being one of the shortest.


The Triple Durban (TD) has shown some steady growth amongst the plants over 2 weeks. Everyone has grown 1.25 to 1.75 inches in fairly equal stages.

The Kullu x Durban (K x D) has a grown about the same amount as the TD, but most of it has come in the last 5 days. There is still a smaller gap between the largest and smallest of the K x D than the TD.

TD #1 is still the largest of the entire grow. It stands at 3.75 inches up another half inch from 5 days ago. The canopy is 7 inches. It has he thinnest leaves of the TD grow. I had to clean some of the leaves off as it was not given as good a care as should have been while I was gone.

TD #2 has grown 3/4 inch in the last 5 days now at 3.25 inches. It has a 5.5 canopy.

TD #3 has grown a 1/2 inch in the last 5 days making it 3.25 inches also. The canopy is 6 inches making it the second largest of the grow.

TD #4 has grown an inch over 5 days making it the largest gain so far of any of the TD plants. It is now 3 inches tall and has a 5.5 inch canopy.

TD #5 has grown a 1/2 inch now at 2.5 inches making it still the smallest plant. It did have the largest canopy growth adding 2 more inches now measuring 5 inches

K x D #1 had the largest growth spurt of any of the plants so far adding 1 1/4 inches making it 3.25 inches. It also added a 1 1/4 inches to the canopy bringing it to 6 inches. K x D #1 has the thinnest leaves of the Kullu x Durban grow.

K x D #2 only grew a 1/4 inch over the last 5 days. It is still the largest of the K x D grow. It also has a 6 inch canopy

K x D #3 grew 3/4 inch now at 2.75. Its 4.5 inch canopy makes it one of the smallest of the entire grow.

K x D #4 only grew 1/4 of an inch tying it for the least amount of growth over the last 5 days. It did add 1 1/2 inches to the canopy making it 5 inches. Second smallest of the grow.

K x D #5 grew 3/4 of an inch now at 2.5 inches, however its canopy only added 1 inch and is 4.5 inches tying for the smallest of the entire grow.

K x D #6 had the second largest growth over the 5 days at 1 inch making it now 2.5 inches. It is still tied for the smallest plant of the entire grow. It did however add 3 inches to the canopy making it 6 inches now and having the 3rd largest canopy of the entire grow.


Nice job. Nice healthy root systems. Not as pot bound as I thought. Still liking triple d #1, though I’m thinking male? …and KD#1 is looking nice too. Probably Male lol. The nicest young plants usually are


How long will you veg?


I will veg them probably 4 to 6 weeks depending. Females moved to 3 gallon pots once they show.


Good plan. Nice and stacked nodes so far. What bulb are you using? 1000 watt Mars? How many hours/day?


They were under a 600 watt blurple. It was pretty close less then 6 inches. 18 hours a day.

Since moving them to one gallon plastic pots, they are under the Mars TS1000. It is only 150 watts, 250 watt hps equivalent. They will be on an 18 hour schedule.

When I have room, they will move to a tent with a 240 watt led for a few weeks, then to flower under a HLG 550 or 650r. Just depends on where room becomes available first.


I apologize, I know this update has been a long time coming. It’s hard to believe since Im not working much, but I have been busy!

The triple Durbans range from 1.75-3.75" tall. The Durban x Kullu range from 2-3.75 inches tall. Durban x Kullu 4 was part of an experiment. I took it out of the tiny pot and transplanted it to the next size up, with supersoil, at 10 days old. It took off. Now I will have to wait a bit longer for the nexrt up pot, but its good to know they can take full strength at 10 days old. The rest were up potted yesterday.

I dont think they like my starter soil much, so I will work on that for the next round of seedlings. They seemed to get deficient pretty fast. The humidity was way too low as well. They will be looking better for the next pics. The supersoil should help them take off from here.
Triple Durbans



They will all be taking off shortly with that super soil
I’m surprised they can handle it. Both Durban and Kullu wanted 1/3 to 1/2 strength soil . Hybrid vigor in action…


That number 4 is thriving in it. Here’s hoping they all react like that!


Yes it is! Loves it!

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They look good brother

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Had a little time to do an update. The growth of the Kullu x Durban (KxD) is more vigorous in both height and canopy, then the Triple Durban (TD). KxD #1 and TD #1 are extremely similar in height, canopy and leaf structure.

TD #1 is now tied for tallest of the TD grow. It added another .5 inch over the last 5 days making it 4 inches tall with a 7.5 inch canopy, which is the largest of the TD plants. Has the narrowest leaves of the TD plants.

TD #2 added .5 of an inch now standing at 3.75 inches. The canopy is still 5.5 inches. The leaf structure is similar to some of the KxD plants right now.

TD #3 added .75 of an inch and is tied for tallest plant of the TD grow with #1 at 4 inches. The canopy is still 6 inches.

TD #4 also added .75 of an inch now at 3.75 inches. It also added a .5 of an inch to the canopy making it 6 inches.

TD #5 is still the smallest of the entire grow still at 2.5 inches. It did add 1.25 inches to the canopy making it 6.25 inches now.

All of the KxD plants added height over the last 5 days, but their canopy growth has really gone crazy. They have added between 1.5 to 2.5 inches to the canopies over the last 5 days.

KxD #1 is now 4 inches tall. It added .75 on an inch over the last 5 days. It doubled that in canopy growth adding 1.5 inches making it 7.5 inches tying it for second largest of the entire grow.

KxD #2 is the largest of the entire grow adding .5 of an inch making it 4.5 inches tall. Like #1 it added 1.5 inches to the canopy, this was the smallest amount among the KxD grow. The canopy is now 7.5 inches.

KxD #3 is now 3.5 inches, up .75 of an inch from 5 days ago. It had the largest growth in the canopy at 2.75 inches bringing it to 7.25 inches.

KxD #4 added the most to its height at 1.25 inches making it 3.75 inches now. It also added another 2.5 inches to the canopy bringing it to 7.5 inches.

KxD #5 added another inch to its size making it 3.5 inches with a 6.75 inch canopy that has grown 2.25 inches in 5 days

KxD #6 was the smallest of the KxD grow, however adding an inch since the last update has made it 3.5 inches and ties it with numbers 3 & 5. Despite being one of the smallest plants, it added 2 more inches to the canopy and boasts the largest one of the entire grow at 8 inches.


Looking great brother. I am alway impressed with your updates. They’re extremely thorough. They seem to be running close to mine in height. I am focusing more on the end result. :wink:


I am just trying not to kill them…lol


Starter soil, remember absolutely no nutes for a couple of weeks.
I let my lowers start to yellow out then uppot, then they explode within a couple days.
Screw that super soil crap actually for any use.


Maybe I did ok then with the starter. Thanks buddy.


Update time. I can tell you @OleReynard the triple durbans felt the same way as you about supersoil for awhile after transplant. The tips of the leaves curled pretty bad and they were not happy. They did get a good stunt in their growth, but they are back to looking happy, finally. They range from 3.5-6.5 inches tall. They are also showing sex. They’re are 3 females, one male, and one unknown. The male will soon be plucked of growth tips for knf ferts, and the rest of him will composted.

The Durban x Kullu actually loved the supersoil, and took off, mostly. They range form 3 inches to 8.5 inches tall. There are 3 females, and 4 unknowns. 2 of them have weird growth where the sex organs should be showing. I assume they are male, but weird. I got pics. Tell me what you think. I know Motz will :grin:

Triple Durbans 2,3&5 are the females,

Here are the weird growths on the 1 and 2 Durban x Kullu

Here they are

Here are the ladies

Here are the rest of them

Group shot


DK 1 and 2 got the axe tonight (males) . I wanted to have a minute to show how I like to recycle my nutes.

First, post death shot

Pull off all the growth tips

Add the tips to labs and brown sugar. I don’t remember the acronym, but it’s veg fertilizer. It doesn’t have to sound fancy :joy:

The rest goes into ewc