In search of a keeper Durban from different parts of the country

Knf growing to me seems like the ultimate organic method. I really look forward to having the time to learn this one. The growth in the second Kulu Durban photo to me look like a male part, the first photo looked a bit more like a shoot. I’m pretty surprised they enjoy the super soil to be honest. Both the Durban and the Kullu were pretty fussy when it came to nutrients. I’m happy to hear they’re not so fussy as a hybrid. Quick update on the Kullu potency… it’s really a kick-ass sativa. Gets me higher than the Bruce Banner my coworker grew this summer. The durban’s I definitely picked too late, as they put me right to sleep when I smoke them. That would put them closer to an 8-week strain than a 10-week strain, which should put the Kullu Durban right around 11 and 1/2 or 12 weeks flowering.


They both ended up being boys. They will be helping the younger ones grow soon. That will probably be part of my pre cloning regimen also.


@lefthandseeds. . I’ve been talking to a few people about the Cannabiogen Durban, and all agree it’s been bred too far to the short flowering side of the spectrum. You’re very fortunate to have scored their Durban before all their breeding efforts occurred. I’m really looking forward to trying yours out this summer. These Triple Durban’s are looking excellent.


I think I sent you some F2s, no? You should try growing those. Mine were super airy… on the level of some other really pure sativas I’ve grown, like Bodhi Acapulco Gold.


Yes you did. They won’t be collecting any dust! I just wanted it to be clear to everyone that the Cannabiogen Durban you used for your Triple Durban was an earlier generation, and more desirable imo, than the later one I bitch about on occasion😁. I’m very much looking forward to growing the f2 sativa selection and the Triple Durbans you gave me!


Durban x Kullu


My plants are outgrowing my tent, and the flower tent for them is a ways off. I needed to gain some height, and also get the lower branches a bit larger, for cloning. I decided to do an update, pre fim.
The triple Durbans range from 5 to 10.5 inches. I can definitely see how some of these will be easier to grow indoors than others. There are 3 females, and one possible male. Im gonna watch the last one to make sure.

The Durban x Kullu range from 4.5- 10.5 inches tall. There are 3 females and 2 unknowns.

When I fimmed them, I didnt come acrossed anything too stinky yet, which is kinda what I expected. Time will tell.

Durban x Kullu


Wanted to give a quick, short update. The Triple Durban (TD) are growing slowly. 2 of the 5 are female.

TD #1 is now the second tallest of the TD plants at 7.5 inches with a 7 inch canopy.

TD #2 is 6.5 inches with a 7 inch canopy

TD #3 is now the tallest of the grow at 9.5 inches with an 8 inch canopy.

TD #4 is female and is 6.75 inches tall with a 9 inch canopy.

TD #5 is female and the shortest of the grow at 5.5 inches with a 6.5 canopy

The Kullu x Durban (K x D) is very vigorous. There are 2 females and looks to be one male of the 6 plants.

K x D #1 is 9.5 inches tall with a 9 inch canopy

K x D #2 is the tallest of the group at 10 inches. It is also tied for the largest canopy at 11 inches.

K x D #3 is the suspected male. It is 8.5 inches tall with an 9.5 inch canopy.

K x D #4 is the smallest of the grow at 7 inches with a 10 inch canopy

K x D #5 is female and is the second smallest of the grow at 7.75 inches. It does have a 9 inch canopy.

K x D #6 is the other female and has shown the most growth since the last update adding 6 inches. It now stands at 9.5 inches tying it for the second largest of the grow. She is tied for the largest canopy at 11 inches. I will be topping and cloning her.


TD#1 & KD#4 Love the structure, lookin good.


Great job, both of you. I cant tell you what an honor it is for me to see some of these grown out. Looking good! @Old-Ron, I think you are right about the suspected male plant. They always seem to get that saggy look to them before the females. I don’t know if it’s from faster-growing taproots, or the realization that the male plant has that it will soon be getting the chop lol.


Thank you so much for being OG to the core and sharing seeds so freely. We had talked about this project previously, and the timing was perfect. We bit agree it is a great addition in our search for a great day smoke.

I’m glad it means something to you, that’s really cool . I may change my tune trying to control the stretch in flower, but we’re still cool at the moment. :joy:


This is what I like to see. These 2 ladies are a fine example of a great reaction to FIM. One triple and one cross, both lovin it.
Dxk 4

Td 3

Inversely, I think it’s a he, and he is gonna go in the compost. No vigor in him


You’re going to have some real trees on your hands! The Kullu were as wide is they were tall, and those bushy ones are looking like Momma… I’m liking the look of both of those after the topping. The Kullu Durban has a nice light green color, which may indicate excellent mold resistance Outdoors.


Decided to top K x D #6. Took the cutting and put it in the cloner.

Going to give the plant a few days to recover then move her to a 3 gallon pot. All the females should be in a flower tent by Monday hopefully.


I may have to beat mine back a bit more. I’m waiting for my gorilla tent to open up, and I want to put the extension on it before mine go into flower.


How big are you growing them? Lol


I may have popped the seeds a bit early. The flower tent is on day 55 now, so we should be getting close. I need to get clones as well before sending them off.


Loving the structure on the number 6. Tropical Indian sativas have incredible branching, and the Durban was no slouch either…


Great looking plants guys, those TD will start taking off soon, mine made 6’ in 3 gallon with the single top cut…:metal::sunglasses:


It is a nice looking plant. Was thinking about holding off on flowering until I know the clone roots. Then decided nope, this weekend they start…lol