Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

I like functional and medium strength buds, so that doesn’t sound that bad to me at all! Love that photo as well, attractive frost, calyx to leaf ratio and color!

Not long ago I decided to let go of the Goji male as well as Space Monkey after keeping SM for ~3 years or so. There’s enough beans to satisfy my needs as well as F2s of it, and feel like it’s time to move on. The goal is to not give in to the hoarding impulse to save moms, hopefully I can stick to it. It’s possible to find it again but with the potential of bringing in pests I doubt I’d ever go that route.

Chucks that I remember off the top of my head. Some like the SFV and GG4 RIL chuck yielded beans in the single digits only if my memory is correct.

Space Monkey F2
Space Monkey x GG4 RIL (TonyGreen)
Space Monkey x SFV OG BX5 (Twenty20)
Space Monkey x Devil’s Hashplant (Untested Male)
Space Monkey x Goji OG (2021 Male)


Considering options for possible wintertime chucks recently. I was assuming I’d try a Madre Azul male (provided there is one) but feeling like if the SSDD were to get treated with STS that S1s as well as pollen chucks would be cool to explore. Completely inexperienced with reversing so I have no clue what to expect in terms of pollen yield or anything like that. The unfamiliarity and inexperience makes it pretty attractive to me when it comes to keeping things interesting. I considered also using some SSDD F2s to do a kind of in-cross but when I think about what I’d want to pop myself I like the idea of S1s more.

Dealing with some family & life stuff, as well as a puppy (In addition to an extremely high drive rescue) lately so all my free time outside of work and responsibilities is sunk into my dogs. Because of this gardening is taking a massive hit… Luckily I can read OG on my phone during the downtime at least, but that’s about it as far as gardening goes.

High quality pictures seem almost impossible at the moment due to how long it takes to get shots with the mirror-less but at the same time nothing really looks interesting enough to photograph, especially in sub-optimal health. The plants are overgrown in their pots and have wilted due to lack of water a few times.
I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing stands out as interesting from this small test given the circumstances; they are also quite root-bound and have dealt with heat issues as well.

All are different from each-other in terms of smells, but at the same time are common smells that I’ve experienced before. It would take too long to attempt individual reports on them and I don’t trust my nose enough anyways. Nothing to me smells as strong as a Wookie 15 cross but that can all change with time.

The Kush4xSSDD are fairly compact and leafy. Moderate level of smell so far. Here are 2 low quality pictures of different k4xssdd

Here’s a Beautiful Day. One of the more interesting ones at the moment in terms of smell and trichome development. This pheno has more trichomes on the fan/flower leaves than anything else currently.

Looking forward to seeing how the Sunshine Queen develops in terms of smell too. No pictures of that at the moment but it doesn’t look too much different from the Beautiful Day anyways.


The pics (and plants) look good to me, even if you didn’t do all that fancy computer shit to them haha. Hopefully the dog situation’ll work out, too.


Visually Golden HP is probably looking better than anything at the moment, but not too different from K4xSSDD.

2 different Golden Hashplants

and Sunshine Queen


Hahahahaha! Now that’s some funny shit right there!



They all look tickety boo from my house :yum:


i didn’t like the gsc wookie cross, or the damn purple unicorn that’s doodoo terps, hell nah haha! the terpenado was crazy in it’s own way, weird taste, didn’t like the wookie crosses, but only had a few seeds popped, i’m one of those that hate the wookie terps, give me some g13hp terps tho!


glad to see those @minitiger raves about those, looks good!


Off the top of my head I’ve yet to encounter anything that blows me away from the 88g13hp crosses when it comes to odor. Some were strong but haven’t seen anything yet that can compare to my favorite SunRa or Space Monkey. Quite a few have tasted extremely good in the vaporizer for sure though despite not having insane aroma. I remember the (hollyweed?) you posted on RIU looked and sounded great for sure.

Still early, smells can and will surely change. If I had to guess I’m probably around day 40 only. Still far too early to form any opinions but still nice to document thoughts… Closer to the end I’ll try to get some shots with the flash, should show the colors better.

K4xSSDD - Smelling mostly rubbery and adhesive. Not bad but very common smell profile so far. Very leafy and slower to take off. Getting frostier.

K4 x SSDD early flower

Golden HP - Not a very strong aroma coming from this yet. Trichomes on the bud leaves are very sticky at the moment. Makes me think of @minitiger’s post about how he found some gooey phenos.

Most sticky pheno so far of Golden HP

Sunshine Queen - reminds me of most SSDDs I’ve tried in smell. Lanky growth, unsure if it’s coming from the SSDD or 3 Kings OG.


Yeah, I haven’t, either. None of them have been “loud” per se. The Golden HP smelled like a wet, dirty carpet in a basement; “dank” in the truest sense of the word, but pretty muted. She tasted really, really good, though, very complex and nothing at all like the way she smelled. That was actually some of the better-tasting weed I’ve grown in a while. I have to chalk that up to the TK in that cross.

I’m trying to think what the Time Bandit smelled like, but I can’t remember haha. And if I can’t remember, it probably means it didn’t smell like much. The Clusterfunk was probably the most sorta unique- or interesting-smelling: very onion-y/garlic/BO, but, like the Golden HP, didn’t taste anything at all like the way she smelled. She was real tasty, too.

I do like how those 88G13HP crosses smell one way and then taste completely different and delicious. That seems to be one of the main things (along with structure, usually, Imperial Majesty notwithstanding haha) that’s tied them all together for me.

I actually only got one female from that run (big surprise… haha), so the fact that you got more than one is exciting. She was very, very gooey, though. I still have a few seeds left, really oughta plant them pretty soon…


Sounds very similar to most of my 88g13hp tests. Black Triangle definitely tasted better than it smelled. Were you a fan of time bandit? I got that as a freebie and have Wifi x SSDD in storage but never tried either.

The Devil’s HP was probably the loudest of the few 88g13HP crosses that I’ve tried. First time trying it the smell was fairly muted but when vaporized it smelled extremely strongly of church. Good taste on that one too but the smell vaporized was incredible… After running her again the smell got much stronger. I usually don’t give credence to the idea of ‘dialing in’ genetics, but some environmental factor must have been off on the first run because the seed run w/ Goji pollen was ridiculously loud. Closest to the Wookie “keepers” that I’ve encountered yet…

If nothing else it’s a humbling lesson for me to not speak in absolutes or authoritatively, only reporting personal experiences. The Wookie crosses seem far less sensitive and more consistent in terpene strength, which would make sense as that is what they were bred for.

From memory these are the few 88g13hp crosses that I’ve tried

Jungle Spice (Congo Pine)
Herer HP (Jack Herer)
Devil’s HP (Diablo)
Black Triangle (TK)
Lemon HP (Lemon G)
DLA #6 (Iraq Ranya)

in collection, will eventually try :

Snuggle Funk ( Black Domina )
Imperial Majesty (Pure OG)
Heavenly HP (Bubba Katsu)
Time Bandit (Wifi 43)
Saints Crossing (Saint Steven)
Grandmas HP (Irene)
Spirit HP (Ghost OG)
Redeye Jedeye ( Skywalker)
Blueberry HP (Blue dream Sativa)

I have a long way to go before I feel confident in isolating the 88g13hp phenos even.


I wish my queen was compact like this! The pheno I have atm grows stocky on thick branches, then in flower sends out sativa wands that foxtail into forever. Still have a few in the pack left and more than enough pollen chucks to find something else…She smells great though; hot rubber, pine, citrus.


heyy you remember that? haha, it wasn’t extra terpy at all, was more of a smoooth thick sweetish roasted garlic linger OG thing, not in a gnarly way

totally, that cross was my favorite 88g13hp cross, layry’s seasoning salt odor with blueberry cheesecake flavor smoke, super different smell/taste. haven’t got anything “sharp” astringent from them crosses

soooo much good stuff


So far I’d say the smell probably lines up quite a bit. We’ll see how mine matures. Do you enjoy the effects on yours? Have a log or anything you could link to? Would be really cool to read more!

Also we’ll see if it foxtails or not, too early still as the flowers are still forming. It’s definitely a very tall and lanky plant with the lower branches having stretchy internode spacing. My camera’s macro lens does not allow me to get full plant shots in the tight space that I’m in. (Only have a macro lens for this camera) That is just the very top that I took a picture of.


Oh yeah! I totally forgot that was an 88G13HP cross haha. For sure, though, my BT’s from last year tasted much better than they smelled.

Yeah, I liked that one a lot. Four females, they were all pretty similar both in the way they grew and the way they tasted/smoked. It was kinda more “nighttime” weed for me. Or at least, that’s when I always blazed it haha. Pretty similar to every other Ghash cross I’ve grown, really, with that hybrid “up-then-down” sorta high, but yeah, no complaints. Were they “keepers”? I dunno. I dunno what qualifies anything as a “keeper” haha. I did buy another pack of it from shoe a couple 4/20 sales-ago to supplement the half-pack that I had left. That must mean something haha.

I will say that my friends Erica and Jo LOVED the Time Bandit. They still ask about it haha. ”When are you gonna grow that one again???” They’re both self-proclaimed “Indica fans” (even though they always love the “Sativas” I force them to smoke)(I’m trying to change perceptions here, people! Haha), so that might be something to consider. I’m not sure why they loved that one as much as they did, but they REALLY loved it. Never seen them freak out over any of my other shit as much as they did the Time Bandit. And I grew my last Goji seeds that same run. They were like,”Yeah, the Goji’s okay, BUT THAT TIME BANDIT…” haha. I dunno.

Wait, so you ended up getting those seeds? Sweet! Maybe you mentioned that already, sorry if I forgot, but that one sounds interesting. They all do, really haha.


Yeah I couldn’t pass them up @ 45$ a pack when getting the others. I can’t realistically see myself buying anymore seeds after this latest purchase though. I only caved in because I’ve been after Redeye Jedeye + Blue Sunshine for a long time & Blueberry HP sounds just as appealing to me as Blue Sunshine in its own way.

Spirit HP , Blueberry HP , Madre Azul & Redeye Jedeye will all be tested in the fall assuming there are females!


I understand haha. I’m still checking GLG every couple days to make sure they have the Imperial Majesty seeds in stock, but I also still haven’t decided whether or not I’m gonna get another pack. It seems kind of silly to just order one pack of seeds haha, but I think that’s a “me problem.” I’d like to have some more of those in the fridge, though, just because I only have four seeds of that cross left.

Sounds like a lineup! Haha. That’ll be cool to see how each of those GHash crosses compare to one another. And that Madre Azul just sounds awesome. I’m stoked for you!


yeah i think that counts as being a keeper, if you keep it in clone/seed form, it’s a keeper to me!

nobody can. bu we solider on

we all do that bro, i did that for some TK s1 and guerilla fume and when the stock was too low i bought both, i think anybody with some intelligence does that LOL we’re normal


Yeah, but I don’t take clones or make seeds haha…

I actually hadn’t looked at GLG since the Black Friday sale last November (and I don’t think I ordered anything from them then, either), just been ordering from Doc for pretty much the last year (except for the Zap! seeds and the Diesel Therapy seeds that I got from Breeder’s Direct a while back). It’s only because I really, really dig the way the Imperial Majesties are looking that I’ve been keeping an eye on GLG recently. I really am truly done buying seeds; another pack of the IM is the only thing I’d make an exception for.


Yeah, I’m actually very content with my collection of beans as well. I almost bought Redeye Jedeye in 2015~ when I picked up SSDD & Goji OG and have been looking for it since. Up until now I’ve missed it every time it was released at any of the banks. I missed out on the Blue Sunshine in my cart during the last big drop that I participated in because I stuck around waiting for GLG to list the Redeye Jedeye. After more and more items disappeared from my cart I decided to just grab a few extra Black Triangle and call it a day.

For me this wasn’t really a spur of the moment thing, I’ve been after it for a while haha. I have backups of the packs that interest me most thankfully too. The only thing that I could see triggering another purchase at this point would be an interesting new Bodhi male or if for some reason I got a strong urge to explore haze type stuff via a new DocD GLG release.