Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

It’s a good feeling to have, where whenever somebody posts,”New seed drop happening now!” on the Bodhi thread or wherever and you’re like,”Yeah, nah, I’m good…” haha. “Not even gonna look to see what they’re talking about.”

That’s the thing that’s fucking KILLING me right now, is that I have some packs that I reeeeeallllyyyy wanna grow ASAP (Dream Lotus, Devil’s Hashplant, Appalachian Super Skunk), but I only have one pack of them. I have no idea why I only bought one pack of those when I, uh, bought them, but I wish I woulda grabbed a second pack of each.

I thought the Zap! genetics sounded really interesting, which is why I grabbed a couple packs of those. I wish Bodhi’d work a little more with those sorta “landrace Sativa”-type things. And I just realized it’s August 16 today, which means I really have to start thinking about and considering seriously what it is I’m gonna plant on September 1 haha…


im saying this more and more to myself lately, I’ve only ever bought one pack of anything but now thinking of what I want to F2 etc I’m kicking myself.


I usually buy two packs (at least) of whatever, just because it makes me feel more secure haha, but for whatever reason, I only grabbed one pack each of the ones I mentioned in the previous post. I really have no idea why, because it’s not like I wasn’t buying two packs of other shit I was ordering at the same time.

I fucked up haha…


Yeah, that’s a possibility. Or maybe he just “sits” on thousands of seeds of a particular cross until the grow reports start appearing on various sites. And I’m not talking about the tester reports, but just whoever’s grow logs, from seeds they bought.

I grabbed a pack of the Mountain Temple in, like, 2015 maybe? 2016? Grew some, loved it, couldn’t find any more seeds of it anywhere for several years. And then they just showed up one day at GLG (and probably a lot of other places, too), so I grabbed two more packs a while back. I thought that one was long gone, especially since I’d heard he lost the Appalachia male, but then they just showed up again.

It’s a mystery… haha.

They have some of those at JBC still? Shit… Okay haha.


I remember bodhi saying in his potcast episode that he does in fact have years worth of beans in deep storage and extra of lots of shit he’s already put out so I feel like you’re right on the money with that assessment


Goji F2’s have finally finished stretching. The one on the far left must have been 3x easy. Not a ton of smell coming off them at this point, just lightly sweet with a hint of berry.


Stretchy Pheno (Formerly thick stemmed pheno, thick no longer applies)

Nice Structure Pheno

Purple Stem Pheno


wooow, those look really great @Greasy lush and green all the way through, very nice work!


Thank you! They haven’t been particularly hungry, so they’ve stayed nice and green for me so far.


love it when that happens. albeit rarely for me. haha


Beautiful @Greasy! Nicest outdoor plants I’ve seen in a while. RESPECT




Agreed, they look very healthy! Makes me nervous always to read about little odor on anything Goji related just from my past experiences, though it’s still quite early in flower. The mom in the cross did start out berry and completely changed smell by the end with no berry detectable (by me at least). Are the SunRa starting to smell yet? Thanks again for posting these here!


I think it’s too early to be nervous. All my outdoor plants have similar faint smells as they are still very early in flowering. Funny enough the Sun Ra smells the least, but she was also the slowest to transition to flower. I bet they’ll be getting louder by the week soon enough.


Yeah someone else on the main bodhi post chimed in on how it was their favorite smoke I believe, a very active smoke for me; brings forth energy and focus. I have some pictures on there of her as well, unfortunately from my most recent harvest I had to throw 3 plants away around day 70 into flower…botrytis has wrecked the grow.

Sunshine #4 with her chunky colas succumbed to some deep infection but seems to have a mild resistance. I dont know if its through divine intervention or what have you, but Mendo Sunshine #2 seemed to be largely unaffected by any of the fungal issues while Mendo Sunshine #3 had slight infection on the biggest colas.

Has anyone ever used their ‘infected’ weed for tinctures or topicals?

For clarity the whole entire buds were not infected I am talking 1-2cm areas, most often smaller or just a dead leaf deep in the cola, with no visible webbing, if so immediate discard for me. I use a camera zoomed in like a large magnifying glass with the flash turned on in a dark room, this technique has revealed fungus that I would of missed otherwise.

It always guts me to discard hardworked reefer and would really like to find the safest ways to process for use if at all possible…have any of you done it?

Also yes I have a dehumidifier, the largest one you can buy for homes, and theres two of them! They drip about 5-10gallons/24hours! Looks like I need to start looking at commercial units.


I haven’t, but after my first (and so far, only :crossed_fingers:) run-in with moldy bud and throwing out nearly a pound, I discovered that you can use it just fine for making green dragon/RSO because the alcohol will kill the microorganisms while you’re processing it. Can’t see any reason why it shouldn’t work, particularly if you’re using everclear or 99% isopropyl. Lower strength alcohol won’t work as well, and might get dangerous.


Gather round boys and girls and ill tell you a tale as old as time itself, about the pothead who grew some of the most beautiful gojis that hermied and threw pollen around like fuck, and the grower thought it was dusted gypsum because he had never dealt with so many fucking nanners before and thus didn’t know how to recognize what was going on and didn’t realize he had a half room full of fucking bananas impregnating every fucking single calix, until the whole shit was too late. Too late I tell ya.

As I said… as old as time itself.

Ive had people tell me this was Goji genetics, which may be the case, but I feel I have not been as diligent covering the tent completely, and it has many - small but many - light leaks to fix.

I dunno… this really sucks, trying to keep morale up. lol

these are the worst cases among the teenage preggos situation, their slimness should have indicated to me something was off.


It may be both genetics and environmental triggers but like I documented earlier in this thread the 2017 Goji F2s that I had put out nanners at an incredibly high rate as well. Could be environmental in my case too but they are too sensitive to even consider running again or exploring future gens. So far the 2021 Goji F2s seem OK, but more testing will reveal whether or not that’s the case. Your Goji F2s were from Lazy Hippies co-op right? Your flowers look nice and healthy otherwise…


Yup,Catapult’s run of Lazy Hippie’s seeds. He had some nanners but he culled those, i followed his journal closely.

i do believe it was some stressor, and that the gojis arent up for any stress. cus some of the other strains in the tent also showed some nanners but like 1 or 2… the Gojis are filled.


Yeah, I think it’s a great attitude to have to search for what you may have done wrong, but at the same time there is no denying at this point there is a high chance for herms when exploring Goji lines. Same way GSC, OG and GG4 genetics carry the risk. I don’t know enough about the various participants setups and how many males contributed. If the plant stresses and throws nanners every-time it gets slightly cold or under-watered it is too sensitive for me haha. Still sorry to see you dealing with issues, but thanks for pointing it out so everyone is aware to be diligent when working with untested goji fgens!


Quick update :

Golden HP coming along nicely

k4xSSDD some leaf issues. Frost starting to come out, all white pistils still for the most part. All 3 pictures are different plants.

Sunshine Queen. Deficient neon green leaves.

Beautiful day looks similar to SSQ & has the deficient neon green leaves as well.


Looking really great in there! So you go 12/12 from seed in 1 gallon pots? Curious to see a full plant or tent shot as your method has me intrigued to at least try out at some point.