Incoherent gibberish & Goji F2s. Also Bodhi adventures & pollen chucks

I just haven’t had much luck with the few that I’ve tried. I know people swear it throws out gold. I’ve only tried 3 (4 if you count Blue Lotus x OMG) if my memory is correct and they were all “OG Synthesis series”, so I’m far from an authority on SL. I just feel like I’ve been burned so many times trying SL crosses that I’m apprehensive about trying any more.

Legend OG x SL - Hands down the worst strain that I’ve had from Bodhi. It was a freebie from GLG back in 2015. Zero odor and plenty of intersex issue. The only halfway decent pheno in the pack was dusted with a
Goji OG male but I have no intention of ever trying that.

Nepali OG x SL - Amazing effects that I attribute to the Nepali OG. To me the line was very muted in odor. Based on effects this one is a winner and maybe I’m wrong about downplaying the Snow Lotus role here.

Hell’s OG x SL - Similarly very low odor with effects fairly similar to Goji OG but not as pronounced or “uplifting” in my experience.


Just to chime in with my experiences with Snow Lotus. Recently had two vastly different Space Cake females, one tall stretchy, long internodes; citronella, vanilla, powdered sugar after cure. The other short squat,very little branching, almost no internode spacing; not much smell at all, generic mids. Both incredibly strong medicines though. The Snow Monkey female I had in flower started throwing male branches around day 12.


Interesting you didnt find much odor in goji og. Out of a pack of f1s, I found 4 females with strong OG flavor varying with earthy pine sharpie, earthy pine lemon, and my favorite earthy pine sour berry. 2 outliers - one was much fruitier and more sativa, and the other was pure bad breath/earth - my least favorite.

Ive got a few new snow lotus crosses goin now with lemon lotus and blue tara - I think the snow lotus brings a really nice quality to the high… we will see if these agree with me as much as goji og does! It may just be about finding the phenos favoring the mother for terps/flavor.


Nice to read that others are finding very low odor phenos in SL crosses and I might not be completely insane.

Interesting. To me intersex traits are to be expected from Cookies/OG/GG4 genetics so neither of our issues in that area bother me too much.

Oddly enough the only one with any significant amount of odor that I found was the latest one that I made F2s with. Still would only rate it about a 7/10 in terms of strength of aroma. Has the amazing uplifting effects that Goji is known for too. I saw quite a bit of gas, sharpie, and pine in the F2s as well but the smell and flavor intensity isn’t as high as I’d like it to be. SunRa for me checks more superficial boxes while still retaining the positive uplifting effects.

Also the Blue Lotus x OMG smelled very good but I’m not sure how much SL was present there. Bet there’s some really good stuff in both of those crosses you’re running. I’ve always heard about the legendary Lemon G in the past but never tried it before.


SSDD - Thinking I may take one of these soon. If you’re reading this @HolyAngel when did you typically take your SSDDs again? I tried searching the Bodhi thread but came up short.

REJ - Tempting to pull this one soon as well because I want to try to reveg it…

Blueberry HP is looking about the same as last round of pictures so didn’t take any. Haven’t noticed any nanners on anything remaining in the tent so that’s nice…


I usually take mine down around day 57 or so for daytime meds. It’s right when they’re just starting to show an amber or two and the majority of the trichomes are cloudy. I found the SSDD’s don’t really start ambering(10-20%) up until day 77+ so have time. but soon as you get past 60 days the smells usually start changing too. That’s when the blueberry muffin terps can start coming out. I found anything 70+ day range to be more dreamy or slightly narcotic and I can’t have that when I need pain meds at work all day. I will usually let one go long every other run or so for some more nighttime type meds.


Man that readout of the timeline sounds so similar to mine. I always waited until mid 70s to take it because that’s when it started to amber. I have never tried it earlier though. Also it is very dreamy, sleepy and narcotic. I noticed the smell change in mine as well, the blueberry muffin smell typically doesn’t fully come in until the late 60s on this one. It’s most noticeable just as I’m harvesting it actually. I put a few of them in the tent to try taking at different times, I’ll pull at least one around 55-57. Thank you, that was very helpful!

Edit : I should also add that I haven’t ever been able to get the intensity to carry over to the cure yet on mine. Not sure if it was my error in the dry / cure stage or if it has to do with the volatility of the terpenes.


Might depend on your lighting schedule, too? I run 10/14. I’ve taken SSDD’s from 56 to 80 days. 70 seems to be best for us… but I’ve never gotten the muffiny smell after the cure, either :slight_smile:


Yeah late 60s sounds more accurate for the blueberry muffin terps than right after day 60. Can tell I don’t run them that long generally lol I run 11on/13off for flower schedule.

My f2 keeps the muffin terps through cure if I let her run that long to get them. I had a hard time finding that in the F1s tho. I don’t really care for the dreamy/sleepy aspect and like it better early. Still get most of the pain relief but more green crack, functional high, and sour butter/rubber when taken at ~57. I usually hang dry at ~70-75F and 60rh for as long as I can before jarring, the longer the better usually.


Ya I do like the effects when taken late but it’s a bit too dreamy and sedative for everyday use for me. I used to run 13/11 but I think I’m back to 12/12 currently.

Yeah the effects are interesting and I could see why people would seek it out but it really isn’t for me everyday either. I like the effects of the SSDD crosses from B more which have been more calming, feel good and mellow than sedative and ultra dreamy. We’ll see how this one does when taken early, I’m curious for sure.


Posting my three pheno strain reviews of @syzygy’s Goji OG F2’s phenos. These have already been posted on my journal, but wanted to put here to consolidate info from other growers. Thanks again for the seeds @syzygy !

Goji OG F2 (Nepali OG x Snow Lotus) - @syzygy Bodhi reproduction
Nice Structure Pheno
Grown: Outdoor

Bud Shots:

Smell and taste:
Light berry scent. Sweet and mildly fruity with a hint of pine. All very subtle smells that translate into a faint berry, lingering candy like sweetness. Not a lot of flavor, but still very pleasurable to smoke, and incredibly smooth.

Potency and effects:
Pretty mellow strain, not particularly potent. Great for smoking joints. The high washes over both body and mind, bringing on a wave of euphoria that boosts my mood, and provides a relaxing sinking sensation in the shoulders and body. Really calming, centering, inducing a sense of well-being high that I feel is pretty remarkable. Weed that makes me feel more alive and content in my well being.

This was a really easy growing, low maintenance plant that grew some well in my local environment given it’s looser bud structure. Just looking at this weed, I wouldn’t buy it, or choose to smoke it compared to other stuff I’ve grown. It’s a little lacking in the flavor department, nice and sweet, and pleasurable, but not loud. But it’s effects are wonderful, and this plant in particular has been my favorite high of all my outdoor plants this season. I found some real gold here in terms of some great, any time of day/night weed that just makes me upbeat, and content, while being able to focus on an activity or sink into the high depending on the situation. If I were only going to grow one kind of weed, it would be something like this.


Goji OG F2 (Nepali OG x Snow Lotus) - @syzygy Bodhi reproduction
Stretchy Pheno
Grown: Outdoor

Bud Shots:



Smell and taste:
Has a very floral scent with a bit of sweetness to it, but tastes surprisingly different. It’s earthy, like dirt up front, with a sweet pine finish, and has significantly more flavor than the nice structured pheno. Earthy isn’t really my favorite kind of flavor in weed, but I find that it comes with highs that I generally enjoy, like Bubba, so it’s growing on me.

Potency and effects:
This pheno is much more potent than the nice structured pheno. It won’t knock you out, but I wouldn’t call it mellow. This is the only truly sativa dominant pheno of the three, and I find it to be very uplifting and calming. It has a light body high to it, with a mental state that focuses easily, where I am still quite sharp for having smoked, but can become a little confusing if I overindulge. I sometimes smoke this pheno at lunch on a workday and can get a clean come down without any prolonged fuzziness. I like it better than the outdoor Sun Ra, as it doesn’t make me feel manic when smoked in larger quantities. It creates a very unique feeling in my head, where it almost feels like it’s expanding ever so slightly like a balloon, kind of cool!

Another easy grower. Had about 3x stretch which made me glad that it was outside. Very good potency, paired with interesting earthy/piney flavor with a sativa dominant upbeat and clear high. My only real knock on it, is that it doesn’t have that euphoric, mood boosting quality to nearly the same degree as the nice structure pheno, but I don’t know if it’s fair to judge it for not being a different pheno. The high on this pheno is actually very similar to the Goji I purchased from the dispensary, which also had earthy flavor. I think it’s great anytime weed that can enhance my state of mind without taking anything away from my mental capabilities. Glad to have this strain in my stash.


Goji OG F2 (Nepali OG x Snow Lotus) - @syzygy Bodhi reproduction
Purple Stem Pheno
Grown: Outdoor

Bud Shots:


Smell and taste:
This pheno is the strongest smelling of the three plants. Bright anise flavors coming out of this one. Spicy and a little bit sweet. And that smell really translates into the flavor of spicy, sweeet anise. It’s like smoking a really complex savory sweet asian soup, kinda weird, but still pleasurable. My tongue will tingle for a while after smoking it. Really unique smell and flavor!

Potency and effects:
This pheno is pretty mild in potency, but with really calming and stimulating effects. I almost feel like it gets me thinking and the creative juices flowing. Kinda weed I’ll smoke where I’ll find myself making lists of things I want to explore or learn more about. Definitely uplifting. I struggle to determine if it’s sativa or indica dominant, and ultimately would just call it a hybrid, that has a bit of both in it. It’s calming, centering, and provides mood enhancing effects, while at the same time being spiritually motivational. Can’t really smoke this before bed or I’ll be up all night brainstorming about who knows what! That being said, it isn’t weed that makes me feel like I need to get up and move. I’m very comfortable on the couch after smoking it, so I’m having a hard time fitting it into a specific category.

The flavor and effects of this strain are very unique and pleasurable, but I didn’t love the way it grew. The bud structure is very loose and leafy, almost foxtaily. Not a nice plant to trim. That being said, it’s great anytime, but before bed weed, and it really nailed it on the flavor, which the other two phenos I grew didn’t. It’s relaxing, uplifting, mood enhancing, but while still maintaining mental acuity and social skills. The kind of weed that if I’m smoking with people that don’t smoke often, I’ll roll a joint of so I know everyone will just have a good time. I like to smoke this kind of weed when I’m out and socializing without getting any weirdness like I can with stronger pot. For some reason I can get a little uneasy or paranoid when consuming out in the world post covid. Didn’t used to bother me, but I really prefer lighter easy going stuff when interacting with strangers these days. I got three similar, but still unique phenos from these f2 seeds, and I plan on growing them again someday, which for me is a strong recommendation, as not all strains are worth growing again.


Thanks for the detailed reports . They all sound very nice.


Visually the first picture I think looks the most similar to the mom and sounds like the effects line up as well. The second review seems more in line with the few F2s that I tried both structurally and in terms of potency and aroma. Very interesting to read the 3rd pheno is the strongest smelling, I don’t think I saw anything that resembled that yet. Kind of curious now… Thanks so much for not only taking the time & space to test these out but also providing such detailed feedback for others who may be sitting on some of these F2s!


This one has the looks and effects( based on your description) of the Goji cut I had.
You did a great job growing and reporting on these.
Seems like nothing but fire coming from the F2 by @syzygy , so kudos to you as well. :green_heart:


Just wanted to post a few pictures before tomorrow. Thinking I’m going to allow the REJ to come down in order to attempt a reveg. We’re close to day 60 now but I’m not sure the exact number currently. Will figure that out later.


Redeye Jedi

Both are smelling extremely good at the moment.


So an update - Everything came down after the last post and the SSDD & REJ are smelling amazing. The SSDD is especially sticky too, quite a bit stickier than I remember when taking it down in the mid 70s. We’ll see how it cures out but for now I’m pretty optimistic.

Field trips look horrible and am considering abandoning them. They were ultra-root bound and then that insane cold snap last week really messed them up where they are. I was without power for a bit and there were higher priorities at the time. We’ll see what happens.

I noticed that the SSDD does not have as pronounced of a Blueberry Muffin / coffee smell (as expected) when taken earlier and is a bit more of a rubbery lemon berry coffee smell. Internally I was questioning whether or not others may interpret the rubbery semi-citrus smell as “butter” or buttery but I feel like if I described it that way it would be too influenced by others saying that the SSDD has a buttery smell. In any case it is definitely a bit different of a smell when taken ~2 weeks earlier. The calyxes also aren’t as swollen and so the buds are a bit less dense. I’m curious to see how and if the effects differ…

Got some SSDD & REJ partially trimmed and figured I’d take a few shots. There was no editing other than cropping on these but they have an over sharpened look from the intense flash on them. Will get some higher quality pictures at a later date when there’s more time and hopefully they come out better. The REJ looks incredible to me in person.




No that’s exactly it. I don’t get the blueberry muffin smell until day 65 or so at the soonest and it gets more pronounced from there. And before then it is definitely that rubbery, semi-citrus, scent that makes that sour butter.

Pics look outstanding, you nailed it! Hope you’re able to reveg that red-eye!


Gawddamn, man, those nuglets are looking awfully good, that REJ especially. Hoowee…

When I grew my SSDD’s (only one of which turned out female, because of course) one of the males REEKED of hot butter. It wasn’t like a,”Hmmm, yeah, maybe this could be interpreted as a ‘buttery’ type of smell…” It was straight-up hot butter, like on pancakes or something. I could smell it as soon as I opened the tent, thirty days or so in veg, unmistakeable.