Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Hmmm… I should probably reset my timer too. My current grow is several weeks into flower. (Three auto-flowers, and one reg. One of the autos went into flower two weeks before I flipped the lighting to 12/12, to force the others along.)

The hottest I’ve seen in my grow closet so far has been 83 degrees. I get home from work and turn on a portable a/c that blows directly into the closet, which cools it down to the mid-70s. The plants are all looking very healthy at this point, but it’s going to be getting a lot hotter soon enough.

Stupidly, I didn’t give much thought to ~when~ the light is on when I flipped it. …So it’s on from 11am to 11pm, which is probably the WORST timing possible. :roll_eyes:

Question: Should I shift the time gradually, or do it all at once? That’s a pretty substantial time warp. I could either leave the plants in the dark for an extra eight hours (not turn on at 11am)… Or let them get an extra eight hours of light (not turn off at 11pm). Alternativey, I could give them an extra few hours of light for each of several nights in a row. …Or a few hours LESS light for several days in a row – until they’re back to 12/12 from 7pm to 7am.

Which would you guys recommend?


Do it all at once


Agreed. All at once. It’s less stress for them to get a few extra hours of darkness or what have you. Plus you’ll save money on electric by running over night anyway.


@coda @MrGreenJeans popped my head in when the lights went on tonight and my low for the darkness was like 68° nice. Lights are on and we’ll see how warm it gets over night while it’s cool outside.


I really fuck around a lot in here but I gotta take a minute to be serious. My best friends little girl has been battling cancer for years now. They are out of town now getting her treatment and could really use any help that anyone can give. Even if it’s just sharing this story on your own Instagram or tiktok or what ever you do, they would appreciate all of it.


Well damn, I’m in there on payday. That’s actually some sad stuff.


I shared it on the Instagram. :pray:

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It’s heartbreaking man. Everything was looking so good and then she relapsed. I’m not even sure if that’s the right terminology.

@HomegrownVABudz you’re a real one brother.


No worries man! It’s the least I can do. They’ll get through this :muscle:


@Hotrods_and_hounds that’s so awesome of you. They are so grateful for every penny that comes their way. They’ve been living this nightmare for the past 7 years now.

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Yeah that’s a rough way to go especially it coming back. I can only imagine. She looks young also, should have a whole life ahead of her.

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Yeah. I think she might have just turned 12. Her little sister was literally born the day before her diagnosis. The only life her lil sis knows is based around scrambling around for various treatments. It’s all so unimaginable to me.

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@Hotrods_and_hounds here’s the difference of 8 days. 4 of which have been in flower


Hell yeah those are filling out pretty good!


I know I said I wasnt interested in another full blown bubba grow, but it looks like the future is bubba. Haha. The stand alone grow house is off the table again, but I am moving to the garage which should triple my current growing space.


You can still insulate and run a good dehumidifier in there with ac and stuff and have a killer grow area. Maybe a couch and a tv grow room/ man cave.


Yeah for sure. It’s gonna be a major step in the right direction either way.

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Holy smokes. These bubbas like it hot. It’s been in the mid 80s in the room over night since the AC shit and all up in the 90s the day before and these ladies are thriving. Got me thinking about keeping it hot in there.


Bout to do a little bit of up potting. Bubba needs a new pair of shoes.


Ah crap @Indicana_Jones . I hate hearing of kids health care challenges :sob:. Just tears me up. Tuff stuff these days all around. My problems are minor in comparison.

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