Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Overheating isn’t normally my issue. I’m not a long term indoor grower. 3 years. I manage to keep my temps about 82. When my temp did go up I got some bleaching on tops close to the light…
Has anyone tried creeping the temps up slowly? Let them acclimate? See what you can get away with? Just guessing here.

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Right. Plants survive outside in the 90s all the time. I think my biggest worry is this 60 gallons of water in the same room. I’m not sure how the plants roots will like it getting douched with 95° water 6 times a day.


Whoa. Time to change out the res again. These ladies drank through 45 gallons last week.


Damn. Two hours? I need to get a bigger pump to do these transfers. I don’t understand. The pump is rated for 250 gallons per hour or something. I should be knocking out this transfer in like 12 mins.


Do you use the pump only for transfers?

Superior Pumps make really nice submersible sump pumps with a pretty decent head pressure. Give me a few minutes and I’ll snap a picture of the one I used to use. There is a fitting on the top that you can setup for 1" or 3/4" garden hose, it’s pretty neat and works kickass.

I was able to reach high enough in the closet to get a picture of the model number. This is the pump here.


Oh shit. My man. I could probably just go ahead and get the 1/4 hp jank. 30 gallons per minute. Lol I don’t even think my bathtub faucet goes that hard.

Yeah it’s just an extra pump I had laying around and all it gets used for is pumping water back and forth.


For sure. They make some good water pumps. I got mine to run a sluicebox at home and it was way more than enough to do the job. It went from that, to indoor garden hose and for a time I had it setup on a small drip system.

I forgot that I called it a sump pump and it is for the most part. The ‘sump pump’ has a float valve and the utility pump does not. Same pumps though. I plugged my utility pump into one of those manual switches or a plug strip with a switch on it.

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Hey @Hotrods_and_hounds you guys didn’t get touched up by all those tornadoes did you?

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I didn’t couple friends did. I slept though most of it. I still gotta run into town and see if my car in storage got jacked up though.


Glad to hear you’re safe man. Fingers crossed for your car!

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Thanks , yeah if it’s gets jacked this time I’m selling it. It’s like the more work on it the more it gets fucked up by hail and shit.

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Damnit man. You’re never gonna be in the parade if you sell it.

These ladies are starting to chunk up and ice out pretty nicely at day 25 of flower.


That room is looking good sir!!


Thank you, thank you. I let the res go a little too dry before I refilled it and had some ugly unhappy leaves to pluck off. That’s how I defol :joy:


@neogitus I see you! Thanks for stopping by bro. Bless us with a cutty rap track when you stop back through.


Not sure what cutty means :crazy_face:but listening to some old DVD era stuff this morning

My grow is around the same time flowering too lol starting to get to the exciting part when the smells start coming out.


Hell yeah. I was telling @Hotrods_and_hounds how I’ve been getting hit by a brick wall of chocolate when I open the door, but no stem rub smells. All that changed yesterday. I’m finally getting that dank weed smell from stem rubs on top of the chocolate. Exciting times indeed.


B-sides if you will. :joy:


Just don’t rub a hole in them lol.