Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Small being 2s? 3s?


Oof. Good catch. You know I’m not sure. You’re gonna make me fuck around and learn something today. :joy:

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Well well well. I’ve actually never seen this chart before.


Looks made up to me


Just spotted your gypsum comment. What’s your unacceptable amount? I use it regularly. Never have problems I can point to gypsum, at least that I noticed.v


I use a cup per 55 gallons. I think it has a saturation point that it maxes out at and Im pretty sure I blow way past that amount. Some would call it wasteful. This bag is never gonna end.


Yeah it’s saying below 6.0 and I’m not getting any calcium. That’s foolishness. This chart could very well be a piece of broscience propaganda for a better tomorrow.

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Brocience propagating useless tech for the benefit of tomorrow.

I got a cool new technique that involves boiling water


3 EC is fine 6+ is too high. Most my growing issues have either been from pH or from not feeding enough. If your EC is over 6 then the plant might have trouble with uptake of nutrients. If you aren’t feeding with plenty of runoff you can get quite the buildup in the media too. Until I got a substrate sensor I had no idea how bad my shit would build up from not getting enough runoff or the media drying out too much. Higher the EC the harder time the plant has with uptake.

You should be ok with a cup for 55 gal that’s really not that bad. Ive used half a cup per 1 gal before and they didn’t die :rofl: least the stuff is dirt cheap. Think I got my 50lb bag for like 20 something bucks Canadian.

Can’t remember what media you’re growing in / how big the pots are but another thing that comes to mind is that if the media is staying too wet because it’s huge for the plants or whatever then they might be taking up certain things well before it’s time for the next feed to “reset” the media to the right ratios again.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt haha.


Hell yeah, we argue. Then play hunger games in the tent. But yeah I dropped from 7s to was a way bigger adjustment than I expected


Check. Roger that. Increase calcium by 10,000% :joy:I’m pretty sure I picked my 50 lb bag up for $15 too. It’s shipping that killed me. Like $90 to get it to my door.


You using pots or bags?. Most of my current run is in 2’s. Unless I’m doing a short veg, I’m not doing that again. Seems like I’m constantly watering. I’ll go 3s for a shorter veg, then maybe 5s. Which only hold 4 gallons anyways, right?
I’ll dissect my pots and look at roots when I’m done before I decide next final pot size.


Using fabric pots, but yeah I think part of the issue was I started out overwatering and when flower kicked up the watering went way up and hard a hard time keeping them happy. Next run I’m gonna run them in 5s. When I try 3s or 2s again I wil have to get a blumat setup in there or something to balance the swings. But yeah the rootball took up a good part of the pot so I may have over grown the plant for the pot size. But I’m not the best on small pots. What are you running not and what are you calling short veg?


Before I speak about times, I need to go back and look. Hmmm…


pH is back up again to 6.3! I feel like I just solved this problem not too long ago.

Also looks like phosphorus deficiency for sure


So what you using for ph down?


General hydroponics.

What’s weird is that it’s just right about back to where it was yesterday. That leads me to believe one thing. There is something funky growing in the plants individual buckets. Worst case pain in the ass scenario.

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I don’t know what to do or what’s going to work, but here’s my plan.

Drain the res. Need to get 3 brand new buckets. Pull plants 3 at a time and shop vac the rest of the standing water out of their individual buckets. Get them as “clean” as possible. Fill a 4th bucket with a peroxide solution and give the plants a dunk in that to try and clean them off. Move through all plants 3 at a time then refill res and cross fingers.


I’m really starting to hate this system. It feels like a design flaw from the ground up. There’s always like an inch and a half to 2 inches of standing water in the buckets because the pump in the control bucket cant suck out the last 2 inches of water. Since everything is gravity fed for the most part, I wonder if I build little platforms for the plant buckets that raise them maybe 3 or so inches higher than the control bucket if it will help them drain fully. I wanna go back to flood tables so bad right now. Fucking piece of shit.

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Sorry I literally ate then Fell asleep on the couch with the pup. But even 2 inch sitting seems like that shouldn’t raise the oh that much unless there’s like salt build up in there or something. But a 55 gallon res you would think would hold stable. Do you have a bubbler in the res?

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