Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Nah. I took the air stones out the last time I had this problem. I think the big issue with the standing water is when the plants go to sleep for the night, the flood and drain cycles stop and the roots are just marinating in those couple inches of water for 12 hours.

What was for dinner?

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Take out Mexican, got off work hella late. They call it burritos delgallando. For real meat and cheese I’m almost like a chimi wrap with queso on top.


Even if they marinate in the water, you would think the oh would hold steady. Is there a way to force the system to run?

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Force it to run? Like during lights out?

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Yeah kinda like maybe cut back some of the light on cycles and spread a few cycles through out during lights off. Maybe that would keep the water moving enough to hold a stable ph. Also do you add bleach or peroxide to your res?

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I don’t run peroxide or bleach in the res. People have been telling me to also run hydro guard. I haven’t done that either yet. I’m my own worst enemy.

I don’t think you are supposed to feed during lights out… But if their roots are stagnating in a few inches of water anyway…does it really matter?

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Yeah also I’m not one for the no water during lights out. I honestly don’t understand why. Like it rains at night so if it was an outdoor plant it would get water at night. But yeah I know a couple guys that runs touch of peroxide in the res to keep andyhting like algae from growing. Also it adds oxygen in the water.

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It does rain at night. That’s vast. I’m over here treating these plants like they are gremlins.


Oh no. It’s the first casualty of the 2024 season. These bubbas are gonna need some support stat.


They already that hefty or did you break it? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nah. Opened the door to this lazy hoe laying down on the job. We’re only 4 weeks into flower so this really feels like a wake up call of things to come.


Good things with good support


Nail a trellis to the wall lol


Bro. It’s like you’re in my head. I might just run a string across the front line to catch any more from completely falling over.

I had a feeling that branch was gonna go cuz it reached way out past the lights foot print and was racing to catch the top. It was way out there with no support.


I like that idea and it’s less effort.


I’ve wanted to try my hand at trellising for years now. I always wait to long. I end up being John Higby in this bitch.


I’m not the best with it. I only break it out to keep bitches from falling over. I want to get into last clips and start bending branches out the way


Right! Aside from topping, I really dont do anything training wise. I got all these branch bendermajigs that I don’t use. Hah.

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I don’t even top most the time. This run I topped three and fimmed one. We’ll see how the turn out.

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Interesting. You know, I’ve never just let a plant go before.