Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

“Dead plant spooge” is the technical term.


Dead plant sponge. I’m glad I have the proper terminology in my lexicon now :joy:

For real I’ve been calling it by it’s scientific name “some ol bullshit” for the past few years now.


Spooge…not sponge. Careful. Word police. Thought police is next.


My life has caused me to cross a lot of paths. I have accumulated a huge vocabulary not in your average dictionary. What becomes common usage. Crownpoodle goes back to some poor choices when I was young.
Out of the blue when my grandson Weston was about 4. We’re driving and I’m teasing him about something. He tells me I was “full of dog beans”. What did you say buddy? “You heard me PPa, I said full of dog beans.” I asked his mom and sisters. No clue. He just made it up, but it’s become commonly used here if someone is full of it. I’ve got one of “those” models.


Is the ph still swinging wild? And honestly I would run peroxide in there for a bit. Until things really get recovered.

@crownpoodle the dog beans is a good one.


Weston’s a real character.


Hahaha. I’m adding dog beans.

Stupid autocorrect not recognizing spooge. SPOOGE. Yeah it’s locked in now.


It’s up but it didn’t do so bad over the past 24 hours. Only up 0.13


@Hotrods_and_hounds how long before I can safely add more H2o2?


I don’t know about adding more, the unfortunate answer is there’s some res and bucket cleaning in your future. But when you can the water I would still have a bit in there.


Nice dude! It sounds like you’ve identified the problem?

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We have a thing every year called pleasant valley mud fest and there’s lots of creations like that lol. I’ve even seen a Zamboni take one of the holes there.


It’s on my bucket list for sure! I’ve seen some mud bog racing but those were all artificial mud courses/stadiums. Those mudbogs events on the East coast look so awesome.

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Ugh. Google is the worst piece of fucking shit to ever exist. How is it that they are the only real player in the game for business listings?

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What you trying to line up in google?

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They suspended my google listing about a year ago. They said I violated their terms and conditions and that I needed to fix it. They didn’t tell me which one, there are 100s. I was gonna reset my account back to basically nothing and add a few things back in as far as services. Before I could even do that, they locked me out of my account so I couldn’t even update things.

So here we are a year later and my wife said fuck it, let’s just make a new account for the business. So she has it all made up and they need to verify the business. The only option available to us it a video verification. I legit have to use this google camera widget to take a video of my street name, walk down the street to the house to get the address, unlock and open my van to show off my tools to prove that I actually do what I say I do. Also have to show some mail with the business name and some branded marketing material like a business card. No problem. I got all that shit. We go to do the video, and the god damn google video recorder widget is fucking faulty.

Why wouldn’t it be, right? I watched several videos on the subject saying that sometimes people’s listings are improperly suspended all the time. Just on a whoopsie. I bet you McDonalds never accidentally gets suspended off of google.


We should start our own website! With blackjack and hookers!


The worst part is, you can’t call and talk to some one directly about their business side of the company. They always just send you a link that puts you into a weird paperwork feed back loop that goes nowhere and solves nothing.

How did this clown show bullshit company become the arbiter of all things business related?


Have you ever tried something like Angie’s list?

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Yeah. I hate that bullshit. Angie’s list is really good if you are looking for a customer that wants a discount on spraying their yard for mosquitoes. We focus on higher end home remodeling. I have no interest in driving to do a million estimates for people to tell me my shit is outrageous or do I offer discounts for the church. :joy: