Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I don’t like using a rack, but sometimes I will. Always line your baking sheet with parchment paper. It helps with the clean up.


3 buckets down, 15 to go.


Now we’re talking. Giving the girls a quick root shower and I found this mess of slop still attached to the plant. That would have been future ass headache.


Oh shit 18 buckets in the system?? Are they all in flower and do you have another setup for the mothers?

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It’s impressive all those buckets run on a 55 gallon res.

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I used a throw away roaster pan I had sitting around got lucky on that one.

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Damn that is a ton of work… I am sure the sytem will be operating flawlessly when you are done


I moved my tent into the master bath to keep my mother’s and clones going. I need a better system.

It’s hard getting a good idea of how big these plants actually are until I go to pick one up and move it around. :joy:


Here’s a smaller guy. Still gonna do 2 or 3.


If I’ve got time I love bacon :bacon::bacon::bacon: in the oven.


Im gonna have this clean up wrapped up here in about 15 mins. I’m glad I did it cause it gave me the chance to grab this big boy out of the back corner to do some maintenance on. I was never getting back there other wise.

I’m gonna have my wife start some bacon in the oven as a celebration snack. :joy:


True. It’s a tight squeeze. 3.5 gallon buckets with maybe a half gallon displacement for hydroton baskets and root mass. It was a much better displacement with the 10 inch baskets but damn cleaning all that damn hydroton.


Good morning everyone. Catch you in a few.

Res is full and at 5.78 no whammy no whammy


Gonna be smooth sailing for the rest of your grow. Sending positive vibes your way.

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This was nice waking back up to at 12.45 :joy:

You can tell you aren’t no damn spring chicken anymore 2 ways. One is how long a hangover affects you. Two is how long you get jacked up after not getting enough sleep.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a hang over. If this is how lack of sleep is treating me, I’ll probably lose a whole damn week to a hang over.


Lol if that isn’t some true shit. Then it gets to the point sleeping to long makes everything hurt.


Hah. My dad used to tell me “getting old isn’t for the weak.” He wasn’t bullshitting either. He stopped telling me that when I hit 40. Lol. I know Dad, I’m living it!


Okay… Res jumped from 5.78 up to 6.15 over night.

What the fuck? Do I just keep dumping pH down into this shit until harvest? I have no more imagination for why this water won’t stay locked into place.

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Did you add more peroxide to the new mix?

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I know you just went through the whole mess with your roots, which led you to peroxide. But, for what it’s worth, the thing that caused me to switch from peroxide was lack of pH stability. I ended up making the switch to calcium hypochlorite, and I’ve never had pH drift since.

Just a suggestion to look into.