Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

No it’s just back to gypsum and maxi bloom.

@Trimeresurus I didn’t add peroxide back into the mix on this one


What’s calcium hypochlorite?


I’m going from memory so I hope I have the chemical name correct. But it’s the active chemical in pool shock.


This is the second time I’ve heard some one tell me straight up to use pool shock. I wasn’t sure if they were fucking with me or not.


No, it’s no joke. :laughing: it’s been some time since I dug into the topic but, while it sounds jarring, it’s use is safe, obviously when done correctly.

I’m about to put my kids to bed so it may take me a bit but I can try to find some info on the topic, unless someone beats me to it.


Hell yeah. I’m straight up about to be yo yo master of the universe with these plants for a while tonight any way.

You think youre gonna lay down on me? Get back up there!


What…the …fuck? I did 20 ml of this other pH down and I just dropped my shit from 6.22 down to 4.55

I guess I’m just gonna let this ride and see if it jumps back up.

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Ohhh shit they were not joking about powerful stuff huh?

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Yeah. Lol. Maybe this is the kick in the ass this system needs.

But all jokes aside, it really must be some kind of funk that’s living in the roots. Like for real that’s all I can come up with. Temps are being controlled so I can cross that variable off the list.

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The whole system got Power cleaned. Can check that off the list.

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Yeah there has to be bacteria or something in there creating havoc.


I was legit confused when I saw my pH drop to 4.5 :joy:

Hopefully my man comes back with the pool shock science. I was kicking it at the hydro store today and was talking to the guy running the joint and he was telling me he had an ozone machine that has a hose that basically connects to an air stone and it o3s your Water. He says that mother fucker kills everything in the water.


Okay I just flooded the system so the standing water in the buckets got to mix with the batch of 4.55 I just whipped up and it settled on


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I did some searching rather than using foggy memory, and it’s the chemical name for bleach! I know. It still sounds scary. But, like with many things, the dose makes the poison. It’s even safe for human consumption at the correct dilution.

Here’s a local thread I found on the subject…

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Gonna check this out right now. Thanks bro.


Had similar issues recently.

Went through peroxide, bleach and finally Hypochlorus Acid.
Make sure you remove any roots that are not healthy. I started gently handling the roots at first. Finally realized I was leaving diseased roots in the pots. I ended up tugging on anything suspect. If the roots are not healthy, they will break off.

I posted about it here Ramping up after 20+ years - #151 by JOHN1234


5.24 is a good number. Man I heard of bleach, also cormon was also talking about the hypochlorus acid stuff. Kinda curious all the new stuff. Also seen something called em1 in a different thread.


I don’t want to hijack the other thread and I’m curious what his response is but here’s what I use. And I think I’ve had it for at least two years without making much of a dent…


It’s kinda a neat thread, got about half through it will finish the rest tomorrow.


Where did you get the super shock stuff ?

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