Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Did you give them the shocker?


Hahaha. Lights just came on. Gonna check this pH and see if I can’t nail down this ratio. I don’t think what I have in the other thread is correct.


What did you get?


Some local pool place has their own branded bag. It’s 73% and was only $9.99 bargain. I feel like this little bag should last about 5 years.

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Then what part you think is in correct?

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My assumption was making up for the remaining 27% was at a strength of 100% for the remaining parts. But the reality is, my math for the remaining parts is only at 73% strength. So I’m still short. But I don’t know the math to get me there properly. My math is only good for reducing fractions a variety of other construction related tasks and baking :joy:

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This may work? We need @Hashpants


But I’m with ya my math is horrible unless it’s work math.

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pH is at 6.15 up from 5.24 over 24 hours. Great.

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Oh shit his formulation is for 52-58%. That means I gotta step back. Unless… My % is about 50% higher than his. So that means I should see a ppm of around 1.5-3 still following the same weight per gallon.


I’m probably just gonna wait to do this til tomorrow.let my math brain sleep on it. Maybe the answer will come to me in a dream

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Yeah holy was talking about having pure, then there’s the 58% so I would assume the 73 % would just be a 20% decrease of the 58%. Maybe.

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Maybe. Hah. I wonder if there is a google calculator for this. If they are gonna dick me over on my business listing the least they can do is have a weird solution ratio calculator.

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I am learning some neat new terminology. Among other things from my past that I wish were different, it would have been super dope if my chemistry teacher wasn’t also the football coach. He was a great football coach.

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For real this has been a prettt neat learning experience. Yeah we didn’t have chemistry, but I did take ag structures lol.


I just had to look that up. That sounds like a dope class for real.


Yeah it was fun growing up out here as a kid, for field trips and stuff we went to cattle auctions, and barrel races. Used to have a spot out here called the horse palace. That was the big field trip. But all that’s stuff is gone. But yeah our school was a bit geared towards farm work eventually.


You know, that never crossed my mind that not everyone is getting the same standardized highschool experience.


My high school had metal shop, wood shop, auto shop, welding, and print shop. I was a print shop guy. Spent my life working in print shops. 30 years in one.


That’s super cool. You might appreciate this. I did a commercial art program in highschool. I was going to school right on the cusp of when everything was done by hand and transitioning to digital. I was in there learning how to do ruby lith color separations by hand. Only to have that shit go the way of the dinosaur just a few years later. Never got to put it to use. Should have taken auto shop. :joy:

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