Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Here comes the fun :stuck_out_tongue: I’m kidding. I think it’s an interesting subject as well. I wish I could offer more assistance. It’s been at least 20+ years since I’ve seen the math :frowning:

In school, we were offered similar electives, except we didn’t have metal or welding. I took every wood and PE class I could. They eventually told me I had to try something else… welding would have been so rad!

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With the higher 73 percentage, I would start with about 2/3 of the amount recommended for the 58. That would be slightly low but within 10 percent. I’m not much of a mathelete.


I haven’t been keeping up with the thread too well, so you might already have come across this info but I started off with using 1 gram per gallon of RO water for a stock solution. Then used 5ml of that stock solution per gallon in my reservoir.

Yours being a higher concentration, I’d shoot for 2/3 to 3/4 of a gram, as @Hashpants said.


Okay y’all. What’s the verdict? Top off the res, pH, then add in the pool shock?

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6.25 only up 0.10 since last night.

Aaand since it looks like the res is about half depleted is it fair to say that I should also add half a serving of nutes back into the mix?

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Add the pool shock and do ph as a final adjustment.

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Word. I jumped the gun and did the shocker while the res is filling up. I’ll add nutes once water is up. Then pH then hopefully were back off to the races.


Like an 8th of a teaspoon. I’m gonna need to get a legit coke spoon for this haha.

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Lol hold up I got you! I just ordered some when I ordered nutes!

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just grow your pinky nail long and boom instant spoon …:grinning::grinning::grinning:


Haha. I’ll end up with wayyy too much. Grow my pinky nail out and then cut it down the long way. People will be like “he must be cutting back.” :joy:

Res knocked down to 5.84.

I expect to see a little rise when this res comingles with the what is left in the buckets.

Aight shock do your thing!


Sooo when does it run? This is kinda exciting to see what happens?

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It should kick back on to flood in about 5 more mins or so and it’ll cycle back and forth every 2 hours till about 9 am.

If this works I’m gonna rename this shit to pre98 bubba Kush Pool Boy Cut.


Lol that would be bad ass! That would be pretty legit.

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I dropped my 1 cup measuring cup into the reservoir with these bumbling ass hands. I’m gonna have to get in there with my pool boy net to fish it out. :joy:


You’re a better man than me. I would look at it and just be like it’s gone forever. That’s how I lose all my sunglasses fishing. Just watch them sink to the bottom.


Haha. Your sunglasses need water wings that’s all. I’ll probably just wait for the plants to drink the res down over the next few days and then dive in head first to pluck it out. Hopefully the shock doesn’t have a chemical reaction with the metal or something and create some new kind of horseshit to deal with.

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Hope this solves your problem, can’t wait to see how these girls finish up with a properly working system.