Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

15 ml took us down to 5.88

That feels good too. I was calculating blowing through this entire liter of pH down over the next 28 days at 40 ml a day :joy:


What’s good in your world brother?

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Not shit for real, weekend but get home gonna have to work on the ac it’s a tad warm in here. But something to do I guess lol.

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That old ass thermostat is wrong has been for a while so tomorrow I gotta go get a new one and put it in so see if it regulates better.


How is your shit set to 90 but some how it’s 69° on the thermostat. Seems like your shit works on magic.


Hahaha okay okay. So it’s not magic.

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Yeah it’s old as shit I have it held together with packing tape lol. Put it in the sixty’s reads in the 80s and stays about 75 lol.

What you got kicking for the weekend?

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Damnit man. New thermostat is an easy and cheap fix at least.

I finally got some free time. I’m gonna start putting some cabinets together. Gonna fill out some vendor packs so we can get back into some insurance repair work. My word of mouth well is starting to dry up since google wants to be a bitch about everything.


Yeah that’s the shit thing anymore, damn internet can make or break stuff by just being a pain in the ass. But the social media shit if you’re good at it can make you a killing. My daughter has one of her friends he’s a complete dipshit. But he is kinda funny about it and had an account with a a few hundred thousand followers and the social media stuff pays him like 60k a year to just be on ther and make stuff. It’s weird.


That’s wild insane. I can do stupid. I could use an extra 60 doing stupid videos. :joy:


Hey @Bobgrows. My wife has a better nose than I do. She said the room is starting to smell like super ripe cantaloupe. You ever get notes like that on your pre98


Mostly Coffee / carmel… but I guess I can see ripe cantaloupe maybe. Lol


Could be. She is hyper sensitive to smells so there is no telling. Could be a mix of this fire old school weed smell that I pick up on with a mix of chlorine in the air, mixed with the smell of nutrients. I don’t question it cuz who am I’m to tell some one else what they are experiencing :joy: covid killed my nose. I feel like it’s coming back slowly though.


Good morning dude, you working today?

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The best kind of working. Working at home today. Getting my house one step closer to not looking like a trap house. :joy:


Hell yeah, I was debating that my self. Was thinking if I’m goin to Home Depot is there anything else I’m gonna need to fix today. I do want to replace the kitchen sink and and put I a new dish washer. But the real question then is how motivated am I lol!

So then you gonna get the wood and start making cabinets today?

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I’ve been chunking away at cutting all of my panels to size over the past week. Today I’m gonna be assembling my first few boxes. Shit I see why cabinet making is so expensive dude. There is a ton of labor in these things.

I was thinking before I even started, I could probably knock out 3 cabinets a day. It’s starting to look like I might complete 1 cabinet every 3 days. :joy:


Is it getting leveled and everything that takes a hot min? I’ve never built cabinets but yeah like you were saying sounds like it should be straight forward?

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It’s pretty straight forward and I think once you can get an assembly line going to break down your plywood into panels it’ll move quicker. I was just doing some quick calculations and its like each cabinet box is 35-40 different cuts before you have even built your first face frame, door, or drawer.

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