Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Damn. Outta likes :heart::heart::heart:

This is the answer I was looking for. I ended up Google stumbling onto another forum where they were talking about koolbloom is not a stand alone product. You use it in conjunction with maxibloom or what ever main nutrient you are using.

I never flush. I don’t understand the thinking behind it. I’m not pumping my plants full of poison that needs to be washed out. It’s just food.


I mean I’ve been working for the past decade+ without one. It’s mainly a problem with general contractors that want to hire me. Anymore they are trying their hardest to shirk any responsibility of anything. You should see this most recent contract I just signed. I feel like a complete asshole for signing it but what ever. :joy: Get the money and run.

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Bruhs. I’m trying to get ahead of the game and get my police reports directly from the Indiana state police and Tenn state police. Indiana charged me $15 and said inconclusive results. I have them my full name date of birth and SSN. They can’t find me in their system? I did the same for Tennessee and they said my payment method failed contact my bank.

How the fuck does a free search function on a pothead forum work better than any governmental web page in existence. That shit is so embarrassing for them.


You answered your own question

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If they can’t find you, does that mean it didn’t happen?


Yeah that’s how I feel about it. The other option is doing digital fingerprints to the FBI at the post office, but fuck all that man. Does that mean all these other companies that do background checks on me are coming up with a big nothing burger.

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Nah fuck that, they’ll dig something up that didn’t happen :rofl:

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Hah. I was a victim of some small town justice in the middle of nowhere TN. After I pled guilty to some ridiculous shit, they took me in the hallway when they realized I was going to pay my fines in full. They tore up all my court paperwork, took my cash, and told me to get the fuck out of their town. I prefer that way of doing law business :joy:. I was outta that bitch on the first thing smokin bro.


Or you get pinned for murder cuz they found your fingerprint on a Twinkie you finger blasted in a dumpster next to a dead hooker.

You know just normal stuff 🤷🤣




Just go straight to the residential homeowner live forever no advertisements


Face to face. I been around for 35 and that’s the best way celebrate with them as you make it happen. It ain’t all about the money. And the customer always make money available when you need it. If you stay open


What ph tester you guys all use again? These shits are expensive.


I use the cheapest, none…lol​:grinning::grinning::grinning: but I do like the one @DougDawson uses, probably the best


I use the Apera PH60. Comes in a kit with the 3 calibration solutions and some storage solution. I went through all sorts of cheap ones but this one is so much better. It is a bit more expensive but has a replacable probe so when it dies one day you don’t have to replace the whole pen. It also works quicker than any other one I have owned. I find the cheper ones took ages to stabilize or at least the ones I have had did. It’s only $72 on Amazon in the USA and the replacement probe is only $28. There are lots of great ones out there but this one has served me quite well. Purchased it in Dec of 2021 and it’s still going strong with no issues.


@DougDawson do you measure ec also or just find balance?


I don’t really bother with EC. Just shoot to keep my nutes at around a PH of 6. Range for coco is 5.8 to 6.2 so 6 works fine for me.


Awesome thanks dude @DougDawson


Anytime brother. You all have it good there. Here in Canada, that same probe is over $140 right now.


Yeah it’s not bad there’s some good sales going. Honestly the best one I have seen so far is grabs new light for under 50 bucks so had to go get some coco and gonna play around lol.