Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Holy smokes. I wanna get that @DougDawson joint. I don’t know why when I put my pen in the damn res it wants to start at like 6.7 and then slowly wind it’s way down to 5.8. I can literally feel my arms falling asleep waiting for that damn thing to tick down. I just assumed they were all like that.


@Indicana_Jones man I need to write shit down, what kind are you using? And does it float?

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@Emeraldgreen get a load of this guy. CRS kickin in all across the country.


Shit I just realized that mines only like $10 cheaper than the Dawson’.

I’m not sure if it floats but it is waterproof


Well damn it’s official shit is expensive.


Crs is spreading fast :rofl::rofl::rofl:
I feel so low tech. I don’t ph or check run off or ec :rofl::grin::grin:


@Emeraldgreen you run hydro? Or you talking for soil?


I did promix for years and switched to ebb and flow about 7 years ago. So I’m not true hydro or soil.

I can absolutely say I love filling a rez and setting a timer for watering!!!

Jacks for fertilizer


Yeah. Generally speaking I only pH once after I mix my nutes. I have a pretty solid idea of how much pH down I need to put in to get in range. This pHing every damn night is way out of ordinary. I can’t wait to harvest these plants and just straight up replace all of this hydroton, all of these hoses, all of these baskets. Nuke this room with ozone.

Was crazy. After making this fresh batch of nutes yesterday, my pH popped back up to 6.30 which is where it started before pH down went in. I added the recommended amount of Koolbloom and it dropped the pH back down like 0.25. that was Kool.


Simple and cheap is where I am at right now.

My mills buddies finally switched to jacks :rofl:. The mills line for a single run would buy me enough fertilizer for 2 years of continuous flowering


Damn everybody going to jacks huh, I grabbed some coco and have a few differnt nute set ups and thinkin about starting s clone a making cutting and do a different nute set up like 4 diffent ones in one tent and see what happens lol


Since you are into experimentation, maybe try a octopot alongside the coco… get buck wild in there​:grinning::grinning:

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I’m convinced @Mrgreenthumb owns a controlling stake in octopots!


It takes a few seconds longer for the first reading as it’s getting dialed in with the temp but this one I use is the fastest I have owned. It’s really night and day to the others I have used. I hate mixing nutes so all the time I can shave off, the better.


I hear that loud and clear. Especially with me pHing multiple times a night here recently, I feel like I’m spending more time with the probe in the water than anything else.

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I’d also recommend the PH60. I owned a Bluelab combo meter with the leap probe in the past and I had to send in the probe like 3x over the time I was using it for issues. Their customer service was good but not what I want to be dealing with on the reg.

I switched to this cheaper Apera a couple years ago and haven’t looked back. Faster readings and stays calibrated longer than my Bluelab ever did. The only thing that sucks (prob only in Canada/ outside of USA) is it’s kinda hard to find the 3 point calibration solution.

@Emeraldgreen @Hotrods_and_hounds Crazy how expensive some nute lines are. Jack’s / Masterblend seems to be some of the best bang for buck when it comes to pre mixed stuff (for the part A at least). If you’re in the states I’d use Custom Hydro for the calcium nitrate and mag sulfate since it’s way cheaper.

I don’t use Jack’s anymore cuz it’s expensive in Canada but I found something very similar to use when I’m not mixing salts. I dont do the 321 or use the mag sulfate but I’m still using the same numbers as I was with Jack’s because they’re so similar.

Quick shot of a lower nug of some Iceberry Gary (Strawberry Gary x Chimera 3) I have going right now. Few days from week 7.


The reason they are cheaper is because they are not being sold as marijuana specific fertilizer.
As soon as that happens price goes up

Beautiful bud


There’s still some decent priced ones out there, I grabbed the earth juice seablast I’m gonna try and see how it does. Got it on Amazon for 20 bucks for 2 lbs and calls for like a 1/8 of a tsp per gallon. That will last a good while and supposed from a couple other people it won’t build up and clog drippers.


When I first started growing we used earth juice. Buy five gallon buckets and use a paint mixer to stirring
The base mix was promix worm castings and bird and bat guano.


Good afternoon growmies, had to work some OT today. How’s everybody doing?


Doing well. Been asleep most of the day. I swear when all these teens come over, our sleep schedules sync up like periods. :joy: Maybe its the heat.

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