Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Does that include any dry time? :rofl: I know you’re excited.

Or are you doing bubble hash or something with it


Oooo Bubba hash, rolling fatties of straight hash

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Nooooo. That’s just 18 more days til chop. Or whatever the microscope tells me. Then there’s another 10 days to dry and then another 200 of trim jail. Haha. My wife said we’re gonna put all these nieces and nephews to work trimmin.


Whaaaaattt no hash!!


That’s another fantastic idea from her!!!


I’m but a simple man. Stuff a cone and get busy with that. My wife gets the larf to make edibles with.

@Emeraldgreen hah. She’s helped me trim twice and is very much on the fuck this train.


Just twice? Try 30 years :rofl::rofl:


You got a trim bin?

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I absolutely do!! What an awesome product


Yeah they are great and that’s some bonus dry soft left in there on the good plants!

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Hell yeah. I’m gonna need to get 5 more to really get this sweat shop going. :joy:


Gotta take their shoes away so they can’t run


Tie their laces together and make lunch dependent on production.

And I second the hash. It’s a lot of work but less than trimming. But it’s just my personal bias because I like hash.


And trimmer! haha good job Timmy!


Have you tried those turkey baster brushes?

I have one of these. I will only work if you dry trim, but it saves a TON of time!
I found you still have to buck the big fans but it works like a champ for the dry sugar leaves. Last few runs I’ve been lazy and only bucking fans. It doesn’t look as pretty but it smokes/dry vapes perfectly fine. If I remember today, I’ll pull out and an untrimmed nug and give you a side by side.


I kinda do the same thing that does, but with my trimmers. I’ll just flick the sugar leaves off.


Buahahahah! My nephew found a picture and just sent it to me.

This thing was pretty awesome!


Hah. That thing is bad ass. Only thing it’s missing is a 50 cal on the back.

I was looking at the weed basting brush and wondering why it was 500% more than a regular basting brush. I do like @HomegrownVABudz and just flick those little guys off with the back of my scissors. I might also put this guy into rotation and see what he is all about.


I have one of those trim brushes also. They work pretty well if the material is super dry but IMO to work really well it has to be more dry than I like to have my stuff.

I borrowed this bowl trimmer off a buddy to try out for my bottom airy scraggly buds that take way too long to hand trim and I think it kinda sucks TBH. Doesn’t do a very good job at cutting or trimming the weed very well. Blade seems like it’s too far away from the grates or something. It’s fine for airy bottom buds if you have tons and don’t care as much about a nice trim but otherwise I’d avoid this thing. Especially for bigger nice buds. From what I experienced it leaves quite a bit of leaf and stem behind (I only used the serrated blade for dry trimming, I don’t wet trim).

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That’s all good to know @neogitus I don’t wet trim either. Pluck all of the fans I can and dry trim the rest

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