Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

@Indicana_Jones right now​:rofl::rofl::rofl:


That’s why you slowly pluck the leaves off as they finish. Split the work while they’re still up right.


I hear you on the schools @AppalachianBiscuits . I’ve got 7 grandkids in public schools. Oldest almost 14. Youngest almost 7. My older 3 are doing fine. Sharp kids that already can rise above a lot of the BS. The younger ones are not getting what they need at school. Again, they’re fine on the school part.ed e
But it’s fricking mayhem on any given day who’s classroom “melted down”. Same kids every time. How teachers can address this is really limited. Pretty much zero consequences. So discouraging for most affected by it. More often than not the issue becomes obvious when you meet the parents. K-5th is the worst here.
Both my girls did independent study. That’s likely what will occur with some of mine.
But like you said, they need help. My wife and I used to both help in the classes. Subs are needed here too, not sure about pay. When I get some health issues resolved I’m gonna do something. Lots of places to volunteer.


My suggestions if you want to sub are kindergarten and special education. Self contained special education specifically. They call it different things in different states, but these are usually the kids who have severe physical needs, or autism, Downs syndrome etc.

I know you’re thinking “Biscuits, that sounds insane, I’m not equipped to deal with 30 five year olds, or kids who need intensive care.”.
No, you’re not. You’re going to go in, look pretty and do whatever the regular aids or teacher tell you to do. Kinder and SPED usually have at least a teacher and an aid so you’re not alone, you’re just a set of hands.

Kindergarten not always. Frequently they don’t have an aid full time. BUT kindy runs themselves. They will tell you when it’s time to do what.

Both classrooms are usually highly organized and routine driven. It’s easy to step in for a day.


I currently teach at a virtual middle/ high school. There are some virtual options and if your kid is self directed in their education I highly recommend it. I like teaching virtual, but I miss having a physically active job.


Their mom was a preschool teacher. She’s great. She never went to public school after 7th grade. She was in college at 15.


Got the portable AC hooked up in what is now the drying room.

And here is the haul from all four of my plants


The trim crew did a nice job so far. Grow turned out awesome. Nice job


Haha. The trim crew… I got a little help from my wife last night. She helped me knock through 3 of the 4 plants, or I would have been up til 5 in the morning busting these things down.


Really nice job bud. I know you’re glad it’s over. I’ll bet it smells nice in there :wink:


Nice!!! Trimming is the worst thing ever. Haha


Trim jail sucks big time

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chuckle, so do I. it’s a 1969 so 10 years younger than me.
my Dad bought it in 1974 and been in the family since

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Yeah it was an overwhelming smell of chlorophyll breaking down in there from all the leaves that got stripped. Now that all that crap is gone and I got the temps to drop down to 62 things are stinking nicely. We went to pick up our nieces to spend the night and when we got here to the porch one of them was like “what the hell is that smell?” :joy: Perfect.


It wasn’t even trim jail. That’s still to come. I just refuse to defoliate properly throughout the grow. Next time will be different.

Lol @Ronzo your van out creeps my van by over 45 years. Oh… The candy and puppies that bad boy must have seen.

@PatHealy you said it brother. I’m a glutton for punishment though. I have a bowl trimmer that I’ve never used. Maybe I’ll push a little bit of this through once it’s dry and see how I like that.

Edit propey? As hard as this phone autocorrects me, you’re gonna let that one slide? Make me look like an idiot in front of all my friends.


You guys use veg tents? Like you think a 2x3 would be a ohh for a veg tent?


I used to use my 2x4 for veg. I put 6 plants in there and I was busting at the seams after 25 days or so. I wasn’t nearly ready to put them into flower at the time, but made it work. If you have the room for it, bigger is always better. Lemme see if I can dig up some pictures of the last time I vegged in that tent.



You vegging in there with some t5?


Nope. It’s a GLS 300. I don’t think grow light science makes them anymore, which is a real shame cuz these lights are some work horses and for the price, they were a can’t be beat product.