Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Nice. I had to look up all the crosses. Anything possible anxiety spooks me out. It’s weird that all the descriptions say it both causes anxiety and relieves anxiety. Love these Schrodinger’s strains. :joy:

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Blueberry Diesel. You are correct @Hashpants

Those have been coined “Dark Helmet” yes I am a big mel brooks fan. Haha

Those plants have been stout bushes that grow real thicc. I have a buddy running them outdoors this round. If you check out the discord you can see how he is doing.

@AzSeaindooin420 had mentioned it was his daily driver and one of his favorite smokes from his last run.

If you give it a whirl let me know.


Aww Jesus Christ. Blue berry black cherry squat plants, sour grape bog plants, now sour diesels have entered the chat. What’s a girl to do?

Good news. I’ve just redesigned my grow room to be able to run all of these genetics by years end.


Aka he hung lights next to the bed and in the kitchen. Gonna fill the whole house lol!


I enjoyed running those. Been smoking bubble hash from the two I froze lol


I also crossed heliosphears Coastal BB x BOG SourGrape) x Blueberry Diesel if that tickles your fancy.

Here is a shot of momma. Had to screen shot my IG because the phone that had these pics is broken AF. Lol


Why on earth are they doing a new Spaceballs??? That one blew my mind. Just stop. Come up with some original stuff.


I didn’t even know this was a thing until today when I mentioned I had named this cross Dark Helmet lol

You just reminded me so now I gotta look and see this new sourcery? It’ll probably be dog shit unless mel brooks is involved.


That is a sexy looking plant, how did the smell turn out in it?

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Unreal grape with a big back end of ginger.

One of the best smelling plants I have ever grown.


Guys guys. I can only get so hard.

How did that blueberryxgrapexblueberry turn out smoke wise? It looks purdy.

@Hotrods_and_hounds which one of those diesels do you recommend? I’m leaning towards the lime but you let me know.

Haha. Basically the house is just a big grow tent if you’re brave enough.


House full of:


Damnit. Joes been teasing me all day with wait 7 mins wait 12 mins wait 2 mins. Then outta no where he just slams your nuts in a drawer.


I have no ideas I haven’t grown any of those yet. I was gonna soak a few and see how they turned out.

Okay fair enough. I’m sold on the descriptions. I’ve been looking for an antidepressant strain for a while and haven’t landed on one yet.

@PatHealy was it you that was just talking today about sours being a finicky bitch with temps wet feet and nute strength or was that a different t strain altogether?

What up @HomegrownVABudz whatchu been up to all day man?


Existing lol. Today’s been one of those days where I’m not sure where I fit in and what I need to be doing :rofl:

I did chop down a few plants, so that’s cool.


Yeah, me and emeraldgreens. I don’t know about crosses and whatnot though. Just the cut. It seems to be the same though with how many people are running and not finding the Sour D they remember. Cold, low humidity, never wet feet, can’t dry out either, and I always thought it was best when you could bring in really cool dry air for the last 2-3 weeks at lights off.


So maybe the late fall run? @PatHealy

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Never where I’m at these days without crazy equipment. Haha. Up in the mountains and other spots in CA were perfect for it.

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Also I think he used the skunktek sour so for real it’s a ecsd pretty sure.

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