Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Okay okay. I’t sounds like a cross is the answer. My system sounds like an absolute nightmare for the straight cut.


Let’s just focus on growing a shit ton of weed and we can figure it out from there.


That’s the plan man!

It’s a good plan. Oh yeah, I also got the molester wagon up and running again today so theres that. :joy:


I’m working on plans to redo the entire backyard. I wanna get rid of some trees and slap some raised garden beds in there.


Yesss now your talking. That sounds like a terrifying project for right now but fall is right around the corner.


I just need to source a homie with a wood chipper lol. Hopefully they can get paid with product :joy:

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Shit. You let me know if you find anybody that even shows up to do any kind of yard work. I don’t even think my yard guy is alive anymore. The other dope head dude ran off with my boots, so he can never show his face on my street again.

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Oh I already know lol. Wishful thinking. I’ll probably cut the shits down and drag them across the yard myself.

How big are these damn trees? I chopped down a big ass cedar in my back yard and was sweating bullets as it came down trying to judge if it was short enough to miss the house and also if I felled it at the right angle to not come right at the house. My wife took a video and all you hear is her “oh no! Oh no! Oh no!” While you see me scrambling trying to figure out which way the tree is actually falling. Hahaha. Good times.


Idk but they’re going away from here lol. It’s a cluster of mimosa trees right in the most inconvenient spot and I’d like them gone

Been learning about native and invasive plants, and now I can’t stop seeing these trees everywhere.


Hah. You and my wife can team up. She’s on a war path to kill every last tree of heaven she comes across.

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They have really big trees in California I hear.

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I’m managing to keep temps and humidity around 65/65. Not bad for the dog days of summer and it only smells like chlorophyll a little bit.

This is fun and for your enjoyment.

I hate it here!


Bro they are taxing you guys out there, 8 dollars for fries! But only 12.99 for the burger and all the toppings that’s wild. I’m gonna go check it out I’ve the weekend and see what’s up out here. Also who got the Cajun fry’s?

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Damn I just looked up ours out here they raised the price out here to 8 bucks for a large fry. But the bacon burger was only 11 but soda bacon burger and large fries 21 bucks.

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My wife. And I forgot to ask for Cajun fries and she wouldn’t share any with me :joy:

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Oh hell naw. Y’all would be getting a small fry and sharing that bitch if it was me :rofl::rofl: