Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)


That’s truly awesome though. As long as she wasn’t upset I suppose. It’s your not so inside joke heh.

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My husbands grandmother is named “Oma”. Which is also German for grandmother. My great-grandparents n
Immigrated from Germany, so every woman on that side of the family is “Oma”

I kept asking what her name was and my spouse is like “Oma” I thought the poor fool didn’t know his grandmothers real name. Like when you ask a preschooler what their mom’s name is and they say “mommy” :joy:


Reminds me of Goodfellas where all the men are named either Peter or Paulie :rofl:


Okay UPS. What ever you say.


I always heard it said as “useless as tits on a bull” and just thought it meant udders on a bull are useless, because they don’t produce milk. Hell if I know though, I’m a city boy.


Yeah turns out there are a bunch of things tits are useless on. :joy:


I know I used to have to check dudes on worksites when I was younger, because they’d always be saying “Damn, he must have retard strength or something.” I’d snap quick at that shit. Haha

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There’s a good joke reply there somewhere for a married guy. Haha


You order some of that good cali bud or what? :rofl::rofl:

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Hah. Yeah. I ordered a bunch of hose and a couple new pumps. UPS must have a new mode of delivery. Some dude in cut off brown shorts and roller skates. He’ll get it here, it just takes him a little longer.


You chose the “free shipping” option eh? Yeah, it’ll get there when it gets there. But you won’t be home, you better believe that.


Yeah man. Cuz some of this shipping is straight ludicrous. I went to buy that big bag of diamond k gypsum a few days ago. What ever hydro site wanted like $50+ for the bag. Okay weird flex considering the bag is only like $12 for the 50 lb bag. So I add it to my cart and calculate shipping. It was 128 fucking dollars. Not the shipping and the bag combined for 128. Just the shipping. I backed out of that transaction quicker than flash.


White gold… um Diamon K hole… dernit It’s Gypsum officer!


@PatHealy They also said you can only milk a bull once.

Mann also the damn problem now with hydro stores and shit is that Amazon as match as I hate to say it is cheap as shit with most stuff now.


Damn. I fell asleep at the wheel. For real, I try to not support Jeffy B and his dick ship if I can help it. That dude doesn’t need my money.

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No I’m with ya but damn it’s cheap, I rebuilt the front end of my jeep with moog parts and was half the price through them than I could even order it through my shop. It’s ridiculous.

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Wow. That’s insane. But it’s like that almost anywhere. There’s a drywall supplier around here. My uncle has been doing business with them for decades and has spent millions of dollars with them. His price on shit is just the same as my price. They don’t give a shit. I should probably look into buying drywall from Jeff Beezy. Lol.

I’m convinced all of these online hydro suppliers are just drop shippers anyway. I’m trying to get straight to the source on a lot of this stuff but it’s tough going.


All comes from China!
I agree drop shippers are what most are


I’m trying to find a source for 55 gallons drums and buckets that’s not stupidly priced. Bullshit like U line keeps getting in the way. 3.5 gallon buckets shouldn’t be almost $7 apiece U line.

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Look into shipping businesses. My boss found 55 gallon plastic containers that are resealable pretty cheap. They had been used to ship some cream/ lotion over to the us from someplace.
Wash them out and good to go
Restaurant may be able to help with buckets also