Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I teach a very reasonably priced course.


Only child here. My dad and most of my coaches were my bullies. Haha. I recently realized every single friend I had growing up had an older brother and all of the older brothers were cooler, better at sports, and so on. Weird. My dad made me play against older kids. Forged birth certificates and all of that fun stuff for children’s athletics. I was boxing at a young age, because of my grandfather. My dad made me run the beach in the morning when I was at his house. I had to work on commercial fishing boats as a kid and whatnot. I can handle bullying and talking sh*%. I’m a pro at both myself. Did standup for a bit and lots of improv.

Mannnn , I don’t want to go back outside and do yard work. Haha


Quick sample:

“No you’re stupid!” -$20


Most definitely feeling ya guys on that.

Back in the days I would listen to some gangster rap, some hard techno… metal to ‘relax’. I thought it kinda strange that in the last few years I kinda despise those styles now. I’m mostly just a classic rock/classic country kinda guy now… ya know, the stereotype

I’m good with it.


So thats how you can afford all those pairs of feet. Makes sense.


Ive already received that terminal degree. I’m a middle school gym teacher, too :grin:


Rain saved me from doing anymore yard work!!!


Who all likes fems vs regs? I guess better asked what’s your preference?


I used to grow exclusively fems but I prefer regular seeds now. The main reason is that I want to be able to make seeds without chemicals. @Hotrods_and_hounds


Fems are nice especially on a worked lineage. The last fems I grew though were several years ago. Some of moscas bubblegum gear. The plants were so uniform and the bud was fire. Then I got into regs because I wanted to hunt. Whatever. All the regs I was growing were pretty well worked and uniform too.

I could see myself making a return to fems especially with my new found love of cloning.


I enjoy fems. I don’t have a ton of space to mess around with dudes. HP has given me loads of fems and it’s been so nice to just plant something and grow it.


If I could find fems of stuff I wanted to grow, I’d prefer fems. But, I don’t want fems or regs from some chucker making selections from three males and six females or just reversing some cut and hitting it to a bunch of other nonsense. I had way more runts and mutants with fems. I’d prefer no seeds at all though. Just cuts. Everyone thinks “you’ll find better in seed” and whatnot, but people are still hunting for stuff better/stronger than Chem 91, TK, Sour D and on and on with old strains people are looking for. If I can’t look through 100+ females of a line I’d rather have a cut of something that I’ve smoked and know can be awesome. I can’t wait for legit genetic testing/sequencing of cannabis to see how much of a difference there really is in all of these plants. I don’t think there’s that much.

What’s up with those triploid seeds? Any of you messing with them?


@PatHealy hell no, mostly out of principle.

But yeah I get it, I have a lot of people out here won’t mess with any but fems, unless they are looking to breed or make seed. But even when I was thought years ago, the guy always told me you will run through 50 plants before you find one to truly keep and then you run through 100 trying to find one to replace that one. Also yeah the Chem 91 and tk are cool and I would def prefer to always run cuts but damn are they expensive.

Also on the note of chasing, I think alot more people are chasing the idea of running what Chem 91 and tk are. They are great plants yes, but even chem 91 I prefer d to smoke. There was a lot less stuff floating around when those became legends in their own right. Then tracking lineage on cuts becomes overwhelming in it self. Just random thoughts.


I prefer D as well, but Chem 91 always sells better and if you smoke D and 91 with a group the majority will go 91. I like hashplants and stuff that makes me sleepy gives me a great body high, so I prefer the Chem D for sure.

Everyone has renamed cuts so many times by now it’s all a mess. It’ll only be cleared up when cannabis is opened up to big business and their scientists. I also have no fear of there being no more good seeds left or losing cuts when they are allowed in. Tissue culture is already taking off. The big boys will have everything backed up and cannabis will be like any other plant, just with a highly regulated market and steep prices compared to other plants. Plenty will still be growing at home and whatnot. People love to fear monger about cannabis, but it’ll be nice when actual business people and scientists are the ones we’re dealing with and not stoners too lazy to get real jobs and whatnot. Haha Also, it’s really annoying when some little putz is bitching about legalization in their state killing the market for their flower or whatever. Who cares that you have to go get a real job now?? People aren’t going to jail or prison over some flower. That’s a much bigger benefit than some stoners losing the ability to charge $3k+ per unit. Haha


I have some super cherry gelato kush beans that grow 1lb in 30 days guaranteed! :rofl:


@HomegrownVABudz does it also wash at 30% !!


Even better 69% yield everytime guaranteed!



Cmon UPS you can do it


Lol how many times have you got the estimated delivery updated we are running behind email?