Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Two more hours for more likes.

Are you any good at building picnic tables? Just curious lol

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I can’t say that I’ve ever tried.

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Me either. The place we frequent in Richmond had one of theirs break and the rest are just as shotty. We’re organizing to build some more for them.

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You can get a table frame kit and just buy wood to put on it.

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Yeah I can’t imagine that it’s too complicated. The cost of lumber is whats gonna kill it.

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I’m not sure what the plan is just yet. Just getting the idea kicked around right now.

We have a wood guy that’s gonna hook it up.


Yeah but you can find places out here and get the cheap wood tables for like 150 out here. Going to the store and then labor it’s damn near cheaper to buy one

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We’re down to put the work in. We’re doing it as a community thing. The place is always welcome to host different events and stuff so we’re happy to do it.

Tbh, they could buy their own tables for their business but eh, we wanna help lmao

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That’s a mighty fine way to be.

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This wasn’t my idea, I’m just hopping on board to help lol

You’re a bit out of season for tables, I saw kids at Lowe’s and rural king in the spring

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Did somebody say kids?



There’s no season for them breaking :rofl::rofl:


Good morning @Indicana_Jones and crew!

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Holy crap. Today has just kinda worked out to be one of those days. It would have been a super sweet day if I were working for some one else making these dumb ass mistakes.


You go to make hot dogs for lunch, and boiled them?


One of the reasons I’m not self employed. I fuck up way too much. :rofl:


Yargg… Ketchup, hell yeah. Bloody Mary… ralph!

I miss all the good convos lmao. Been saving a meme and I missed my perfect opportunity last night heh


Hot dog flavored water.


Steamed dogs, the kind with the casing still on them, are the way to go!

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