Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I’d say worth the drive for even one good cut at those prices


Add another 45 minutes and that’s how long it’ll take me to get there lol. Combine that with not knowing where I’m going, I don’t make it out there very often :rofl::rofl:

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A Toronto drive for me…. I’m used to the long distances though! Hope you guys score some straight fire. Don’t go late or they may be gone too


And don’t forget to quarantine! Even in a dome away from tents works. Better safe than sorry (I tell everyone this) constantly


If I make it myself imma take some distilled water and peroxide. They’ll get dipped before they get into the car lol


Nice! Wise man


I learn from my mistakes :joy:


Okay. So even during rush hour, gps is only showing 48 mins to the store. This is getting chalked up as a hard possibly.


Great. I’ve been had. My yard guy hasn’t showed up in the neighborhood for 3 months. I don’t have the time or the want to maintain this shit. I texted him the other day and was like “yo bro. What gives? Are you okay?” Nothing. So like 30 minutes later I hear a knock at my door. I go see who it is and im greated at the door by some gentleman covered head to toe in prison tattoos. “I don’t mean to scare you, sir.”

“I’m not scared. How can I help you?”

So my man lays in to how shitty my yard looks and he was wondering if I would let him cut that jank in exchange for $25 and also pick through my vegetable garden for something to eat. Fuck yeah come on with it man.

So we’re chit chatting a little bit out side while I get him set up with my lawn mower and weed eater. Turns out he was locked up for just short of 5 years for selling drugs. Tough break man.

The weed eater is out of mix so I tell him I’m gonna run up to Lowe’s to get a couple things and I’ll grab some mix while I’m there. I tell my old lady if he starts pushing the lawn mower down the road to shoot him in his back. We both laugh because it’s a joke, chill out.

So I go to Lowe’s and grab my things. I’m back home within 20 mins. You guessed it, I don’t see my man anywhere. That’s just because I overlooked him. The front yard was cut and he was sitting on a bucket hand washing my car. Fucking dope. I toss him the mix and he gets back at it. He adjusts the weed eater and has it running better than I’ve ever had it running. The yard looks great he’s killing it. He tells me he has run out of cigarettes and can I spot him some money so he can run up to the store. Sure. I give him $20 and he hops on his bike and is up the road.

I’m inside working and I hear the lawn mower fire back up. Sweet, homie didn’t run off. He finished up the day and everything looks great. I bring him some bags so he can load up on veggies and I hand him another $80.

We’re talking again and he starts putting on a sob story. Everything is going wrong. Every hood problem you can imagine, my man is living it. “If I could get another $100 in advance, I’ll come back and cut your yard 4 more times!” I’m looking around and my man has weeded the flower beds, put a tight edge on everything, he burned down all the vegetable beds that needed to be cleaned up and he washed my car. I told him “I think I might have another hundred inside in my wallet.” I pull out 80 and says “damn. Maybe my wife has a 20 in her purse.” Get him the other $20 and my man is happy as fuck. I tell him not to worry about coming back 4 more times cuz he killed it. He says he’s gonna come back tomorrow and rake some grass out of the beds. What ever, if you want to.

We’re getting ready to part ways for the day and my man says “I’m gonna be back to cut your grass four more times. Ain’t no black ass little N kid gonna do it for cheaper.”

My wife snaps on ol boy instantly. Carry your ass up the road if you wanna talk like that. She’s going in on em. Then she turns on her heels and goes inside. Dude looks at me and says “Holy shit bro, does she have black kids in her family or something?” I said “No dude. We just don’t casually disparage people around here like that.” He apologized and said I will respect your wife’s wishes. Tell her I’m sorry.

He pedals off into the sunset and I’m thinking to myself “well that’s that.”

I go inside and my wife is wound the fuck up. “Why do people assume as a random stranger that I’m okay with that? Do I look a certain way? Do I give off racist vibes?”

We’re going back and forth about this dude. She says he’s not coming back. I told her, he’ll be back. She says no way not after I went in like that. I told her that she didn’t understand men and in his mind, the problems already been squashed. Prison will make you like that.

Fast forward to this morning. We are having breakfast around 10 and she says “see I told you he wasn’t coming back.” And just like that there was a knock knock knock on the glass pane. The dude is back. He gets busy cleaning out the beds. 30 minutes later and he’s gone all his shit is still on the porch, his bike is here but he’s nowhere to be found. Weird but whatever. He’s wrapping up for the day and he pulls his cart up to the front door. He pulls this big ass box out and opens it up. It’s a giant Bluetooth speaker. He looks at me and says “this is yours if you buy me lunch today.”

Fuck! My man isn’t just a racist ex con, he’s also a dope head. Now I’ve fed him and he’s never gonna go away. He said he still had to clean off the side walk but he was gonna go down the block to the park and smoke some weed then come right back. I was like shit. I told him I didn’t get paid for another 30 days and I couldn’t even afford to get him a dollar cheese burger after the money I gave him yesterday. He loaded his speaker back up and pedaled off into the sunset and never came back to clean off the side walk. Lol.

Now I’m at home burglar proofing all of my shit to make my wife feel safer.


Lol prison teaches all kinds of hustles. Most my people can’t stay out. They just can’t get right with the world. It’s kinda sad for real.


Bahaha epic story brother! Love it, f&$!in crackheads!


Lol. Y’all aren’t gonna believe this. My man was rocking some new Jordans so I let him borrow some boots so he didn’t fuck his shit up. I just realized homie ran off with my boots. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Not my family, but a lot of friends. I was worse than most of them. There’s a puzzle for ya.z


Can’t mess with joogs/addicts/fiends man. Can never ever trust them. Even when they’re sober. I always tell people to avoid handyman and cheap landscapers and stuff. It’s sad. Sorry he got ya.


That’s the thing. I can commiserate with an excon trying to make a way out of no way. This guy slipped right past my addict radar some how.

I’m not heartless. My heart absolutely goes out to everyone that was hooked on heroin by their doctors. But I lost a couple of friends to over doses young and I don’t have it in me to deal with that whole life style anymore. Not for anyone out here recreationally messing with the shit.


That’s just not true. Honorable drug users & ex-drug users exist. I’ve met a few in my day. Granted not ones living ‘on the street’ but I’d say the decent ones make up the same % as all other human groups. About 33%.

Wether the guy stealing your boombox for a hit, or the sober guy wearing an Armani suit, who legally steals your pension to fund his yachts. A lot of humans are $h!+ :laughing:


Watched my mom work as counselor with addicts in some bad areas as a kid. Lived in some bad areas. Had quite a few friends as a kid turn into addicts early. Worked in a field full of addicts. I’ll trust a non-addict over an addict all day. You can help them, care about them, be friends with them, and so on. But, you can’t trust them with money or too much temptation if you can’t afford the loss. And that loss might be your life unfortunately. It’s an everyday struggle for them to stay clean/sober. Give them too much temptation and they can’t help it. It’s why they’re addicts.


Now that sucks


I’m a meth head magnet at gas stations. I’m always approached by meth addicts that need gas. You can see the sores on their faces. Some with kids. I don’t understand it. Why is it always gas?


@Coda we have a lot of that out here also at the gas stations it’s wild… there’s also in St. Louis what they call gas station gold. There’s always somebody trying to get ten bucks for a gold ring or something cause they just out of town and need gas or some other random story.