Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

An old roommate had a dude “fix” his bumper at a gas station and was demanding payment to the point where I had to go to the gas station. It was wild. Dude had his whole family living in his car and stuff. My buddy had a dent in his bumper and the guy pierced a crowbar or something in the middle of the dent while my roommate went in and paid for his gas and sort of popped it out. Then slapped some Bondo or something all over it. Dent wasn’t even that noticeable before, but afterwards it certainly was.


It’s odd to me, because you would think they would beg for money for more meth. Couple bucks in the tank and off to the meth house. I don’t understand how they get more meth if they don’t have money for gas. I’m kind of glad I don’t understand. I’m not sure I want to know how they get it.


Reading all your posts, this is why drugs should be legal & cheap (like flour or sugar). No more begging for gas or stealing. They can use to their hearts content & not bother anyone. It’s the cost of drugs that create 99% of the problems.


It’s a shit kickin ass life style, that’s for sure.

What all these posts mean is we need way more investment in education and an overhaul of our public education system. Along with more funding and facilities for mental health. Not just letting them kill themselves and profiting off of their death and despair.


I have to disagree. They’re trying that in Portland and Seattle and it’s a disaster. I’ve never been an addict, so I can’t speak to it personally, but it seems to me that people need to get help whether they want it or not, or it becomes a public health issue. Homelessness, people living and defecating in the streets, needles everywhere, disease, you name it. Just look at the Fentanyl problem we have here in the US. Imagine the number of deaths if it were legal. I don’t consider cannabis an addictive drug in any physical sense of the word. Psychologically? Maybe for a small few.

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Didn’t work in Hamsterdam either. Haha IMG_1517


:joy::joy::joy: 10 laughing chatacters


That’s 3 the wire posts that have come my way this week. I think that’s a sign that I need to finish watching the series.

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I haven’t seen it in ages. I could do a rewatch probably. Gets depressing though. Especially since when I was watching it as a kid in high school and college I thought a lot would be different and better by now, but nahhhhhhh. I was obsessed watching it on Sundays when it was on though. College watch parties for that and The Sopranos. Then people started watching Entourage too. Haha Being young was fun.

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They didn’t legalize it & make it cheap. They tried decriminalization, which is just not arresting users for possession. The drugs still cost $2-300 a day, so of course its not gotten better.

I don’t have the energy to explain the massive difference between someone having a $4 habit & a $400 habit. I assume you all mean well, I’m done :peace_symbol:


Thanks for assuming we mean well… Hahaha

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I’m really not trying to be combative. I do see your perspective; I just have a different one. If crack were a dollar a rock, there would be more people using it. Given the fact that the brain craves it almost immediately, an addict is born. Same with heroin or fentanyl. Cheaper just means they’ll use more of it until it finally kills them. Do I believe addicts belong in prison? Absolutely not, but as Pat pointed out, the resources no longer exist to help people. I can empathize to a certain degree, but with all we know about hard drugs and the effects they have on the body and the brain, I have a hard time understanding why anyone would try them in the first place. Just my opinion. That and $5 will get you an espresso from Starbucks :slight_smile:


Because drug users only do harmful shit to themselves and others when needing money for drugs and drugs don’t kill their ability to earn money to buy even the cheapest drugs. I sure do remember crack heads doing wild shit to get $2-$3 rocks and alcoholics doing crazy shit to get a forty, but I guess they need to be cheaper or something. Give people cheap meth and bath salts for sure. They’ll be super chill after that. Haha


Man, I fuckin liked those boots, too.


Should have been like, lemme put these J’s inside until you are done…… lesson learned




Boo this man!


Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, fuck you!!


Went to that movie with my mom as a twelve year old. Had been begging her to take me. Jeez. Kind of sad. Haha (Awkward uncomfortable laugh. Puts hands in pockets and looks down at shoes.)