Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)



Thirded did


Maybe I will do a thread. Link to my revised recipe.


They give you any b.s. propaganda about your cannabis use? Or did they finally stop that at hospitals.


It never even came up. They asked me one time if I was a smoker and wanted to make sure I wasn’t vaping while checking my lung function.


Just guzzle down on that little breathing tube bottle like yer rippin a bong! :laughing:


I’m glad to hear you’re on the mend @Indicana_Jones .

High blood pressure is one of those things that most people won’t even know about unless they’re told about it right after getting it checked (while seeking medical care for some other reason). You mentioned feeling light headed. Was that what prompted you to get to the hospital? Or were you aware that your blood pressure was abnormally high?

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I’ve had high BP for years. I have a lot of bullshit excuses for why I would get on and off my meds. My signs that something was wrong this time was I woke up first thing in the morning and my heart was thumping. Super hard. I calmed down a little and it went away. Then a few hours later my pressure shit up again and was thumping hard again. I said okay this is not right and hopped into the car to go to the ER.

I actually got to speak with a nephrologist today. Got some ultrasounds of my kidneys. They are gonna work up some blood work on my aldosterone levels to make sure this blood pressure isn’t a secondary issue of some kind.


It would not hurt to buy a wrist cuff and check it a couple times a day.


I’ve never heard of blood pressure as high as 291/165. <C&C* voice on>That’s… like… HIGHER than I even thought possible!</C&C voice> Your cardio system was in high boost.

It’s definitely time to de-stress – and TAKE YOUR MEDS. :wink:

  • Cheech & Chong
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I’m a dick and haven’t been keeping tabs like I should, hopefully they got you fixed up brother! :green_heart:

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Shit. I understand people have their own shit going on. I think they really wanna push for me to go home tomorrow. I really wanna go home tomorrow. I’ve been in this hoe for 5 days now. I was super excited to get wheeled out of this room to go get my kidneys ultrasounded just for a change of scenery.


Yeah, stuff happens. Maybe they’ll toss you out tomorrow lol. If you need anything, lemme know!

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They aren’t kickin me no where. They tried to force discharge me the other day before I was good to go. My wife bucked on that bitch and here I still am. Lol.

I appreciate you 100% brother.


Good that she’s keeping them in line! I guess I definitely owe her some gummies now huh? :joy:


Haha she would love that especially since this last harvest is probably dead in the water literally


Oh man…. I wonder how they view shipping edibles? Like legit ones I could definitely hook her up


No idea. We just got new laws regarding edibles here that are completely fucking wackadoo. But with anything in life. It’s only illegal if you get caught :joy:


25:1 CBD: THC or some BS

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No doubt, everything else makes it, what’s a freaking edible.

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