Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Are those fems or regs?

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Hell yeah. I’m excited now that every piece of my grow has broken or backfired and been replaced.

Have you done much cloning with this plant? If so is she an easy cloner?


Regs. We fixin to make more beans. I know @TopShelfTrees1 has plans to do a mega seed increase with these too.


She is easy to clone.
She is a short stubby bush full of very dense buds. They will need support and plenty of air circulation. Those buds are almost dripping with trichs.
Hope you get the coffee/carmel pheno. Most of them have been, so far.


Well you ran me outta likes ma’am so have these :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:.

I’m super ready for it. Also if I don’t find the coffee toffee phenos, no biggie. I’m planning on making more beans and I’m sure it will pop up in future generations ya know?

So they stay short and get wide?

That’s my kinda girl. Lol


Oohhh shoot you gonna do an open pollination or do you have an area for it?

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Yes short and wide. I do top them.
She is a hardy plant…FYI

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I have a 2x4 tent I might keep the males in to collect pollen. If I get more than one male I’ll just mix up the pollen and hand pollinate what ever I want on the females. Never made seeds on purpose before so I’m pretty excited about this one. Especially being my all time favorite strain.


I was gonna drop Dougy D’s Sour Grape at the same time, but I’m gonna clone these Kush’s and straight fill this room up.

@DougDawson you’re next! (Ominous violin strings in the background)


I’m definitely looking forward to this journey brother! :sunglasses:


How do you guys go about collecting pollen? Do you just sweep it up off th leaves as it drops or do you cut branches?

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Good question. I had plans of putting like a collection tray type deal at the base of the plant to catch as much as possible. Collect from there and then apply with a paint brush or something. Wife’s make up brush. Shhhh.

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Lol playing with fire there taking the make up brushes.

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Haha. She’ll understand. Shes a plant lady and is in it for the love of the game, too. I’m getting ready to throw her up some hoop houses so she can start her nursery.

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You can borrow the box with screens you gave me if you want. That’s what I planned on using it for one day :joy:


Oh snap. Like cutting the male flowers off and just shaking the shit out of them? Smart man.


I figured if it knocks the dust out of the buds, it’ll knock the dust out of the pollen sacs too :joy::joy:


Yeah yeah. True dat. That machine is dual purpose now whether it likes it or not!


Bruh, I know you saw that mirror in the bottom. It has a third purpose :wink::wink: