Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Saves time and more importantly your wrists.

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I think I’m gonna get some method 7s. Anyone have any? Like em much?

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Black frames or tortoise frames?

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Black then you can also use them as sunglasses.

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I personally would get the BLACK FRAMES

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Yup, it definitely still freaks me out sometimes when I wake up being choked by my braid around my neck, lol.

Great lookin harvest brotha!

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Yo. To be honest, it turned out way better than I was expecting. These plants went through hell this run. I feel like I was sliding into the batting cage head first on this one lol.

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I feel like its gonna be new for me too.
Hehe, I gotta drop them beans still.

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I still gotta get you some beans. I got a super intriguing mystery bag if that piques your interest.

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Who doesn’t like a good mystery? Lol
But you ain’t gotta get me anything bro. I was just playin for fun. I do gotta get some Scarlet Grapes in your stash though! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I was digging around in my in-laws attic last year while my fil was in the hospital. I was scooting some insulation back in place from where I kicked it away and clunked into something solid. I was like what the fuck is this? It was a metal tin. Hidden. I opened it up and there was a sandwich baggie tied up with like 20 seeds in it.

How long has it been up there wrapped up in the insulation? Was it good weed or was it bunk ass brick weed? Who knows? Intriguing. Lol

Intriguing to say the least.
Hey, even that mexican brick weed has the potential to be something great, if cared for properly!


My trim buddies brother who has severe COPD asked me when I picked him up to harvest. “can you get any mexican brick weed” my answer are you on crack.


Haha. Like 15 years ago I sold one of the homies some mids. He grew out the seeds that were in it and it made some gorgeous plants. He turned around and sold all of that shit for like $350 a piece. :joy: fuckin dick head.

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Sounds like an innovator. :yum:

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Grew a few Mexican brick seeds in the early nineties, found a few amazing females. Never know back then what gems was in thmountains of seeds we had back then that we would just throw out…:face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Haha so that begs the question @ColeLennon can you find us some brick weed :joy:




Hell No, what you think they stack it next to the pallets of meth and fentanyl

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I have been reading reports that the cartels are not dealing in fentanal , the Mexican police have been finding cartel members dead who did not listen to the warnings