Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I will believe that when pigs fly.


The call is coming from inside the house.


Yep,… with i am sure pressure from the US government


They might whack a few low men to make it look like something but the real deal no fuckin way.

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Have to stop China before you can stop Mexican cartels. All the chemicals come from China. Cartels pay big money for those chemicals.

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Shit, they’re probably making it here in the states…


China wants them to make and send that poison to the US. Makes us weaker by the min. Shit China won’t even allow their own people to watch china made tic tok. Its fuckin youth up here big time.

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Interesting. Not sure I believe it. Interesting though.
Mexican Cartels Are Threatening Anyone Who Moves, Cuts or Laces Anything With Fentanyl As It’s “Too Dangerous” (
Sinaloa cartel the most brutal ruthless cartel has grown a heart on how many people it kills to make a profit. I just don’t buy it.


I know it is hard to believe, but the warnings are coming from the cartels itself. I am sure the cia helped them make this decision


Ah, this explains it. The last line of the article:

“Fentanyl bans: Because dead customers can’t buy drugs”.


Hah. My dad’s funny. He came over to the house today with my mom and was checking out the progress on our remodel. He found all my plants hanging in my master bath and said “what is this?” I said those are my latest weed plants. “What?” I get loud cuz he has hearing aides “MY WEED PLANTS!” “Oh, marijuana. Cool.”

Then he found his way into my grow room took a look around and said “quite the little enterprise you have going here. Youve come a long way since trying to grow that plant in the cabinet under your sink in highschool.”

That’s right dad! Your baby boys all grow up!


The same CIA that flooded the streets with crack cocaine in marginalized communities in the 80’s.

Yup but…even if they shut it down now, our idiocracy parody government is still gonna launch airstrikes on them.

The “all new” Drug War 3.0, now with airstrikes!

We’ll be battling the cartels like the Taliban for decades. Just wait :laughing: All that anti-terror equipment & the companies that run them gotta be used for something now that we’re out of Afghanistan.

@Indicana_Jones under the sink! :laughing: :100: :+1:


Yeah bro. I told him what I was trying was never gonna work anyway. I had some beans in Styrofoam cups under a 60 w incandescent bulb lol.


Ill never forget that dumb ass shit! :joy:


The fentanal is not like crack, 10x more deadly. They probably offered some kind a deal with the cartel

Never know. I’m outta likes. I still think its all show. Masters at looking like its all on the right side of good.

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Been there, done that. Good times :slight_smile:

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How did your plants turn out?

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I’m going to go out on a limb and bet they turned out the same way yours did, lol! I miss those days (except not knowing how to grow). When I finally did start pulling bud, I remember drying my first one under an incandescent bulb from a lamp I took the shade off of and turned on it’s side. Tasted terrible, but it was my first homegrown buzz. I’ll never forget it.