Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I have those exact black ones, I rarely take em off anymore, worth every penny

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Then it’s settled. How your day going today bro? I’ve been with my parents all day and am just now getting the chance to try and play catch up all across OG land. This shits really like a full time job sometimes.

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Man. My first smokable grow was boof tastic. I’ve never seen weed come out so shitty. It was worse than brick weed.

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Not bad bro, you? I hear that sometimes it’s a full time job keeping up with my threads alone ffs, if I miss a day it’s like 4/5/6 pages of notifications easy! It’s ludicrous! But ya those glasses are dope af! And no more eye strain etc. I really do wear them out now too. Few guys were like “nice method 7’s man :wink: “ haha growers silently unite!


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Yeah, wtf bro…
I can’t keep up with yours to save my life! :joy:

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Bahaha I know right! I already decided once I flip my BOO I’m going to start a new journal for my cuts/seedlings etc. and leave the other for chat, it’s a community chat room now anyway, it’s insane when I wake up sometimes to 84 messages :man_facepalming:t2: but I love it, it gets real hilarious at times, just chaotic trying to keep up at times


I just wear my oakley half jackets.

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I’ve got flak jackets and some gas cans but they need new lenses (both) love oakleys!

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My other issue is I never have likes anymore with all the chaos ! :weary:


Alright. I’m gonna get the tortoise frames so people will be able to tell us apart :rofl::rofl:

Haha twinning!

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Like, bro… you don’t even know…

This is the worst it’s ever been. Yes, I’m ashamed, lol. :laughing:


Holy sheep shit! That’s nuts! I’m kind of ashamed myself ! Joes gonna start charging me for bandwidth


It haunts me. :rofl:

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Hehe, he should. Then maybe your peeps would calm down and let me catch up! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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See…here I go again. Chatting with y’all and neglecting TSTP2!


Lmmfao :shushing_face: I can see him sitting back watching now rubbing his hands together with an evil smirk, cat on his lap :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Boom I got a like! Yasss


I’m seriously rolling over here.
Squeezing out likes. Gotta love that game!

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