Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I love it, this place cracks me up constantly! Glad to be able to put a smile on your face, trust me my cheeks are hurting over here too :blush:

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I’m gonna burn my likes up on you two and I don’t even care. Lol.

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Like wtf…. One like. I got ONE LIKE! :man_facepalming:t2:

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My wife is looking at me like I’m nuts.
“You’re such a nerd” real time.

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Haha my favorite of joes stunts is when he makes you wait two hours to get your likes back. You drop one like and then he’s like “wait 7 more minutes bitch!” :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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My wife calls you guys nerd-o-s


My dog gives me that look quite often lol. My wife just ignores me :disappointed:

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Hahahaha. I totally misread that as nerdgros.

No no like Cherri-os

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Yeah yeah I got it. Still funny though and now I’m gonna start calling all of my black homies nerdgros!


How those bubbas going? @Indicana_Jones


I’m cleaning out my bucket system and getting ready to get them out of the toxic swamp machine😂

This is gonna be the last time I use that thing.

I think I’m gonna get the girls big and strong in the buckets and break them down into clones. When they go back into the tent as clones, I might take that opportunity to build myself a loudog style table.


Oh shit that would be badass would you do their cycle timer and do the dripper setup?


Not sure. I was trying to get the best zoom in on his system between here and Instagram. I’m also unsure on whether or not I want to get away from hydroton as well.

They need some food stat.


I think he has a build thread in here from when he built his room. It’s pretty neat, I do want to make a dripper system for fun but need to make a space beside my spare bedroom to try that just in case I fuck it up. Like try it outside in a garage first lol.

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Haha. I’m worried about this hoe being on the second floor too. My greatest fears is the fill timer pump cutting on and the drain pump timer not. I guess I could run both pumps to the same timer to mitigate that issue.

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That’d scetch me out a little to.


Holy shit y’all. My blood pressure is low AF right now.


Killin the game.


We can pump you full of bacon grease and get those numbers up :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just kidding :joy::joy:

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Haha. I’m just excited to start getting weened off some of these medicines.