Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

I think we’re into something here…

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I have it set to flood every 4 hours right now. I usually have it set for every 2 hours but cut it back because the plants are not happy with that schedule.

I’d check ppm or ec if your able to. Will give a better window into what’s going on. Ppm or ec info is vital in any hydro. Try to keep water Temps down, chiller, ice packs, insulating buckets. Temp doesn’t change ph but if something growing that can and they like warm. Temp can also cause roots to not be happy, not happy roots can lead to lock out. Root health will also tell you little more what’s going on. Could be so many things but ppm/ec, ph, vpd, root Temps and health is key.


I’ll check EC and ppm tomorrow morning. Get some use out of that pen anyway lol. I’ll also chuck in my gallon ice cube and knock those temps down a few degrees.

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Does your rez have an air stone? Might help a little with Temps. Hydro used to be my wheel house before my accident. Hope to help anyway I can.

Get to page 420, Smoke the mountain of ganja


Do you let you tap water sit out before use? Scrolled up and saw the sludge, maybe a little peroxide would kill anything bad before use. Water source can be a big factor some might not realize


Those are some great looking roots. I have a couple air stones in the res but for real I only turn them on to help mix the nutes up and dechlorinate the water a little quicker when I change the water.

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I really dont know a lot about hydro systems.

What I do know is that if i leave my airstone im my feed bucket overnight ph spikes.

Maybe pull the airstone, and test. Or
get a short cycle time and run it for 2 minutes on 30 minutes off


Oh that’s interesting. I never had these pH problems before I introduced the air stones into the res. That was never even on my radar as a possible culprit either.


Air bubbles do increase pH.


What , I guess on the air quality? Maybe pollution in the air


Maybe contaminated stones from China?


Very nice!!


I’ve never ran without air stones. Would be interested if this could be one of the factors.


Hope you figure it out bro. Seems to be then only thing holding you up. :sunglasses: :metal:


Is that on a fresh water change? Maybe chlorine dissapation? If the plants like the oxygenated air it might make them use more or less nutrients too leading to what you percieve as the ph jumping.

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I had this EXACT problem with my ebb and flow table with suspended pots. The roots were drying out and dying off right when they would start to poke out of my net pot which led to root rot. I actually started flooding MORE to the tune of 12 times a day for 15 minutes (in veg,) made sure no light was getting through the net pot into the resivoir (youd be surprised how much can get in there even with your hydroton as high as it is in the netpot,) get some big circle hydroton covers and cover the whole shebang up, if youre running nutes…dont its too soon (typically green algea only grows on rockwool that has been hit with nutes because it provides them with food,) and lastly i run good bacteria in the resivoir water (botanicare hydroguard.)

Last pic if you look at the pots you can see the makeshift panda film i modified to cover light from entering the resivoir through the top if my basket. That brown stuff in your resivoir needs light to survive.


@blowdout2269 thats interesting do you know why the bubbles increase ph? This mystery is getting deep but learning and bunch!

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Ph goes hand in hand with ppm and ec. If the ppm and ec are fluxating along side the ph then its just nutrient use. However these plants are wayyyyyy too young for nutrients (week two of growing not counting germination ill give them 1/4 strength nutes.) To be honest you hardly need nutes during vegative growth outside of light nitrogen (2+ weeks of veg,) they survive off cotyledons and first leaf set for a while.

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If the white (salt) was there before you started flooding, as well as the green algea then youre probably good. But if that showed up AFTER you started flooding, then youre flooding too high and the water level only needs to reach halfway up the net pot. Anything after that is too high of a flood and youll have root breathing problems.

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