Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Hahaha. My man. Nah I would never subject anyone to this fucking place. The inside of this building smells like the trash water in the bottom of your outside can except 10,000 times bigger.

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Grossss :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:

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Yeah. If I fuck off these last ones, I don’t know if bobs gonna send me more :joy:


With a router, a bench saw equipped with a finition blade and a biscuit joiner you can make any cabinet door as fancy as you’d like with ease :wink:


Great. Now my shoes smell like the dump. I should have left them there too.

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Okay @TopShelfTrees1 these plants look like absolute shit right now, but that’s okay because there are still a ton of viable cuts to be taken from them. Saturday is definitely go time. I told my wife the same thing. So I’m locked in with everyone. I’m gonna be held accountable from every angle.

I won’t show the plants right now cuz yikes. But I will show you the roots.

And look at these damn trunks. These plants are absolute tanks for only being 2 feet tall.


Yezzir typical bubba structure right there. It’s all good we’ve all had shit runs I’m sure. There most certainly will be beans made regardless of that I assure you :wink:

Those roots are gorgeous, if they were any sign you would think the plants are healthy af. What was it? just neglect?


Yeah. Straight neglect. Like I’ll go 5 or 6 days without even peeking my head in the room cuz I’m so over burdened with other bullshit. But seriously aside from me being about 30 days behind on my cloning lol I’ve seen worse plants from people trying their hardest :joy::joy::joy:. That’s not a dig at anybody. Im just surprised.

I’m gonna need to fix my chainsaw to cut these bad girls down.

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lol no doubt! Shit happens , at least we don’t try and hide it like shits always perfect. Although I did have a real sweet 8 year period going until I got mites last time. But anyway ya I hope you get all those cuts and are able to work the magic cuz there’s some fire in them beans I assure you


I can tell already. These plants are hardy. And I’m digging their smell and rubs during this extended veg period.

If I had 5 gallon buckets set up and ready to go, I might just up pot these bad boy and girls and go straight into flower and skip the cloning for this round.


@Mithridate I think I’m gonna give making mortise and tenon joints on the table saw a go.


Those work too :slightly_smiling_face:

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Guess who hasn’t started doing any clone work yet today?


These guys! :point_up::point_up::point_left::point_left::rofl:

That’s because I don’t have anything to clone. What’s your hold up? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My wife, whom I love very much, reminded me that I needed to hook up the trailer so that I could go to home Depot and rent a sod cutter for her to use to shave all the grass out of our back yard. And that she would do it by herself and that this has always been the plan for this weekend and this plan has never changed.

So I get back with this home Depot piece of fucking shit equipment and there is something wrong with it. I burn through 45 minutes of trouble shooting videos to make sure it’s not something I’m doing wrong. Ahhh fantastic. The transmission won’t engage.

So like anything mechanical that doesn’t belong to me that won’t work right, I employ a timeless mechanical technique passed down to me by my grandpap. Smack it in the trouble area a few times with a hammer or something. So I beat the thing a few times and I feel a certain pin pop into place and guess what the transmission now engages.

So I show my wife how to set the blade and how to drive the thing around. By this time I’m wore out from having to manually monkey this 400 lb thing through the yard.

I watch the old lady take off. She’s working this thing like a pro. She makes a complete lap of her area and looks at me with that look. She says “I’m gonna need some help.” :joy: Of course you are. It ended up being my job to wrestle this stupid half working piece of shit around the yard for the rest of our rental time.

We dropped that piece of crap back off at home Depot. I told those bum asses that their shit was malfunctioning and they were kind enough to give me a $20 credit on the rental.

Now I’m home again, it’s 5 o’clock, I’m wore out, and I just don’t feel like it.

Did you make it to the event today?


Nah I haven’t done anything :rofl::rofl: chopped a couple plants down tho

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Go take one cutting and call it a day

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Yeah. I’m gonna get in there in a little bit and do it. This is always my problem of work wearing me down to the point where I don’t feel like doing anything else.

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I blame Home Depot.

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I always blame Home Depot. Fucking rascals!

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