Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Yeah. That’s why I put a couple cuts in rooters as a back up. It does feel that way with the cloner. If just the bottom of the stem is being kissed by the water bubbles. Fingers crossed on this one.


Got em all crossed for ya brother


Yes. Fucking YouTubers and influencers. I have the same conversations with these kids. I don’t want to crush their dreams but I also realize they need a healthy dose of reality. Hah. A few weeks ago I went to the inlaws to install a new cut off valve for the toilet and replaced their vanity faucet and water lines. The oldest boy was there so I got him to help me. I showed him what to do and how to do and why to do. Then when we were done I told him how much we would have made if we went to some one else’s house to do it. His eyes got big and he said “what the fuck man? That shit was easy. Why wouldn’t some one just watch a you tube video and do it themselves?” I responded “bitch. What am I doing here? You live here. Why didn’t you watch a YouTube video and do it yourself?”



Tomorrow is Friday. I remembered all but myself.

Don’t let me forget :joy:


Mental note: tomorrow is Wednesday.


So I should reschedule my reminder for yesterday?

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Hell yeah. Time machine style.

I’m so tired I already fell asleep tonight. I feel like I got a full night sleep and it’s still the same night. Time machine style.


Does that technically make tomorrow Saturday?

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It all depends, long as you have a solid breakfast and get two more meals in after that. That’s the important parts!


So many meals. So little time.

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That’s why there’s always taco meat in our fridge. Tacos, salad, Samich taco meat is universally excepted by my stomach!

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Taco meat sandwich ftw. Wait isn’t that a burrito?

I haven’t eaten meat in days.

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Lol yeah kinda but on white bread like a sloppy joe!

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That stuff is like a buck fiddy at the local store. Did you stop eating meat on purpose? Out here is pretty country even some of the veggies have meat.

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Yeah. Several years ago my wife and I went vegan and lived it religiously for 3 years. It’s been several years since we went back to eating meat and dairy but a lot of times, I just don’t really care or miss it. Cheese and sour cream, though. That’s the shit I constantly missed.


I slip in and out of vegetarianism all the time (I’m not eating meat right now). Never really miss meat as I can make all of my favourites without it but dairy is another story. I can’t go without dairy.


I didn’t know that about y’all, and now my opinion has changed.

Just kidding, y’all can eat, or not eat whatever y’all want :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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What was really fun was being the stereotypical vegan for three years and almost alienating everyone we came into contact with. We’re just concerned about your health. :joy:


I’ve done vegetarian for a spell before. It was fine. But I discovered that I need just the essence of meat or I’m not satisfied. It doesn’t have to be a giant steak, but like a lentil soup with a ham bone in it. Perfect.

And tofu I enjoy sometimes too.


I have what you’d call a see-food diet. I see food, I eat the food :joy:

Ironic considering there’s almost no seafood in the see-food diet plan :rofl: