Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

That’s because it’s underwater :joy:


I’ve been meaning to hit the beach for some time now lol


Get some of them goggles.

We used to get a seafood delivery and it was top notch but very expensive. It’s very challenging to get good seafood around here. Landlocked.


I’m like two hours from ocean, but that ocean sucks. I can drive three and a half hours and see a different ocean!


I used to live on the coast. The quality difference is night and day.


The vegetarian diet is cool, I do like some black beans they work pretty good. Dr out here tried to get me to go full on vegetarian it only lasted a few months. Hamburger meat was the killer, I make alot of it for the dogs. And a bacon cheeseburger is just delicious. @Indicana_Jones


I’m really surprised at just how few seafood restaurants there are here being right on the damn ocean.

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Bruh I’d seen more seafood places in COLORADO than I had here my entire life.

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@Hotrods_and_hounds I don’t eat cows anymore. I traded in ground beef for ground lamb. I like the way they taste so much I was thinking about raising a handful in my back yard. I haven’t met a cut of lamb that I didn’t like. Plus they come to maturity super quicker than cows. Couple months and your eating a delicious lamb chop.

What gives? What is with this screwy ass place?


One of my go to order in places is Szechuan and my go to dish is lamb noodle soup.

Lamb is awesome.


I wouldn’t trust anything they catch in the bay, maybe they know something we don’t lmao

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They they get butchered around the 6 month old mark. Cows take a bit longer to reach full weight. But yeah lamb is pretty good. And if you really like goat oddly enough is pretty good also.

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Been doing carnivore diet w 10% dairy and once a month 24 hour fasts to control insulin resistance, body weight and arthritis/ joint deposit build up. Seems to work great for me. Never more energy, muscle, endurance and sleep. The self discipline to get off carbs and sugar took about a year to get it correct.


Wow. Not exactly the slam dunk I was expecting.

All of the stems on these punk ass bitches have started molding. Never seen that before.


I’m really glad I put a handful of snips in rooters. They look way better.


Damn that went quick. I have never used a bubble clones like that. Do you actually put the. Stems in the water? Also do you add a touch or peroxide?

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I’ve only used this cloner maybe twice and only ever if I’ve seriously injured a plant and need to fill a vacancy with another one. Yeah there is so much turbulence in there the bubble water just kinda splashes the base of the cutting. The both times I’ve used it, I’ve had success. I’ve also never filled it up with more than one or two at a time.

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Now when you run the the actual dwr buckets do you put the bottom of the basket down in there? Then the roots just grow in the water?

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I’ve actually never run DWC or RDWC before. But yes I believe there is just a steady movement of super oxygenated water around the roots at all time. My buckets are flood and drain. But yes my roots grow out of my basket and just kinda hang out in the bucket until they get douched every two hours.

I remember I always used tap water in the cloner. Maybe the chlorine in the water is what kept mold or other nasties from growing. So I probably would have been good to also run some peroxide or a few drops of bleach like @TopShelfTrees1 keeps trying to get me to do. Fuck.

Well I completely swapped out my res and these plants have already made a super turn around. The tops are all sprouting plenty of new supple shoots for more clones.

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See now there’s even more questions lol. So your setup floods and drains in the buckets every 2 hours ? The. The rest of the time the roots are just in the air? Do you run microbes in the nute mix? The. Having a res does it flood from top then pump out the bottom?

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Haha. No doubt.

My res pumps into my control bucket.

The control bucket diverts water to the plant buckets

Then to drain the buckets, there is a pump in the control bucket that pumps the solution back to the reservoir.

The root mass is starting to take shape of the buckets. They don’t have much time before there isnt any more room for them to expand.

In theory my roots should be in air inside the bucket, but I always end up with an inch of water at the bottom of the buckets. I haven’t figured out how to get all of it to drain out yet. I don’t think I really care any more. The plants seem to like it. It’s not a problem for them to sit in air in the bucket because they are getting soaked every 2 hours. I don’t run any microbes. I’ve super simplified my recipe down to 2 things. Gypsum and MaxiBloom 1:1