Indicana Jones Rides Again (Part 1)

Ok that’s badass! I have never seen a flood and drain in buckets.

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I wish I could take credit for it, but I bought it like this haha.

Man but for real… Why is it taking me so damn long to do the drywall at my house? I know I’m making progress but every time i look at my phone it’s like “how the hell is it noon already? Oh what? It’s 2:30 now?”


One beer equals one hour is a more effective measurement of time when doing such work.


Ugh. Did it. I forgot just how long it takes to level 5 fresh drywall.

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Nice bro! Glad you got it straightened out, can be a bitch when things go wrong but it’s an absolute breeze when all goes well. Very cool!


Yeah. I’m super happy with how everything is running. I just need to devote more time to this project. I’ve been in there at least every other day for at least 30 mins fiddling about. Cleaning and stripping more and more dead growth from the plants.


Awesome, you’ve got this

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How do you do your clones? My oxycloner made all my cuts eat shit :joy:.

They seem to be doing well in the plugs with the dome. End of tomorrow will be the end of day 7. Hopefully I’ll be able to see a lil sumnsumn

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Bing Bong!

Ones showing some leg. I have high hopes for the rest of them in another day or two. Don’t think I’m gonna put any more moisture on them to really make those roots stretch out.


Shit, I didn’t even see you ask me that bro, sorry!

Awesome! I knew that would work, stupid oxycloner

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Good call, once they are set it just has to be damp (basically just don’t let it dry out completely) you got this! :facepunch:t2:

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Haha. You’re all good brother. My notifications look like crazytown sometimes. I can only imagine what your inbox looks like. If it’s ever really important I’ll hit you with a “yoo-hoo” DM :joy:


Good news 4 of the 8 backup clones have roots hanging out. Now I have to really scrub out these buckets and hoses tomorrow. They funky.

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Fuck yeah! So then you ever figure what went sideways with the bubble cloner?

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Yeah I’m pretty sure it was a lack of chlorine from tap water and lack of peroxide or straight bleach to keep any pathogens at bay.

It’s a shame cuz the other times I’ve used it that cloner made big boy roots and quick with no rooting hormone.

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Yeah all that hydro equipment is black magic to me lol. I’m trying to play with it a little nowadays for fun, but never would have thought to use bleach or something. So I guess that’s pretty normal to runs lol bleach or peroxide in the res?

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I run peroxide sometime when I’m trying to murder fungus gnats. The plants really like it too. I’ve never run bleach but @TopShelfTrees1 swears by it. Like a couple drops per gallon. I think hydroponics is fun. I never got the hang of growing in dirt. For the most part with hydro, if you do something wrong, you can course correct immediately and see near instant results.

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@Hotrods_and_hounds what kind of hydro are you dabbling with?

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Lol currently just killing plants, but was gonna give coco a whirl or I started making a 5g bucket to run an air stone and nutes in. I just have always ran soil but started thinking back in the day a lot of things I liked ran in hydro and wanted to start trying to run the same cut in soil and hydro and see what changes and what makes different expressions. Got super blazed one night and started to think about about some things that seemed to disappear late late 90s skunk and started thinking maybe it’s cultivation practices that killed it or changed the expression in the plant.

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That’s an interesting thought. I have a homie that runs strictly in soil and he’s killing it. I was gonna give him a couple of these clones to see what he does with them. Now I’m interested to see how they run in my system vs his soil.

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